Install Prometheus Operator with Grafana Cloud for Kubernetes
Grafana Cloud

Install Prometheus Operator with Grafana Cloud for Kubernetes

You can install Prometheus Operator in a Kubernetes Cluster, configure it to scrape an endpoint, and send scraped metrics to Grafana Cloud.

Prometheus Operator implements the Kubernetes Operator pattern for managing a Prometheus-based Kubernetes monitoring stack. A Kubernetes Operator consists of Kubernetes custom resources and Kubernetes controller code. Together, these abstract away the management and implementation details of running a given service on Kubernetes. For more about Kubernetes Operators, refer to the Operator pattern.

The Prometheus Operator installs a set of Kubernetes custom resources that simplify Prometheus deployment and configuration. For example, when you use the ServiceMonitor custom resource, you can configure how to monitor Kubernetes services in Kubernetes YAML manifests instead of Prometheus configuration code. The Operator controller then communicates with the Kubernetes API server to add service /metrics endpoints and automatically generate the required Prometheus scrape configurations for the configured services. To learn more, refer to Prometheus Operator.

Configuration steps

The steps for configuration are:

  • Install Prometheus Operator into the Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Configure RBAC permissions for Prometheus.
  • Deploy Prometheus into the Cluster using the Operator.
  • Expose the Prometheus server as a service.
  • Create a ServiceMonitor.

Before you begin

Before you begin, have the following items available to you:

  • A Kubernetes >=1.16.0 Cluster with role-based access control (RBAC) enabled
  • A Grafana Cloud account
  • A Grafana Cloud access policy token with the metrics:write scope. To create a Grafana Cloud access policy, refer to Create a Grafana Cloud Access Policy.
  • The kubectl command-line tool installed on your local machine and configured to connect to your Cluster. Refer to install kubectl.

Install Prometheus Operator

Install Prometheus Operator into the Kubernetes Cluster. This includes all of Prometheus Operator’s Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) that define the Prometheus, Alertmanager, and ServiceMonitor abstractions used to configure the monitoring stack. In this step, you also deploy a Prometheus Operator controller into the Cluster.


With these instructions, you install everything into the default Namespace. To install Prometheus Operator into another Namespace, refer to the Prometheus Operator.

  1. Install the Operator using the bundle.yaml file in the Prometheus Operator GitHub repository:

    kubectl create -f

    You should see the following output: created created created created created created created created created created
    deployment.apps/prometheus-operator created
    serviceaccount/prometheus-operator created
    service/prometheus-operator created

    bundle.yaml installs CRDs for Prometheus objects as well as a Prometheus Operator controller and service.

    Note: With these instructions, you install everything into the default Namespace. To install Prometheus Operator into another Namespace, refer to the Prometheus Operator documentation.

  2. Verify that the Prometheus Operator installation succeeded by using kubectl:

    kubectl get deploy
    NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    prometheus-operator   1/1     1            1           3m21s

Configure Prometheus RBAC Permissions

Configure RBAC privileges for the Prometheus server using a ClusterRole. Then bind this ClusterRole to a ServiceAccount using a ClusterRoleBinding object.

Prometheus needs Kubernetes API access to discover targets and pull ConfigMaps. For more about permissions granted in this section, refer to RBAC.

  1. Create a directory to store any Kubernetes manifests used in these instructions, and cd into it:

    mkdir operator_k8s
    cd operator_k8s
  2. Create a manifest file called prom_rbac.yaml using an editor, and paste in the following Kubernetes manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: prometheus
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: prometheus
    - apiGroups: [""]
      - nodes
      - nodes/metrics
      - services
      - endpoints
      - pods
      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
      - configmaps
      verbs: ["get"]
    - apiGroups:
      - ingresses
      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
    - nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: prometheus
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: prometheus
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: prometheus
      namespace: default

    This creates a ServiceAccount called prometheus and binds it to the prometheus ClusterRole. The manifest grants the ClusterRole get, list, and watch Kubernetes API privileges.

  3. Save and close the manifest when editing is complete.

  4. Create the objects using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f
    serviceaccount/prometheus created created created

Now that Prometheus has Kubernetes API access, you can deploy it into the Cluster.

Deploy Prometheus

In this step, you launch a 2-replica HA Prometheus deployment into your Kubernetes Cluster using a Prometheus resource defined by Prometheus Operator. This Prometheus resource encodes domain-specific Prometheus configuration into a set of readily configurable YAML fields. Instead of managing Prometheus configuration files and learn Prometheus configuration syntax, you can toggle many important configuration parameters by modifying Prometheus object variables in a Kubernetes manifest.

  1. Create a file called prometheus.yaml, and paste in the following manifest:

    kind: Prometheus
      name: prometheus
        app: prometheus
      nodeSelector: linux
      replicas: 2
          memory: 400Mi
        fsGroup: 2000
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsUser: 1000
      serviceAccountName: prometheus
      version: v2.22.1
      serviceMonitorSelector: {}

    Notice that kind is set to Prometheus and not Deployment or Pod. The Prometheus resource abstracts away the underlying controllers and ConfigMaps into streamlined objects used to manipulate Prometheus infrastructure components.

