Use the webhook integration in contact points to send alert notifications to your webhook.
The webhook integration is a flexible way to integrate alerts into your system. When a notification is triggered, it sends a JSON request with alert details and additional data to the webhook endpoint.
Configure webhook for a contact point
To create a contact point with webhook integration, complete the following steps.
Navigate to Alerts & IRM -> Alerting -> Contact points.
For more details on contact points, including how to test them and enable notifications, refer to Configure contact points.
Webhook settings
The Webhook URL.
Optional settings
HTTP Method
Specifies the HTTP method to use: POST or PUT.
Basic Authentication Username
Username for HTTP Basic Authentication.
Basic Authentication Password
Password for HTTP Basic Authentication.
Authentication Header Scheme
Scheme for the Authorization Request Header. Default is Bearer.
Authentication Header Credentials
Credentials for the Authorization Request header.
Max Alerts
Maximum number of alerts to include in a notification. Any alerts exceeding this limit are ignored. 0 means no limit.
TLS configuration options, including CA certificate, client certificate, and client key.
HMAC Signature
HMAC signature configuration options.
You can configure either HTTP Basic Authentication or the Authorization request header, but not both.
HMAC signature
You can secure your webhook notifications using HMAC signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of the requests. When enabled, Grafana signs the webhook payload with a shared secret using HMAC-SHA256.
The shared secret key used to generate the HMAC signature.
The HTTP header where the signature will be set. Default is X-Grafana-Alerting-Signature.
Timestamp Header
Optional header to include a timestamp in the signature calculation. When specified, Grafana will set a Unix timestamp in this header and include it in the HMAC calculation. This provides protection against replay attacks.
When HMAC signing is configured, Grafana generates a signature using HMAC-SHA256 with your secret key. If a timestamp header is specified, a Unix timestamp is included in the signature calculation. The signature is calculated as:
HMAC(timestamp + ":" + body)
The timestamp is sent in the specified header. If no timestamp header is specified, the signature is calculated just from the request body. The signature is sent as a hex-encoded string in the specified signature header.
Validate a request
To validate incoming webhook requests from Grafana, follow these steps:
Extract the signature from the header (default is X-Grafana-Alerting-Signature).
If you configured a timestamp header, extract the timestamp value and verify it’s recent to prevent replay attacks.
Calculate the expected signature:
Create an HMAC-SHA256 hash using your shared secret
If using timestamps, include the timestamp followed by a colon (:) before the request body
Hash the raw request body
Convert the result to a hexadecimal string
Compare the calculated signature with the one in the request header.
You can customize the title and message options to include custom messages and notification data using notification templates. These fields are always sent as strings in the JSON payload.
However, you cannot customize the webhook data structure, such as adding or changing other JSON fields and HTTP headers, or sending data in a different format like XML.
If you need to format these fields as JSON or modify other webhook request options, consider sending webhook notifications to a proxy server that adjusts the webhook request before forwarding it to the final destination.
Optional notification settings
Disable resolved message
Enable this option to prevent notifications when an alert resolves.
JSON payload
The following example shows the payload of a webhook notification containing information about two firing alerts:
{"receiver":"My Super Webhook","status":"firing","orgId":1,"alerts":[{"status":"firing","labels":{"alertname":"High memory usage","team":"blue","zone":"us-1"},"annotations":{"description":"The system has high memory usage","runbook_url":"","summary":"This alert was triggered for zone us-1"},"startsAt":"2021-10-12T09:51:03.157076+02:00","endsAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","generatorURL":"","fingerprint":"c6eadffa33fcdf37","silenceURL":"","dashboardURL":"","panelURL":"","values":{"B":44.23943737541908,"C":1}},{"status":"firing","labels":{"alertname":"High CPU usage","team":"blue","zone":"eu-1"},"annotations":{"description":"The system has high CPU usage","runbook_url":"","summary":"This alert was triggered for zone eu-1"},"startsAt":"2021-10-12T09:56:03.157076+02:00","endsAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","generatorURL":"","fingerprint":"bc97ff14869b13e3","silenceURL":"","dashboardURL":"","panelURL":"","values":{"B":44.23943737541908,"C":1}}],"groupLabels":{},"commonLabels":{"team":"blue"},"commonAnnotations":{},"externalURL":"","version":"1","groupKey":"{}:{}","truncatedAlerts":0,"title":"[FIRING:2] (blue)","state":"alerting","message":"**Firing**\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T2\n - team = blue\n - zone = us-1\nAnnotations:\n - description = This is the alert rule checking the second system\n - runbook_url =\n - summary = This is my summary\nSource:\nSilence:\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T1\n - team = blue\n - zone = eu-1\nAnnotations:\nSource:\nSilence:\n"}
The JSON payload of webhook notifications includes the following key-value pairs: