Release notes for Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring
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Release notes for Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring

Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring includes these elements, which all have their own releases:

  • Frontend GUI of app (also called plugin)
  • Backend mixin (also called integration), covering the alert and recording rules
  • Helm chart for the default and other configurations of Kubernetes Monitoring - For release notes on the Helm chart, refer to Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart release notes.

Frontend release notes

The following are release notes for the Kubernetes Monitoring GUI.



FeatureTroubleshooting: Added a debug panel showing the source of a panel’s metrics, available from the panel menu.
EnhancementPerformance: Added a view for each list page when queries extend beyond performance capabilities which degrade page loading. This view includes a message to search or filter for specific components.
FixPerformance: Stopped unrelated panels from reloading when the logs data source is changed.
FixAccuracy: Stopped counting containers that are not running, which caused CPU limits and requests to appear higher than they should.
FixPlatforms: Disabled unnecessary components for specific platforms: nodelogs on Fargate, and profiling, Beyla, and Windows Exporter on Autopilot.



FixFleet Management: Fixed interaction with Fleet Management so that Alloy installation shows positive on Metrics Status page.
FixFleet Management: Changed configuration to store secret for Fleet Management in secret instead of environmental variable.



FixRemoved stabilityLevel: public-preview in relation to Alloy from the code generated on the Configuration page.
FixPrevented a race condition causing HTML error messages to appear.
FixAsserts: Restored RCA workbench linking.



FeatureConfiguration: Added toggle in easy deploy for users to add Fleet Management for management of Alloy deployments.
EnhancementCluster detail page: Added buttons to allow users to navigate to workloads and namespaces within the cluster.
FixMemory queries: Switched to Working Set Size (WSS) instead of Resident Set Size (RSS) to increase accuracy of memory statistics and match kubectl and Linux Out-of-Memory behavior.



FixConfiguration and status tabs: Fixed issue of configuration state not persisting when user switches between the tabs.
FixURL stability: Maintain URL on refresh of page.
FixIntegrations: Updated integrations to work with Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart version 2.



FixWorkload details page: Fixed TypeError to prevent unsafe access to data source.



FixReceiver URLs: Updated URLs to match the version 2 Alloy deployment.
FixTempo and Logs: Updated configuration to fix Tempo protocol and autopilot for logs.



FeatureStorage: Added storage tabs and graphs to Cluster, Node, workload, namespace, and Pod detail pages.
EnhancementConfiguration: Updated the easy deployment configuration page to use Helm chart v2.
EnhancementRecording rules: Added the install/uninstall button to the Workload Recording Rule status for the cloud-provisioned hosted metrics data source.
FixPrediction button: Disabled if the time range selected is less than two hours.
FixData source drop-down: Removed machine learning metrics data source from the drop-down menu.
FixData source drop-down: Added verification that the data source is valid prior to displaying in the drop-down menu.
FixWorkload list page: Fixed to not display all columns if filters result in more than 1,000 results.



FixTime range: Ensured the time range selected in Kubernetes Monitoring is transferred to Application Observability when the View application layer button is clicked.
FixPerformance loading: Resolved issues related to rerendering of pages.
FixFilters: Ensured when time range is changed that all filters are not returned to the default.



EnhancementUser experience: Added the tool tip to the Copy icon.
FixNode count: Fixed incorrect Node count on Kubernetes Overview page due to empty node labels.
FixPerformance loading: Improve loading performance of tables in detail pages.
FixMemory data: Rollback to the original recommendation for memory requests to equal memory limits.



EnhancementPerformance: If Workload list page result is over 1,000 workloads, the page will load quickly but no usage or cost data will show. A message will display suggesting the list be filtered, and include a link to search.
FixMetrics status: Detect duplicate container metrics.
FixData source: Filter the data source drop-down menu to be limited to Grafana Cloud data sources.



FeaturePerformance: Improve performance by performing a code split.
FixLoop error: Fixed a history loop error and page breaking.



FeatureSearch: Added the ability to search for any Kubernetes object.
FixMetrics status: Show the status checks even if no clusters were detected.



FixErroneous no data error: Added a null check to prevent the no data message from displaying due to UID not found for a database.



FixAsserts: Fix to ensure Kubernetes Monitoring is aware Asserts is enabled.



FixAsserts: Fix the time range so that it is synchronized between Kubernetes Monitoring and Asserts.



FixUpdated link to the Application Observability GUI.
FixProperly align Cluster columns.



