Resource utilization and saturation
Grafana Cloud

Resource utilization and saturation

Resource Utilization

Some resources have a finite limit. For these resources, you can:

  • Express their current level of utilization as a ratio against the limit.
  • Observe their utilization, and get early warning of their saturation.

For these cases, record the asserts:resource metric.

For example, consider the number of clients for a Redis server. Redis has a config to limit the max number of clients. This limit as well as the current number of clients is available through metrics exposed by the Redis exporter.

redis_connected_clientsNumber of active client connections
redis_config_maxclientsMaximum number of client connections allowed

Considering that the number of clients is a finite resource, it’s useful to track the resource’s utilization, and receive an early warning before the resource actually saturates. To achieve this, record the asserts:resource metric.

- record: asserts:resource
  expr: >
    max by (asserts_env, asserts_site, namespace, service, job) (
      redis_connected_clients / redis_config_maxclients
    asserts_entity_type: Service
    asserts_resource_type: client_connections
    asserts_source: redis_exporter

With this, the client connections utilization is normalized to a scale of 0-1. We now need to define the warning and critical thresholds for Saturation.

- record: asserts:resource:threshold
  expr: 0.8
    asserts_resource_type: client_connections
    asserts_severity: warning

- record: asserts:resource:threshold
  expr: 0.9
    asserts_resource_type: client_connections
    asserts_severity: critical

The thresholds can also be managed in the UI at Home -> Asserts -> Rules -> Thresholds under the Resource tab.

Understanding the Asserts meta labels and aggregation

asserts_env and asserts_site

The same redis service may be deployed in multiple environments. In Asserts, all services and other infrastructure components are grouped by environment and site. For e.g. asserts_env = prod and asserts_site = us-west-2. The metrics, alerts and the services discovered from these metrics are scoped by these labels.

namespace and service

There may be multiple deployments of redis for different functionalities. For e.g. redis-payments, redis-orders etc. In K8s, these would be deployed as different stateful services. Asserts uses the namespace and service label in the metric to uniquely identify each service in a given environment.


In non-k8s environment, the prometheus metric scrape configuration will have a different value for the job label for each different deployment of redis. Asserts uses the job label in the metric to uniquely identify each service in a given environment.


So far we have identified the labels that will uniquely identify the service in a multi-environment, multi-service setup. But redis may also be setup as a cluster with multiple instances. Since the connection count metric is available at the instance level, the utilization is computed at the instance level. But we want the alert to fire for the redis service and not for a specific instance. So we track the highest utilization amongst all instances by using the max by(...) aggregation. We retain the asserts_env, asserts_site, namespace, service, job labels in the aggregation clause to help Asserts associate the alert with the correct service entity.


In Asserts entity model, all infrastructure components are modeled as different types of entities. For e.g. Service, ServiceInstance, Pod, Node etc. Redis is a Service and the different instances of a clustered redis are ServiceInstances**.** But as explained in the Aggregation section earlier, we want Asserts to associate the alert at the service level. This is achieved by the meta label specification asserts_entity_type: Service .

If we want to track the connection saturation at an individual instance the rule can be tweaked to

- record: asserts:resource
  expr: >
    max by (asserts_env, asserts_site, namespace, service, job, instance) (
      redis_connected_clients / redis_config_maxclients
    asserts_entity_type: ServiceInstance
    asserts_resource_type: client_connections
    asserts_source: redis_exporter

The expr now includes the instance label and the entity type is set to ServiceInstance.


Similarly, Asserts models the various resources that it observes into different types. For example, cpu:usage , memory:usage, disk:usage etc are different types of resources. In this example, what is being observed is client_connections. You may set it to any value that best describes the resource and signal being observed.


Sometimes, the same or similar metrics may be available from multiple instrumentations. The asserts_source is a useful meta label to indicate what is the source exporter of the metric. This is helpful when investigating the alert.

We now have a recording rule to track utilization. We also understand the different parts of the recording rule. Asserts will now start observing for utilization of client connections and raise alerts when the warning or critical threshold is exceeded. Asserts has a default threshold for all resource utilization. The thresholds for Saturation of different resources can be configured here.

Automatic Anomaly Detection on resource usage

Counter resource metric

In some cases, there may be value in observing anomalous changes in a resource metric. These resource metrics are available as gauges or counters. For e.g., the total number of network bytes received or transmitted is monotonically increasing with time and is available as counters. An unusual spike in the bytes received or transmitted is an anomaly. To observe such anomalies, we need to record the asserts:resource:total metric. Let’s do this for the network_bytes.

# For anomaly detection on in-bytes
- record: asserts:resource:total
  expr: redis_net_input_bytes_total
    asserts_entity_type: ServiceInstance
    asserts_resource_type: network:rx_bytes
    asserts_source: redis_exporter

# For anomaly detection on out-bytes
- record: asserts:resource:total
  expr: redis_net_output_bytes_total
    asserts_entity_type: ServiceInstance
    asserts_resource_type: network:tx_bytes
    asserts_source: redis_exporter

Note that in the above rule, the asserts_entity_type is set to ServiceInstance to observe network transmission anomaly at the specific Redis instance level. This will also ensure that the network bytes transfer rate is shown in the Service KPI Dashboard.

Gauge resource metric

When resource metrics are available as gaugesby mapping them to asserts:resource:gauge Asserts will automatically detect anomalies. For e.g., while we are observing the utilization and saturation of client connections, it might also be interesting to observe for anomalies in the number of connections. For example, a sudden drop or spike in the number of client connections is an anomaly. To observe such anomalies, the number of client connections can be recorded as resource gauge as follows:

- record: asserts:resource:gauge
  expr: redis_connected_clients
    asserts_resource_type: client_connections
    asserts_entity_type: Service
    asserts_source: redis_exporter