Prometheus metrics config examples
Many open source projects provide Prometheus exporters so that you can scrape metrics from your application at any given point in time. Typically, the Prometheus metrics collector config file will specify how frequently to collect your metrics, known as the scrape_config
, plus the remote endpoint and authentication parameters for reliably storing the metrics, available under remote_write
. The Prometheus config file is customarily named prometheus.yml
To get scalable Prometheus metrics storage, push scraped samples to compatible remote storage endpoints. Popular methods for pushing metrics to Grafana Cloud include: Agentless Metrics Endpoint Scrape Jobs, Grafana Agent Scrape Jobs, or Prometheus remote write. Click one of the open source projects below to view an example.
Open Source Projects with Prometheus Exporters
Search for your favorite open source projects below.
- AgnosticD
- Alerta
- Alibaba RSocket Broker
- Anchore Engine
- Antidote
- Antrea
- AnyCable Go
- Apache APISIX
- Apache DolphinScheduler
- Apache EventMesh
- Apache Kvrocks
- Apache Ozone
- Apache ServiceComb Service-Center
- Apache ShardingSphere
- Apache ShenYu
- Aperture
- Apicurio Registry
- Aptos Core
- Artemis
- Automate
- Batch Shipyard
- Benchmark
- Benthos
- Berty
- Bitfrost
- Bivac
- BlockScout
- Boulder
- Breeze
- BuildBuddy
- Cadence
- Calico
- CBL-Mariner
- Cerbos
- Chainloop
- Clair
- Cloudbreak
- Community Templates
- Concoure
- Conflux
- Contentlayer
- Convey
- Core Integrations
- CT Woodpecker
- CubeFS
- Curiefense
- Curve
- Darkroom
- Data Flow
- DataStation
- Data Center GPU Manager (DCGM)
- DeepOps
- DeepSea
- deSEC
- Dgraph
- Diem
- Dogbin
- DragonflyDB
- Eclipse Dataspace Connector
- eduMEET
- Elephant Shed
- Erigon
- Esplora
- Eval AI
- Evidently
- faasd
- Faucet
- Feature Form
- Flagger
- Fleet
- Flipt
- Flow Pipeline
- Flow
- Fluent Bit
- Fn
- Forest
- FreeBSD Ports
- Galaxy
- Gateway
- Giskard
- GitRec
- GoAlert
- GoFlow2
- GoShimmer
- Gossamer
- Gravitee
- HAProxy
- Harvest
- Heplify Server
- HStreamDB
- Hydra
- Hypertrace
- Imixs Cloud
- Indexer
- IPFS Embed
- Jaeger
- Jam
- Jasmin
- Jepsen
- JHipster
- Jina
- Jitsi Meet
- Juno
- Kata Containers
- Kayenta
- Kolla
- KQueen
- Krkn
- Lagon
- Layotto
- Libra
- Light-4J
- Lighthouse Metrics
- Linux Microscope
- Lndmon
- Lodestar
- LoopBack
- M3
- MagicOnion
- Magma
- Mainflux
- MantaroBot
- Materialize
- Mattermost Server
- Memcached
- Meta
- Micrometer
- MiNiFi
- Miso Lims
- MobileCoin
- Moira
- MongoosePush
- MqPerf
- mtail
- Nats Surveyor
- Nethermind
- Nimbus Eth2
- Nimbus
- NoSQLBench
- Omnia
- One App
- Open Whisk
- OpenCue
- OpenMU
- OpenWrt Package
- Optimism
- Orb
- Outserv
- Parity Bridges Common
- Pbench
- Penumbra
- Percona Operator
- PG Monitor
- Policy Server
- Polywrap
- Powergate
- Press
- Prisma Engines
- Promcat Resources
- Prometheus NATS Exporter
- Promscale
- Proto Actor
- Quetz
- Quickwit
- Raphtory
- Ray Autoscaler
- Reactive Interaction Gateway
- ReadySet
- Resoto
- Rest Server
- Reverse Proxy
- Rewrite
- Robust Toolbox
- Rocket.Chat
- RSS Ant
- Saltbox
- Scylla Monitoring
- SeaweedFS
- Service Discovery
- Sloop
- SourceGraph
- Squid Cache
- Stackdriver Prometheus Sidecar
- Stacks Blockchain
- Starcoin
- Starlink Monitoring System
- Status Go
- Substrate
- Sui
- Swagger Stats
- Swarmlet
- Sync Gateway
- Syndesis
- Tailchat
- Teku
- Temporal
- Thingsboard
- TiFlow
- Timesketch
- TiUP
- Toil
- Tracee
- Travis YML
- Trickster
- Trin
- Tuleap
- Turms
- Uptrace
- vFlow
- Vineyard v6d
- Vitess
- Warewulf
- Wasp
- Watchtower
- Watermill
- Wazuh Kibana
- Weaviate
- Wicked
- Yorkie
- YugabyteDB
- Zeebe
- Zentral
- Zipkin
- zkEVM Node
- Linux host using Prometheus and node_exporter
- Linux host