Configure gRPC Go to generate Prometheus metrics
gRPC Go supports Interceptors which is middleware that gRPC Server executes before the request is passed to the user’s application logic. It is a perfect way to implement common patterns: auth, logging, and monitoring.
To use Interceptors in chains, refer to go-grpc-middleware.
This library requires Go 1.9 or later.
To configure gRPC Go to generate Prometheus metrics, complete the following steps:
Navigate to go-grpc-middleware.
Complete the steps in the README.
Verify the presence of the following metrics in Prometheus:
- grpc_server_handled_total
- grpc_server_handling_seconds_bucket
0.99, sum(rate(grpc_server_handling_seconds_bucket[1m])) by (le) )
Service KPI dashboard
This dashboard has the following KPIs for resources and requests:
- Request Rate
- Latency Average
- Latency P99
- Error Rate
- CPU %
- CPU Cores Used
- CPU Throttle
- Memory %
- Memory Bytes
- Disk Usage
- Network Usage