Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) enables you to monitor GCP metrics and view GCP logs.
GCP Metrics
Grafana Alloy sends metrics from Cloud Monitoring to Grafana Cloud. Alloy uses its embedded stackdriver-exporter to export metrics from Cloud Monitoring and then send them to Grafana Cloud.
To get GCP Metrics running, refer to Configure GCP Metrics.
The following dashboards are available out of the box.
GCP SQL Elastic Pool
GCP Pub/Sub
GCP Storage
GCP Logs
Grafana Alloy sends logs from Cloud Monitoring to Grafana Cloud. Logs are sent from Cloud Monitoring through a log sink to a Pub/Sub topic. The GCP SDK is used for pulling and receiving messages from Pub/Sub. The service account enables Alloy to read the logs from the Pub/Sub subscription. Alloy then sends the logs to Grafana Cloud.
To get GCP Logs running, refer to Configure GCP Logs.