EnhancementUser experience: Created Cluster, namespace, and Pod columns for alerts on home page.
EnhancementUser experience: On the Metrics status tab, added the ability to select the status of all or many Clusters.
FixInstead of displaying no data on the home page should an outage occur, the home page will show historical data prior to the outage and current data post-outage.
FixGUI: Fixed various anomolies with the GUI, including the location of the navigation drop-down menu and the width of certain columns.



FixAlerts: Hide panel menu item for creating alerts if a user is not an administrator.



EnhancementUser experience: Restricted the namespace field for the quick configuration process to only valid characters.
EnhancementUser experience: Added the link to the Cluster below the title on detail pages.
EnhancementTroubleshooting: Added the Helm chart to the Metrics status page.
EnhancementUser experience: Added waiting reasons and colors for Pods that are either waiting due to startup or due to a problem.
EnhancementTroubleshooting: Added the waiting reason for Pods that are waiting instead of running.
EnhancementAlerts: Added the ability to create an alert item from a panel.
FixesFixed the container memory limit on Container detail pages to be accurate. Ensured logs and events are not listed when there are no Pods. Fixed ability to remove a ’no data’ filter when a time range is changed.



FeatureNew platform: Added Azure AKS as a separate platform for configuration.
EnhancementMetrics status: Added statuses for recording rules and KSM job label.
EnhancementsUser experience: Moved up the required backend installations step to prevent misconfigurations. Restricted integrations view to administrators only and improved message to non-administrative user. Added links to documentation on Overview, Cost, Alerts, and Configuration pages. Adjusted the width of filters and moved copy button closer to item for ease of use. Refresh home page when data starts being sent.
EnhancementCode snippets for integrations: Added configuration code snippets for Apache CouchDB, Apache Hadoop, Apache Tomcat, and IBM DB2.
FixCPU statistics: Fixed issue that was causing the memory legend to show in relation to CPU stats.



FeatureEnergy use: Added energy metrics by using third-party Kepler open source software.
FixDuplicates: De-duplication of Pods and containers.



EnhancementUser experience: Added a tab for logs and events on every detail page, including the Cluster detail page.
EnhancementIntegrations: Added snippets for the Alloy and Varnish integrations.
EnhancementLogs: Made log queries work with OTel-style labels.
FixesCorrect time range format on home page. Ensured Kubernetes Monitoring opens in correct time range from Asserts.



EnhancementAlerts: Added the ability to click on the alert name from the Kubernetes Overview page.
EnhancementIntegrations: Added configuration snippets for Squid and Apache Mesos.
FixPrevented continuous rendering of data in the Safari browser.



FeatureHome page: Upgraded the home page to better show the status of healthy Kubernetes objects as well as any potential issues.
FeatureAsserts button: Added Assertions button to details pages.
EnhancementUser experience enhancements: Added quick ways to navigate within the app, including the drop-down menu for all main pages, the overview and network tabs, deep linking from the home page CPU and memory graphs to the Cluster, improved Helm chart configuration process, and visual tags to indicate the type of Kubernetes object for each view.



FeatureNetwork panels: Added Network Bandwidth and Network Saturation data.
FeatureCost overview panels: Added a 90-day view of total compute cost, average cost per Pod, and average Pod count on the Cost Overview page.
EnhancementOpenTelemetry: Added support for displaying events coming from the OpenTelemetry Kubernetes Events Receiver.
FixWorkloads with same name: Corrected CPU and memory usage data for workloads with the same name but in different Clusters.



FeatureDeleted objects: Added the ability to find deleted Clusters, Nodes, Pods, containers, workloads, and namespaces.
EnhancementUser experience: Improved “no data” messages on home page.
EnhancementMetrics: Host metrics generation.
FixError messages: Fixed query to prevent an invalid error message.
FixUpdate host metrics switch language and disable CRDs on OpenShift.



EnhancementIntegration: Added Apache Airflow configuration snippets for integration.
FixDuplicates: Removed duplicate data showing on home page.
FixAlerts: Improved alert count accuracy for certain kinds of Pod types.



EnhancementAdded time range selector to home snapshot page.



EnhancementIntegrations: Added configuration snippets for the integrations Wildfly and OpenSearch.
EnhancementPerformance: Improved load time for queries spanning longer time ranges.
FixRefresh and Cluster filters: Fixed so refresh does not cause filters to be removed.
FixCardinality page: Ensured the Series per namespace column data link is accurate.
FixDocumentation links: Updated and corrected documentation links on Kubernetes Monitoring main page (that is shown prior to configuring).
FixWorkload type: Ensured different workloads that are similarly named accurately show the type of workload and the data for the workload.



