Group and filter data
Grafana Cloud

Group and filter data

In Application Observability you can group and filter data to find outlying dimensions in the data, separate signal from noise, and streamline a troubleshooting workflow. By applying grouping and filtering together, you have a better chance of identifying root-causes.

By default you can group and filter by the deployment environment. To group and filter by additional attributes, add the label in Application Observability semantic configuration.

The group and filter features are available on the Service Overview and Service Map dashboards.


Adding additional group and filter attributes contributes to your data usage and billing.

Think carefully about the cardinality of your data and select attributes with minimal variation in value, for example geographical region and cloud provider have less cardinality than instance id.

Group by

With the group by feature you can group data around one shared attribute’s values, for example when you group data by deployment environment Application Observability creates visualizations for your unique deployment environments such as staging or production. Other useful attributes to group data around are geographical region, cloud provider, etc.

By grouping data into buckets you can identify in which buckets errors appear in and then use data filtering to drill down into that specific bucket and exclude the rest of the data.

Filter by

With the filter by feature you can filter what data is visible or not visible base on attribute value. For example, if you grouped data by geographical region and identified that errors are occurring only in the Europe region, you can then filter the data to visualize only the Europe geographical region, and then use the group by feature to further segment data to identify areas to also drill-down into with filters.

You can add multiple filter rules that filter based on attribute values matching ==, not matching !=, or numerical comparison <, <=, >, >=.