Instrumentation quality
Grafana Cloud

Instrumentation quality

The Instrumentation Quality page reports on the completeness of your instrumentation and recommends steps to improve it and get more value out of Application Observability.

Access the report by selecting the Quality report tab for a service. If there are issues, the tab shows a number that indicates how many there are.

The example screenshot shows a summary of the instrumentation and progress to complete instrumentation. The report highlights specific issues with links to this documentation for instructions to resolve.

Example Application Observability Instrumentation Quality report

Add the missing service.namespace attribute

Application Observability uses the service.namespace attribute to filter and group by a service’s namespace.

To address this issue, edit these attributes in your instrumentation setup.

Don’t use slashes in the service name or namespace attributes

Don’t use slashes (/) in the or service.namespace attributes. People often use slashes to namespace services. The OpenTelemetry specification has a specific namespace attribute. If you use the namespace attribute correctly you can benefit from advanced group and filter features in Application Observability.

To address this issue, edit these attributes in your instrumentation setup.

Add missing Kubernetes attributes

If you use Kubernetes, include the,, and Kubernetes resource attributes to link Application and Kubernetes Observability and gain additional insights and easier workflows between the two products.

The easiest way to address this issue is to use the recommended Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart.

Alternatively for advanced use cases, manually set up Grafana Alloy or an OpenTelemetry Collector with the k8sattributeprocessor activated.

Send missing logs for your service

Your service is missing logs. Send logs to help you debug and monitor your service.

To capture and send your application logs to Grafana Cloud, use one of the following methods:

  • Use the recommended instrumentation set up for Application Observability
  • Send logs to Loki or the OTLP endpoint

Send missing profiles for your service

Your service is missing profiles. Send profiling information to help you debug and monitor your service.

To capture and send your application profile data to Grafana Cloud, you can instrument your application for profiling data.

Add missing billing telemetry metric

Your service is missing the traces_host_info metric used to correctly calculate Application Observability billing.

To address this issue, refer to the Application Observability host-hours pricing documentation to learn how to add the required metric.

Don’t mix histogram types in a single service

Application Observability supports native and classic histograms without configuration. It allows you to mix histogram types, but each service must use only one type.

If a service uses both types, only data from the native histogram appears. Use one type per service.

A quality check and a warning banner appear when this issue exists. Both show which environments use each histogram type.