EnhancementPerformance: Improved loading performance of CPU and memory usage tables.
FixAdded a null check for provider to avoid errors on Cluster list page.



EnhancementIntegration: Added configuration snippets for the Apache Solr integration.
FixFixed Helm chart integration snippets to be compatible with Alloy.
FixFixed recording rule to include ReplicaSets, static Pods, and bare Pods so that missing workloads now show and incorrectly labeled workloads are now labeled correctly. This also fixes workload usage and cost data.



EnhancementStatic Pod and Pod type: Added the static Pod label to all static Pods and the Pod label to bare/unmanaged Pods .
EnhancementIntegrations: Added flow configuration snippets for Velero and MS SQL Server integrations.
FixFixed link to alert rule after automatic refresh.



EnhancementData source persistence in URL: Persisted the Loki data source in the URL so that accurate links can be shared.
FixAdded check to prevent query errors.



FeatureRefresh control: Added refresh and auto-refresh choices to all pages.



FeatureAlerts: Added the Alerts column to the Nodes and Cluster list pages.
EnhancementURL data source persistence: Persisted Prometheus data source in the URL so that accurate links can be shared.
EnhancementIntegration: Added configuration snippets for OracleDB integration.



FeatureAlloy update: Replace Grafana Agent with Grafana Alloy.
FeatureCardinality: Added the Cardinality page to replace the Kubernetes Cardinality dashboard.
FeatureAlerts: Added the Alerts column to these pages: Pod detail, Pod list, and Workloads list.
EnhancementIntegration: Added configuration snippets for TensorFlow Serving integration.
EnhancementUser experience: Added the ability to select multiple clusters for filtering.
FixRemoved logs panel from Node detail page for future refactoring.
FixCorrected improper indent in configuration snippet of IBM MQ integration.
FixAdded kube_deployment as well as kube_replicaset to ensure all workload types are collected.



FixRefactored workloads to use more efficient queries.



EnhancementAdded the workload type when available to filter the list of Pods to improve search performance.
FixEnhanced the multi-line regular expression to support a broader collection of logs.



FixReverted from support for OTel log labels.



FeatureAdded interactivity with Sift automated machine learning investigation tool.
EnhancementAdded configuration snippets for the Couchbase and IBM MQ integrations.
EnhancementAdded support for OTel log labels.
FixCombined target_info with traces_target_info metrics to ensure all applications are found.



EnhancementConfiguration: Added configuration snippets for the PgBouncer integration. Added link to extraConfig information in the Helm documents from the code snippet areas of an integration.
EnhancementDashboards: Removed dashboards due to Angular deprecation.
EnhancementMessaging: Improve wording of default messages when a data source is updated for a view.
FixPersist Cluster URL values to correct broken links.



FeatureAsserts workbench: Added RCA Workbench button to allow navigating to Asserts.
EnhancementExplore: Expanded the explore feature to the list of all Pods. Improved the user experience for exploring data.
FixRemoved inaccurate timestamp for namespace creation on Namespace details page.
FixCorrected the query for phase state, which is shown by expanding a list item on the Namespaces page.
FixAdd the http prefix to OTLP endpoints on the Cluster configuration tab when OTel receivers are selected.
FixPersisted the data source between views.



FeatureAdded the capability to navigate to Application Observability.
FeatureOn the Cluster list page, you can click the Explore button to view the queries used in each column of the usage and cost data. This enables you not only to understand the data, but debug any issues or create your own queries or dashboards
FeatureAdded support for the Istio integration.
FeatureAdded a warning icon and tooltip on column headers of lists to indicate error detection and query failure.
FeatureWith the easy configuration using the Helm chart, added the capability to enable OTel and Zipkin receivers.
EnhancementAdded the filter toolbar to list tables for better user experience.
EnhancementAdded duplicate metrics detection to Node Exporter, Windows Exporter, OpenCost, cAdvisor, and kubelet. When there is an error, a yellow warning icon appears next to the item on the Metrics status page.
EnhancementRefined queries for “OOMKilled” containers to prevent counting of duplicate containers, specifically when a container is being killed and another is being created in its place.
EnhancementThe link to examine an alert opens in a new tab so that context within Kubernetes Monitoring is not lost.
EnhancementUpdated URL so that any shared URL includes any variables and the time range selected.
EnhancementRelease note text in the app links to the release notes in documentation.
EnhancementBreadcrumbs now include page tab names.
EnhancementCorrected the query for unallocated resources (PV) panel.
FixCreated an additional check for deep links related to breadcrumbs display.
FixRefined queries to ensure de-duplication of metrics, including removing reliance of uid label and having node/instance joins also use the Cluster label.
FixCorrected queries for the Explore button on the Workloads page.
FixFixed CPU usage prediction graph to display correctly within window.