    The manifest:

    • Names the Prometheus resource prometheus.
    • Gives it an app: prometheus label.
    • Sets the container image used to run Prometheus.
    • Restricts its deployment to Linux nodes.
    • Ensures each replica has 400Mi of memory available to it.
    • Configures its Security Context. To learn more, refer to Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.
    • Sets the ServiceAccount it will use.
    • Sets the Prometheus version.
    • Instructs Prometheus to automatically pick up all configured ServiceMonitor resources using {}. You’ll create a ServiceMonitor to get Prometheus to scrape its own metrics.
  2. Save and close the file.

  3. Deploy the manifest into your Cluster using kubectl apply -f:

    kubectl apply -f created

    Note: You deployed Prometheus into the default Namespace. To deploy Prometheus in another Namespace, use the -n namespace_name flag with kubectl or set the namespace field for the resource in a Kubernetes manifest file.

  4. Verify the deployment using kubectl get:

    kubectl get prometheus
    prometheus   v2.22.1   2          32s
  5. Check the underlying Pods using get pod:

    kubectl get pod
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    prometheus-operator-79cd654746-mdfp6   1/1     Running   0          33m
    prometheus-prometheus-0                2/2     Running   1          57s
    prometheus-prometheus-1                2/2     Running   1          57s

Prometheus is up and running in the Cluster.

Create a Prometheus service

Expose Prometheus using a service. To create the Prometheus service:

  1. Open a manifest file called prom_svc.yaml and paste in the following definitions:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: prometheus
        app: prometheus
      - name: web
        port: 9090
        targetPort: web
      selector: prometheus
      sessionAffinity: ClientIP

    This manifest configures:

    • Sets the service name to prometheus.
    • Creates an app: prometheus Service label.
    • Exposes port 9090 on a Cluster-wide stable IP address and forwards it to the two Prometheus Pods at their default web port (9090).
    • Selects the Prometheus Pods as targets using the app: prometheus label.
    • Uses sessionAffinity: ClientIP to ensure that connections from a particular client get forwarded to the same Pod.
  2. Save and close the file.

  3. Create the service using kubectl apply -f:

    kubectl apply -f prom_svc.yaml
    service/prometheus created
  4. Check your work using kubectl get:

    kubectl get service
    NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    kubernetes            ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    27h
    prometheus            ClusterIP   <none>        9090/TCP   26h
    prometheus-operated   ClusterIP   None             <none>        9090/TCP   8m52s
    prometheus-operator   ClusterIP   None             <none>        8080/TCP   41m

    The prometheus service is up and running.

  5. To access the Prometheus server, forward a local port to the Prometheus service running inside of the Kubernetes Cluster:

    kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus 9090
    Forwarding from -> 9090
    Forwarding from [::1]:9090 -> 9090
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:9090 to access the Prometheus interface:

    Prometheus UI

  7. Click Status, then Targets to see any configured scrape targets.

    This should be empty, as nothing is configured to scrape.

Create a Prometheus ServiceMonitor

Create a ServiceMonitor so that the Prometheus server scrapes its own metrics endpoint. A ServiceMonitor defines a set of targets for Prometheus to monitor and scrape. Prometheus Operator abstracts away the implementation details of configuring Kubernetes service discovery and scrapes targets using this ServiceMonitor resource.

Instead of modifying a Prometheus configuration file, update a ConfigMap object and deploy the new configuration so that Prometheus Operator automatically hooks in new ServiceMonitors to your running Prometheus deployment.

To create the ServiceMonitor:

  1. Create a file called prometheus_servicemonitor.yaml, and paste in the following ServiceMonitor resource definition:

    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: prometheus-self
        app: prometheus
      - interval: 30s
        port: web
          app: prometheus

    The resource definition configures the following:

    • Names the ServiceMonitor prometheus-self.
    • Gives it an app: prometheus label.
    • Sets the scrape interval to 30s, and scrapes the web port (defined in the prometheus Service).
    • Selects the prometheus Service to scrape using the matchLabels selector with app: prometheus.
  2. Save and close the file.

  3. Deploy the using kubectl apply -f:

    kubectl apply -f prometheus_servicemonitor.yaml created

    Prometheus Operator should update your Prometheus configuration immediately. In some cases, you may need to wait a minute or so for changes to propagate.

Verify your updates

Forward a port to your Prometheus server and check its configuration for verification.

And replace with this one?

  1. Find the name of the Prometheus service. This will be in the format <your_release_name>-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus, but could be truncated to fit naming length restrictions.

    kubectl --namespace default get service
  2. Use port-forward with that Prometheus service by running the following command:

    kubectl --namespace default port-forward svc/<prometheus service name> 9090
  3. Navigate to Status, and then Targets in the Prometheus interface:

    Prometheus Targets

    You should see the two Prometheus replicas as scrape targets.

  4. Navigate to Graph to test metrics collection:

    Prometheus Graph UI

  5. In the Expression box, type prometheus_http_requests_total, and press ENTER.

    You should see a list of scraped metrics and their values. These are HTTP request counts for various Prometheus server endpoints.

