Grafana Cloud

Creating and managing folders, data sources, and dashboards using Grizzly

Learn how to add a data sources, folders and dashboard, using Grizzly.


Before you begin, you should have the following available:

  • A Grafana Cloud account
  • An existing Grafana Cloud stack with a Grafana API Key
  • Grizzly installed on your machine

Authentication Setup

To authenticate with the Grizzly API, you must create environment variables. Run the following commands to create environment variables named GRAFANA_URL and GRAFANA_TOKEN:

export GRAFANA_URL=<Grafana-instance-url>
export GRAFANA_TOKEN=<Grafana-API-Key>

Replace the following field values:

  • <Grafana-instance-url> with the URL of your Grafana instance.
  • <Grafana-API-Key> with API key from the Grafana instance.

Add a data source

The following steps use the InfluxDB data source. The required arguments vary depending on the data source you select.

  1. Create a file named data-source.yml and add the following:

    kind: Datasource
      name: <data-source-name>
      name: <data-source-name>
      type: influxdb
      url: <data-source-url>
      database: <db-name>
      user: <username>
        password: '<password>'
      uid: <uid>
      id: <id>
      access: proxy
  2. Replace the following field values:

    • <data-source-name> with the name of the data source to be added in Grafana.
    • <data-source-url> with URL of your data source.
    • <username> with the username for authenticating with your data source.
    • <password> with the password for authenticating with your data source.
    • <db-name> with name of your database.
    • <id> with the ID for your data source in Grafana.
    • <uid> wth the UID for your data source in Grafana.

Add a folder

The following YAML definition creates a folder in your Grafana instance.

  1. Create a file named folder.yml and add the following:

    kind: DashboardFolder
      name: <folder-name>
      title: <folder-name>
      uid: <uid>
  2. Replace the following field values:

    • <folder-name> with the name of the folder to be added in Grafana.
    • <uid> with the UID for your folder in Grafana.

Add a dashboard to the folder

Use the following YAML definition to create a simple dashboard in the Grafana instance folder from the previous step. To add more than a title and UID to the dashboard, you can convert your dashboard JSON config to YAML and paste it under spec.

  1. Create a file named dashboard.yml and add the following:

    kind: Dashboard
      folder: <folder-name>
      name: influxdb-cloud-demos
      title: InfluxDB Cloud Demos
      uid: influxdb-cloud-demos
  2. Replace the following field values:

    • <folder-name> with the name of the folder created in the previous step.

Using Grizzly CLI

In a terminal, run the following commands from the directory where all of the YAML definitions are located.

  1. Add the data source.

    grr apply data-source.yml
  2. Add a folder.

    grr apply folder.yml
  3. Add a dashboard to the folder.

    grr apply dashboard.yml


Once you apply the configurations using the Grizzly CLI, you should be able to verify the following:

  • A new data source (InfluxDB in this example) is visible in Grafana.

    InfluxDB datasource

  • A new dashboard and folder in Grafana. In the following image a dashboard named InfluxDB Cloud Demos was created inside the Demos folder.

    InfluxDB dashboard


In this guide, you created a data source, folder, and dashboard using Grizzly.

To learn more about managing Grafana using Grizzly, see the Grizzly documentation.