The Collector HTTP API
Grafana Cloud

The Collector HTTP API

The Grafana Fleet Management Collector API offers straightforward CRUD operations on individual collectors as well as bulk deletes and updates.

For a full definition of the Collector API, refer to the .proto file.

Base URL

You can find the base URL for the Collector API in the Grafana Cloud Fleet Management interface.

  1. In your Grafana Cloud stack, click Connections > Collector > Fleet Management in the left-side menu.
  2. On the Fleet Management interface, switch to the API tab.
  3. Find the URL in the Base URL section. It looks like the following URL, where <CLUSTER_NAME> is the production cluster of your stack:


CollectorService is the service that is used to register, update, and provide remote configuration for collectors.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetConfigGetConfigRequestGetConfigResponseReturns the collector’s configuration
RegisterCollectorRegisterCollectorRequestRegisterCollectorResponseRegisters the collector with the given ID and attributes and updates the collector’s attributes if the collector is already registered and the attributes are different
GetCollectorGetCollectorRequestCollectorReturns information about the collector
ListCollectorsListCollectorsRequestCollectorsReturns information about all collectors
CreateCollectorCreateCollectorRequestCollectorCreates a new collector
UpdateCollectorUpdateCollectorRequestCollectorUpdates an existing collector
BulkUpdateCollectorsBulkUpdateCollectorsRequestBulkUpdateCollectorsResponseUpdates multiple collectors
DeleteCollectorDeleteCollectorRequestDeleteCollectorResponseDeletes an existing collector
BulkDeleteCollectorsBulkDeleteCollectorRequestBulkDeleteCollectorResponseDeletes multiple collectors
ListCollectorAttributesListCollectorAttributesRequestListCollectorAttributesResponseReturns all attributes that are used for all collectors



BulkDeleteCollectorsRequest is a request to delete multiple collectors. If any collectors do not exist, the request fails and no collectors are deleted.

idlist(string)requiredIDs of collectors to delete


BulkDeleteCollectorsResponse is the response to a BulkDeleteCollectorsRequest. This message is empty and the results of the delete are defined by the HTTP status code of the response.


BulkUpdateCollectorsRequest is a request to update multiple Collectors’ remote attributes in a single request. The update is applied in a single transaction, so any errors cause the entire request to fail and no Collectors are updated. A BulkUpdateCollectorsRequest can be used to add, remove, replace, move, or copy remote attributes for the specified Collectors.

idslist(string)requiredID of the Collector to update
opslist(Operation)requiredOperations applied to collectors in the order they are provided


BulkUpdateCollectorsResponse is the response to a BulkUpdateCollectorsRequest. This message is empty and the results of the update are defined by the HTTP status code of the response.


Collector represents the data for a single Alloy collector. The ID is used to uniquely identify the collector, and the local_attributes and remote_attributes are used to determine which pipelines to include in the collector’s configuration. Remote attributes were previously known as attribute overrides. These take precedence over attributes set in the collector’s local configuration except for any attributes prefixed with collector.. collector.* attributes are reserved for use by the Fleet Management service.

idstringrequiredID of the collector
remote_attributesmap(string)optionalAttributes stored in Fleet Management
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampoptionalTimestamp that the collector was created
updated_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampoptionalTimestamp that the collector was last updated
namestringoptionalName of the collector used for display purposes only
local_attributesmap(string)optionalLast set of attributes received from the collector in a RegisterCollectorRequest
enabledbooloptionalWhether the collector is enabled or not


Collectors represents a list of collectors.

collectorslist(Collector)List of collectors


CreateCollectorRequest is the request to create a new collector.

collectorCollectorNew collector


DeleteCollectorRequest is the request to delete an existing collector.

idstringrequiredID of the collector to delete


DeleteCollectorResponse is the response to a DeleteCollectorRequest. This message is empty and the results of the delete are defined by the HTTP status code of the response.


GetCollectorRequest is the request to retrieve a collector’s information. Its response is a Collector message.

idstringrequiredID of the collector to retrieve


GetConfigRequest is the request message to get a collector’s configuration. Attributes are key-value pairs. The local_attributes supplied in the request are combined with remote attributes stored in Fleet Management to determine which pipelines are included in the collector’s final configuration.

idstringrequiredID of the collector the configuration is for
local_attributesmap(string)optionalLocal attributes of the collector
hashstringoptionalDetermines if the configuration has changed


GetConfigResponse is the server-to-collector response message that contains the collector’s configuration.

contentstringFull configuration for the collector
hashstringDetermines if the configuration has changed and avoids sending the full configuration if it has not changed
not_modifiedboolSet to true if the configuration has not changed, indicating the client should not update its configuration


ListCollectorAttributesRequest is the request to list all attributes that are used for all collectors.


ListCollectorAttributesResponse is the response to a ListCollectorAttributesRequest. It contains maps of all attributes and all their values that are used for all collectors.

local_attributesmap(string)Local attributes for all collectors
remote_attributesmap(string)Attributes stored in Fleet Management for all collectors


valueslist(Value)All values for a single attribute
valuestringSingle value for an attribute


ListCollectorsRequest is the request to list collectors according to any specified matchers. If no matchers are specified, all collectors are returned.

matcherslist(string)Matchers used to filter the list of collectors


Operation is a single operation to apply to a collector’s remote attributes.

opOperation.OpTyperequiredOperation to perform
pathstringrequiredPath for the operation formatted as a JSON path
fromstringoptionalUsed by the move and copy operations to specify the source path to move or copy the value from
valuestringoptionalValue for add and replace operations, as well as selective removal
oldValuestringoptionalOld value to match against for a selective replace


ADDAdds a new attribute or replaces one with the specified path
REMOVERemoves the attribute at the specified path
REPLACEReplaces the existing value of the attribute at the specified path but does not create one if none exists
MOVEMoves the attribute with the specified from to the specified path
COPYCopies the attribute at the specified from to the specified path


RegisterCollectorRequest is used to register a collector with the Fleet Management service, or update the collector’s attributes if the collector is already registered. This request is intended only to be used by the collector itself. It is sent on startup or when the collector’s local configuration changes.

idstringrequiredID of the collector
local_attributesmap(string)optionalAttributes of the collector to register
namestringoptionalName of the collector


The response to a RegisterCollectorRequest. This message is empty and the results of the registration are defined by the HTTP status code of the response.


UpdateCollectorRequest is the request to update an existing collector. It updates the collector with the exact values provided in the request. Updates are not selective, and any fields that are not provided are removed. For example, if the enabled field is not provided, enabled is treated as false.

collectorCollectorCollector to be updated


The following JSON files contain sample payloads about a collector, karasu.

--- create-collector.json ---
    "collector": {
        "id": "karasu",
        "remote_attributes": {"myremoteattr": "myremoteval"},
        "name": "raven",
        "enabled": true

--- update-collector.json ---
    "collector": {
        "id": "karasu",
        "remote_attributes": {"myremoteattr": "mynewremoteval"},
        "enabled": true

--- get-collector.json ---
    "id": "karasu"

--- delete-collector.json ---
    "id": "karasu"

You can use these payloads to make the following requests:

$ curl -q \
    -d @create-collector.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

$ curl -q \
    -d @update-collector.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

$ curl -q \
    -d @get-collector.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

$ curl -q \
    -d @delete-collector.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

$ curl -q \
    -d '{}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

$ curl -q \
    -d '{"matchers": ["collector.os=linux"]}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST