Collect Azure Metrics without a collector
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Collect Azure metrics without a collector

You can monitor your Azure resources quickly without the need to configure or deploy a collector or agent by using Cloud Provider. With metrics data stored in Grafana Cloud, you can easily view your data across all of your subscriptions and resources instead of being limited to the selection of a single metric or resource.

How it works

When you configure an Azure credential in Grafana Cloud, Cloud Provider uses the Azure Resource Graph and Azure Resource Manager APIs to:

  • Discover available metrics to pull
  • Collect these metrics every two minutes, displaying the most recent data points available in Cloud Provider

Available metrics are refreshed every hour, and your configurations are automatically updated as your environment evolves.

The Azure metrics Batch API

Grafana Cloud Provider leverages the Azure Metrics Batch API. This API has a significantly higher rate limit than the Azure Metrics AP, and is able to request metrics for multiple resources at once. This ensures that we can avoid rate limiting and provide metrics data quickly.

However, the Metrics Batch API does occasionally experience throttling that can lead to gaps in data collection, specifically 529 errors. These errors are infrequent, and are usually constrained to a single region for a single resource type. For more information on 529 errors, refer to migrate to the metrics Batch API in the Azure documentation.

Configure serverless Azure metrics

You can configure without a collector or agent by following the instructions for configuring with Terraform.

To configure Azure metrics using Grafana Alloy, refer to Configure Azure metrics with Alloy.

Supported Resource Types

You can read more about the supported resource types and metrics in the Supported Resource Types page.