EnhancementRefined de-duplication of KSM kube_node_status_capacity, and added support for node with or without trailing port numbers.
FixCreated more accurate cost calculations in the case of mixed node and instance labels.



EnhancementAdded the workloads column to the list of namespaces.
FixCorrected the calculation for CPU average queries.



FeatureThe Alerts page provides a centralized location to view all alerts related to your infrastructure and the applications running within it. Graphs show alerts firing by Cluster and namespace, as well as by alert severity. The alert name and severity also display on the home page in the list of Pods in trouble. On the Namespaces and Workloads tabs, a column for each item shows the amount of firing alerts.
FeatureThe ClickHouse integration is available for use with Kubernetes Monitoring.
EnhancementOn the home page, you can click the Cluster count to navigate directly to the list of Clusters on the Clusters tab, and click the Node count to navigate directly to the list of Nodes on the Nodes tab.
EnhancementOn usage cost/efficiency tables, the tables are sorted by default alphabetically by the name of the item (Cluster, namespace, and so on).
EnhancementTo improve loading performance, the namespaces, workloads, and Nodes lists are filtered by default by the first Cluster in the filter list.
EnhancementYou can click the Explore button on any item on the Metrics status tab to troubleshoot configuration issues and customize queries for status.
EnhancementTo prevent deployment failure due to timeout, increased the timeout for the Helm chart to five minutes.
EnhancementAn informational banner displays on the Dashboards page to indicate the prebuilt dashboards are being deprecated and removed, with the exception of the Cardinality dashboard.
FixResolved a duplicate series error on the container details page.
FixImproved the status panel failure detection for kube-state-metrics.
FixWhen you click Start Sending Data, the Configuration page displays.



FeatureYou can view usage and cost graphs and data on the Pod details page.
FeatureWhen using EKS on Fargate, Pod logs are made available by using the Kubernetes API to gather them.
FeatureAdded or updated support for these integrations: Aerospike, ActiveMQ, Cassandra, Apache HTTP Server Project, cert-manager, ClickHouse, CoreDNS, GitLab, Kafka, MongoDB, NGINX, and PrestoDB .
EnhancementOn the Configuration page, you can add an expiration date to the token and view the scope of the token.
FixCorrected the following broken links: workload links on the Pod list of the Node details page, Cluster status link on the Configuration page, and links when Cluster name contains a slash character.



EnhancementUser experience enhancements: The home page displays the home page name on the breadcrumbs, and filter options display alphabetically.
EnhancementYou can copy any object in the table lists by clicking the copy button within the row.



FeatureIBM Cloud is available as a platform that you can select when using the configuration wizard.
EnhancementYou can choose Loki from the data source selector in all detailed views.
EnhancementA link to documentation for understanding CPU limits is available on detail pages showing CPU limits set.
EnhancementAll IEC units show in standard form.
EnhancementThroughout Kubernetes Monitoring, you have the copy icon available to copy any text so that you can use it in your own query, use it in the command line, send it to others, and so on.
FixFixed empty Cost panels for customers who use forward slashes in Cluster names by changing to pipe formatter.
FixCorrected inconsistencies in the number of Nodes displayed by using an instant query for any single value result instead of using a range query. This improves app performance and data accuracy.
FixFixed accuracy of CPU usage data on the Node details page.
FixImproved accuracy of machine learning prediction by using query variables to dynamically set parameters for calculation.



FeatureCluster detail page: Added optimization panel showing CPU and memory utilization, and cost information for the time range selected.
FeatureNode detail page: Added optimization panel showing CPU and memory utilization, and cost information for the time range selected.
EnhancementCost page: All panels on the Cost page provide the Explore button so you can view the query, debug issues, or create your own dashboard.
FixStorage savings: Fixed storage results, which displayed multiple series errors in cases where a PersistentVolumeClaim was present on more than one node within the selected time range.
FixContainer details page: Fixed events, which weren’t displaying.



FeatureContainer detail page: Added page. This page includes CPU and memory utilization, and cost information. The restart and termination panels are adjacent to each other to allow quicker correlation of restart and termination events.
FeatureNamespace detail page: Added optimization panel showing CPU and memory utilization, and cost information.
EnhancementWorkloads detail page: Added optimization panel showing CPU and memory utilization, and cost information. Updated the feature for detecting outlier CPU usage in the Pods to uses the time range selected in the time selector instead the latest/current time.
FixPod detail page: Updated the CPU and memory queries for accuracy. Removed duplicate containers that were sometimes listing.
FixHome page: Decreased load time for the Pods in trouble panel, and filtered only for issues that are currently active.
FixAdded Zipkin port configuration to ensure traces work properly.
FixUpdated internal release process and documents.



