The Pipeline HTTP API
Grafana Cloud

The Pipeline HTTP API

The Grafana Fleet Management Pipeline API allows you to perform CRUD operations on configuration pipelines.

For a full definition of the Pipeline API, refer to the .proto file.

Base URL

You can find the base URL for the Pipeline API in the Grafana Cloud Fleet Management interface.

  1. In your Grafana Cloud stack, click Connections > Collector > Fleet Management in the left-side menu.
  2. On the Fleet Management interface, switch to the API tab.
  3. Find the URL in the Base URL section. It looks like the following URL, where <CLUSTER_NAME> is the production cluster of your stack:


The PipelineService defines the RPCs for managing pipelines.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetPipelineGetPipelineRequestPipelineReturns a pipeline by ID
GetPipelineIDGetPipelineIDRequestGetPipelineIDResponseReturns a pipeline ID by name
ListPipelinesListPipelinesRequestPipelinesReturns all pipelines
CreatePipelineCreatePipelineRequestPipelineCreates a new pipeline and returns it
UpdatePipelineUpdatePipelineRequestPipelineUpdates an existing pipeline and returns it
UpsertPipelineUpsertPipelineRequestPipelineCreates a new pipeline or updates an existing one and returns it
DeletePipelineDeletePipelineRequestDeletePipelineResponseDeletes a pipeline by ID
ListPipelinesRevisionsListPipelinesRevisionsRequestPipelineRevisionsReturns all pipeline revisions
ListPipelineRevisionsListPipelineRevisionsRequestPipelineRevisionsReturns all pipeline revisions for a single pipeline by ID
GetPipelineRevisionGetPipelineRevisionRequestPipelineRevisionReturns a pipeline revision by revision ID



CreatePipelineRequest is the request to create a new pipeline.

pipelinePipelinerequiredThe pipeline to create
validate_onlybooloptionalIf set, validates the request and previews the response, but doesn’t create the actual resource


DeletePipelineRequest is the request to delete a pipeline by its ID.

idstringrequiredID of the pipeline to delete


DeletePipelineResponse is the response to deleting a pipeline. This message is empty and the results of the deletion are defined by the HTTP status code of the response.


GetPipelineRequest is the request to retrieve a pipeline by its ID.

idstringrequiredID of the pipeline to get


GetPipelineIDRequest is the request to retrieve a pipeline ID by its name.

namestringrequiredName of the pipeline to get the ID for


GetPipelineIDResponse is the response to retrieving a pipeline ID.

idstringID of the pipeline


ListPipelinesRequest is the request to get the full list of pipelines, including their contents and matchers.


A Pipeline is a self-contained piece of configuration that can be assigned to collectors based on matchers.

namestringrequiredName of the pipeline which is the unique identifier for the pipeline
contentsstringrequiredConfiguration contents of the pipeline to be used by collectors
matcherslist(string)Used to match against collectors and assign pipelines to them; follows the syntax of Prometheus Alertmanager matchers
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampoptionalTimestamp when the pipeline was created
updated_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampoptionalTimestamp when the pipeline was last updated
enabledbooloptionalWhether the pipeline is enabled for collectors
idstringoptionalServer-assigned ID of the pipeline


Pipelines represents a list of pipelines.

pipelineslist(Pipeline)List of pipelines


UpdatePipelineRequest is the request to update an existing pipeline. This contents supplied in this request replace the existing pipeline contents, so any fields that are not set are removed. If the pipeline does not already exist, this request returns a 404 ‘NOT_FOUND’ error.

pipelinePipelinerequiredContents of the pipeline to update
validate_onlybooloptionalIf set, validates the request and previews the response, but doesn’t update the actual resource


UpsertPipelineRequest is the request to create a new pipeline or update an existing one. If the pipeline already exists, it is updated and like UpdatePipelineRequest, any fields that are not set are removed.

pipelinePipelinerequiredPipeline to create or update


ListPipelinesRevisionsRequest is the request to get the full list of pipelines revisions, excluding contents.


ListPipelineRevisionsRequest is the request to retrieve pipeline revisions by pipeline ID.

idstringrequiredID of the pipeline to get


GetPipelineRevisionRequest is the request to retrieve a pipeline revision by revision ID.

revision_idstringrequiredID of the pipeline revision to get


A PipelineRevision represents a point in time for a Pipeline.

revision_idstringrequiredServer-assigned ID of the pipeline revision
snapshotPipelinerequiredThe pipeline at the point in time of the revision
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestamprequiredTimestamp when the pipeline revision was created
operationPipelineRevision.OperationrequiredThe operation that was performed on the pipeline which created the revision


UNSPECIFIEDUnknown revision operation
INSERTThe pipeline was created at the time of this revision
UPDATEThe pipeline was updated at the time of this revision
DELETEThe pipeline was deleted at the time of this revision


PipelineRevisions represents a list of pipeline revisions.

pipeline_revisionslist(PipelineRevision)List of pipeline revisions


Pipeline API requests and responses require proper escaping of the pipeline contents. For this reason, some use of jq is helpful. In this example, the contents of the pipeline are saved in a file named config.alloy.

--- config.alloy ---
prometheus.exporter.self "alloy" { }

prometheus.scrape "alloy" {
  targets    = prometheus.exporter.self.alloy.targets
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.grafanacloud.receiver]

  scrape_interval = "60s"

prometheus.remote_write "grafanacloud" {
  // Must match the uniquely-identifiable ID set up in the remotecfg block.
  external_labels = {"collector_id" = constants.hostname}

  endpoint {
    url = <SERVICE_URL>

    basic_auth {
      username      = <USERNAME>
      password_file = <PASSWORD_FILE>

To build a payload for the CreatePipeline and UpsertPipeline requests with properly escaped content, the following command is a good starting point. It redirects the content to a create-pipeline.json file for easier handling.

jq --arg contents "$(cat config.alloy)" \
   --arg name "myname" \
   --argjson matchers '["collector.os=linux", "team!=team-a"]' \
   --argjson enabled true \
   '.pipeline = {name: $name, contents: $contents, matchers: $matchers, enabled: $enabled}' \
   <<< '{}' > create-pipeline.json

The CreatePipeline response verifies what was created and also lists the unique ID for this pipeline.

curl -q \
    -d @create-pipeline.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "name": "myname",
  "contents": " ... pipeline contents ...",
  "matchers": [
  "enabled": true,
  "id": "22234"

The ListPipelines request takes an empty payload and returns all available pipelines.

$  curl -q \
    -d '{}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "pipelines": [
      "name": "pipeline_1",
      "contents": " ... pipeline contents ...",
      "matchers": [
      "createdAt": "2024-09-02T12:31:47Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T14:08:10Z",
      "enabled": false,
      "id": "22231"
      "name": "pipeline_2",
      "contents": " ... pipeline contents ...",
      "matchers": [
      "createdAt": "2024-09-02T16:42:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T16:42:26Z",
      "enabled": true,
      "id": "22234"

You can use a similar jq command to build an UpdatePipeline request redirected to update-pipeline.json, by adding the unique pipeline ID.

jq --arg contents "$(cat config.alloy)" \
   --arg id "22234" \
   --arg name "myname" \
   --argjson matchers '["collector.os=linux", "team!=team-a"]' \
   --argjson enabled true \
   '.pipeline = {id: $id, name: $name, contents: $contents, matchers: $matchers, enabled: $enabled}' \
   <<< '{}' > update-pipeline.json

The UpdatePipeline response verifies what was updated.

curl -q \
    -d @update-pipeline.json \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "name": "myname",
  "contents": " ... new pipeline contents ...",
  "matchers": [
  "enabled": true,
  "id": "22234"

The GetPipeline and DeletePipeline requests require only an ID for accessing and removing a configuration.

curl -q \
    -d '{"id": "22234"}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "name": "myname",
  "contents": "... pipeline contents ...",
  "matchers": [
  "createdAt": "2024-09-02T16:42:26Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T16:42:26Z",
  "enabled": true,
  "id": "22234"

curl -q \
    -d '{"id": "22234"}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST

The revision RPCs allow for revisiting the history of changes to pipeline objects for a user.

ListPipelinesRevisions lists all changes in chronological order alongside the operation that initiated them. For brevity, the response omits the configuration contents of the pipeline in each snapshot.

Similarly, ListPipelineRevisions allows for viewing the state of a single pipeline ID at every point in time it was changed, along with a full snapshot of the pipeline object.

curl -q \
    -d '{}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "pipelineRevisions": [
      "revisionId": "1",
      "snapshot": {
        "name": "myname",
        "matchers": [
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "1"
      "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:35:54Z",
      "operation": "INSERT"
      "revisionId": "2",
      "snapshot": {
        "name": "otlp_pipeline",
        "matchers": [
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "2"
      "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:36:54Z",
      "operation": "INSERT"
      "revisionId": "3",
      "snapshot": {
        "name": "myname",
        "matchers": [
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "1"
      "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:37:49Z",
      "operation": "UPDATE"
      "revisionId": "4",
      "snapshot": {
        "name": "myname",
        "matchers": [
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "1"
      "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:38:55Z",
      "operation": "DELETE"
curl -q \
    -d '{"id": "2"}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "pipelineRevisions": [
      "revisionId": "2",
      "snapshot": {
        "name": "myname",
        "contents": "prometheus.exporter.self \"alloy\" { }\n\nprometheus.scrape \"alloy\" {\n\ttargets    = prometheus.exporter.self.alloy.targets\n\tforward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.grafanacloud.receiver]\n\n\tscrape_interval = \"60s\"\n}\n\nprometheus.remote_write \"grafanacloud\" {\n\t// Must match the uniquely-identifiable ID set up in the remotecfg block.\n\texternal_labels = {\"collector_id\" = constants.hostname}\n\n\tendpoint {\n\t\turl = \"http://localhost:8081\"\n\n\t\tbasic_auth {\n\t\t\tusername      = \"user\"\n\t\t\tpassword_file = \"/path/to/my/pass\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}",
        "matchers": [
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "2"
      "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:37:49Z",
      "operation": "UPDATE"

Finally, the GetPipelineRevision request returns a singular revision ID, alongside the contents of the pipeline at the given point in time.

curl -q \
    -d '{"revision_id": "2"}' \
    -u "user:pass" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST
  "revisionId": "4",
  "snapshot": {
    "name": "myname",
    "contents": "prometheus.exporter.self \"alloy\" { }\n\nprometheus.scrape \"alloy\" {\n\ttargets    = prometheus.exporter.self.alloy.targets\n\tforward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.grafanacloud.receiver]\n\n\tscrape_interval = \"60s\"\n}\n\nprometheus.remote_write \"grafanacloud\" {\n\t// Must match the uniquely-identifiable ID set up in the remotecfg block.\n\texternal_labels = {\"collector_id\" = constants.hostname}\n\n\tendpoint {\n\t\turl = \"http://localhost:8081\"\n\n\t\tbasic_auth {\n\t\t\tusername      = \"user\"\n\t\t\tpassword_file = \"/path/to/my/pass\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}",
    "matchers": [
    "enabled": true,
    "id": "1"
  "createdAt": "2025-02-14T09:38:55Z",
  "operation": "DELETE"