Grafana Cloud availability by region
Grafana Cloud
Grafana Cloud services regional availability
The availability of Grafana Cloud services varies depending on your geographical location. This table shows which services are available and from what providers, according to region.
It is not recommended to change the Cluster/Region. Instead, the advised workaround and best practice is to create a new stack.
As regional support increases, this table will change.
Geographical location | Cloud Provider region | Availability |
Australia | AWS ap-southeast-2 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
Australia | GCP australia-southeast1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
Brazil | AWS sa-east-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
Brazil | GCP southamerica-east1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
Canada | AWS ca-central-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
EU Belgium | GCP europe-west1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
EU Germany | AWS eu-central-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
EU Netherlands | Azure westeurope | Azure Marketplace |
EU Sweden | AWS eu-north-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
India | AWS ap-south-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
India | GCP asia-south1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
Indonesia | AWS ap-southeast-3 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
Japan | AWS ap-northeast-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
Saudi Arabia | GCP me-central2 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
Singapore | AWS ap-southeast-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
Singapore | GCP asia-southeast1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
UAE | AWS me-central-1 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
UK | AWS eu-west-2 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
UK | GCP europe-west2 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
US Central | GCP us-central1 | Google Cloud Marketplace |
US Central | Azure centralus | Azure Marketplace |
US East | AWS us-east-2 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
US West | AWS us-west-2 | Grafana SelfServe & AWS Marketplace |
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