    If you’re having trouble configuring a ServiceMonitor, refer to Troubleshooting ServiceMonitor Changes.

Now you have configured Prometheus to scrape itself and store metrics locally.

Create a Kubernetes Secret to store Grafana Cloud credentials

Configure Prometheus to send the scraped metrics to Grafana Cloud. Before configuring Prometheus’s remote_write feature to send metrics to Grafana Cloud, you must create a Kubernetes Secret to store your Grafana Cloud Metrics username and password.

To create the Secret:

  1. Navigate to your stack in the Cloud Portal, and click Details next to the Prometheus panel to find your username.

    Your password corresponds to a Cloud Access Policy token that you can generate by clicking on Generate now in this same panel. To create a Cloud Access Policy, refer to Create a Grafana Cloud Access Policy.

    After noting your Cloud Prometheus username and password, you can create the Kubernetes Secret using a manifest file or directly using kubectl. With these instructions, you create it directly using kubectl. To learn more about Kubernetes Secrets, refer to Secrets.

  2. Run the following command to create a Secret called kubepromsecret:

    kubectl create secret generic kubepromsecret \

    Note: If you deployed your monitoring stack in a namespace other than default, append the -n flag with the appropriate namespace to the above command.

    For more about this command, refer to Managing Secrets using kubectl from the official Kubernetes documentation.

Configure Prometheus remote_write and metrics deduplication

Configure remote_write to send Cluster metrics to Grafana Cloud and to deduplicate metrics. The remote_write Prometheus feature allows you to send metrics to remote endpoints for long-term storage and aggregation. Grafana Cloud’s deduplication feature allows you to deduplicate metrics sent from high-availability Prometheus pairs, which reduces your active series usage. You enable remote_write by modifying the prometheus resource you created earlier.

To configure Prometheus remote_write and metrics deduplication:

  1. Open the prometheus.yaml manifest using your editor:

    kind: Prometheus
      name: prometheus
        app: prometheus
      nodeSelector: linux
      replicas: 2
          memory: 400Mi
        fsGroup: 2000
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsUser: 1000
      serviceAccountName: prometheus
      version: v2.22.1
      serviceMonitorSelector: {}
  2. Add the following section to the end of the resource definition:

    . . .
      - url: "<Your Metrics instance remote_write endpoint>"
            name: kubepromsecret
            key: username
            name: kubepromsecret
            key: password
      replicaExternalLabelName: "__replica__"
        cluster: "<choose_a_prom_cluster_name>"

    The resource definition configures the following:

    • Sets the remote_write URL corresponding to Grafana Cloud’s Prometheus metrics endpoint. To find the /api/prom/push URL, username, and password for your metrics endpoint, click Details in the Prometheus card of the Cloud Portal.
    • Configures a basicAuth username and password that references the Secret created in the earlier step named kubepromsecret
    • Selects the username and password keys of this Secret
    • Configures Grafana Cloud metrics deduplication using the replicaExternalLabelName and externalLabels fields
    • Sets cluster to a value that identifies your Prometheus HA Cluster. To learn more, refer to Deduplicating metrics data sent from high-availability Prometheus pairs.
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Apply the changes using kubectl apply -f:

    kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml configured

    At this point, you’ve successfully configured your Prometheus instances to remote_write scraped metrics to Grafana Cloud.

  5. Verify that your changes have propagated to your running Prometheus instances using port-forward:

    kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus 9090
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:9090 in your browser, and then Status and Configuration. Verify that the remote_write and external_labels blocks you appended earlier have propagated to your running Prometheus instances.

    It may take a minute or two for Prometheus Operator to pick up the new configuration.

In the final step, you’ll query your Cluster metrics in Grafana Cloud.

Access your Prometheus metrics in Grafana Cloud

Now that your Prometheus instances send their scraped metrics to Grafana Cloud, you can query and visualize these metrics from the Grafana Cloud platform.

  1. From the Cloud Portal, click Log In next to the Grafana card to log in to Grafana.

  2. Click Explore in the left-side menu.

  3. In the PromQL query box, enter the same metric you tested earlier, prometheus_http_requests_total, and press SHIFT + ENTER.

    You should see a graph of time-series data corresponding to different labels of the prometheus_http_requests_total metric. Grafana queries this data from the Grafana Cloud Metrics data store, not your local Cluster.

  4. Navigate to Kubernetes Monitoring, and click Configuration on the main menu.

  5. Click the Metrics status tab to view the data status. Your data begins populating in the view as the system components begin scraping and sending data to Grafana Cloud.

    Descriptions and statuses for each item chosen to be configured and whether they are online
    Metrics status tab with status indicators for one Cluster

Next steps

Now that you have installed and configured Prometheus Operator, you can:

  • Create dashboards and panels to visualize and alert on this data. To learn more, refer to Dashboard overview and Panel overview.
  • Add additional endpoints to scrape, such as the Kubernetes API or kubelet metrics from the Kubernetes nodes. To see a fully configured Prometheus Kubernetes stack in action, refer to kube-prometheus.