FeatureConfiguration wizard: Added a selector for the platform.
FeaturePod detail page: Added an optimization panel containing CPU and memory utilization and cost.
FixTime range selector: Changed to use the time zone of the user, to ensure accuracy of time range data.
FixUse new metrics receiver flow component in the integration code snippets.
FixFixed missing data source for k3d environment.



EnhancementTime range selector: Added to all appropriate pages to allow a specific time range for data to be displayed.
EnhancementMetrics status page: Improved for better user experience.
EnhancementConfiguration wizard: Improved visibility of OpenCost configuration information.
EnhancementPod details page: Used Scenes to build panels on this page.
FixDefault instructions in Github for integration: Fixed the appropriate name for Prometheus component.
FixError message for testing integration: Revised for validity and comprehension.
FixWorkload key and data list fixes: Revised to use correct key on workloads list.
FixKafka integration: Revised job name to kafka for integration to work properly.
FixStatus queries: Adjusted to show consistent results.

Backend release notes

The following are release notes for the Kubernetes Monitoring backend.


December 2024

EnhancementAlert rules: Make KubeDaemonSetRolloutStuck alert configurable. Added instance label to KubeAggregatedAPIErrors. Added cluster label to KubeClientCertificateExpiration description.
EnhancementBuild process/tooling: Introduced automated Go dependency updates. Security updates CVE-2024-45337 and GO-2024-3333.
FixRecording rules: Corrected a data calculation in cluster_verb_scope:apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds_count:increase.*.


November 2024

EnhancementAlert rules: To better support multi-cluster environments, addedcluster label to KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn, KubeAPITerminatedRequests, and KubeClientCertificateExpiration.
EnhancementRecording rules: Improved data consistency for cluster_verb_scope_le:apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds_bucket:increase1h, cluster_verb_scope_le:apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds_bucket:increase30d, cluster_verb_scope:apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds_count:increase1h, and cluster_verb_scope:apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds_count:increase30d.
EnhancementBuild/process tooling: Updated dependencies to address vulnerabilities.


September 2024

EnhancementAdded alert groups:
- kubernetes-storage (five KubePersistent.* alert rules)
- kube-apiserver-slos (four KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn alert rules)
- kubernetes-system-apiserver (six system API Server alert rules, including KubeAggregatedAPIDown).
EnhancementAdded recording rule groups:
- kube-apiserver-.*.rules (32 *apiserver.* recording rules)
-kubelet.rules (including node_quantile:kubelet_pleg_relist_duration_seconds:histogram_quantile)
- kube-scheduler.rules (nine cluster_quantile:scheduler_.*:histogram_quantile recording rules).
EnhancementUpdated upstream Kubernetes mixin: Split k8s.rules.container_resource group into four groups to improve performance.


March 2024

EnhancementRemoved dashboards from Kubernetes Monitoring now that all views are available in the application.


January 2023

FixRemoved duplicate recording rule group.
FixCorrected broken links on Home dashboard.


November 2023

FixDisabled “all” and multi-select on Events Data Source variable.
EnhancementSplit k8s.rules group into seven groups to improve evaluation performance.


October 2023

FeatureYou can focus on cardinality exclusively related to Kubernetes by using the prebuilt Kubernetes Monitoring Cardinality dashboard.


October 2023

EnhancementAdded job label to KubePodNotReady alert to be compatible with new Grafana Alerting structure.


July 2023

FeatureAdded recording rules for Windows Exporter, for compatibility with node-exporter queries.
EnhancementRestored events selector to prevent logs from being returned as events.
EnhancementUpdated upstream Kubernetes mixin.


May 2023

EnhancementAdded ability to use any (non-empty) job label on dashboards panels and rules.
EnhancementAdded Node Exporter to configuration status panel.
EnhancementAdded duplicate installation detection to configuration status panel.
EnhancementAdded informational tooltip to configuration status panel.


April 2023

FixUpdated upstream agent-operator jsonnet-libs to inherit a fix for relabeling related to hitting a labeling limit with Loki.


March 2023

FixCorrected template variables on Efficiency dashboard.


February 2023

FixRemoved the beta tag from the Events panel on the homepage dashboard.


February 2023

FixCorrected Cluster aggregation for some recording rules.

Helm chart release notes

For release notes on the Helm chart, refer to Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart release notes.