UptimeRobot integration for Grafana IRM
Grafana Cloud

UptimeRobot integration for Grafana IRM

The UptimeRobot integration for Grafana IRM handles ticket events sent from UptimeRobot webhooks. The integration provides grouping, auto-acknowledge and auto-resolve logic via customizable alert templates.

Configure Grafana IRM to receive alerts from UptimeRobot

  1. In Grafana IRM, navigate to IRM > Integrations > Monitoring Systems
  2. Click + New integration
  3. Select UptimeRobot from the list of available integrations
  4. Enter a name and description for the integration, click Create
  5. A new page will open with the integration details. Copy the IRM Integration URL from HTTP Endpoint section

Configure UptimeRobot to send alerts to Grafana IRM

  1. Open https://uptimerobot.com and log in
  2. Go to My Settings > Add Alert Contact and set the following fields:
  3. Alert Contact Type: Webhook
  4. Friendly Name: Grafana IRM
  5. URL to Notify: IRM Integration URL
  6. POST Value (JSON Format):
  "monitorURL": "monitorURL",
  "monitorFriendlyName": "monitorFriendlyName",
  "alertType": "alertType",
  "alertTypeFriendlyName": "alertTypeFriendlyName",
  "alertDetails": "alertDetails",
  "alertDuration": "alertDuration",
  "sslExpiryDate": "sslExpiryDate",
  "sslExpiryDaysLeft": "sslExpiryDaysLeft"
  1. Flag Send as JSON
  2. Click Save Changes and Close
  3. Send Test Alert to Grafana IRM

Add a test monitor

  1. Click Add New Monitor
  2. Monitor Type HTTP(s)
  3. Friendly Name Test IRM
  4. Set URL to http://devnull.irm.io or any other non-existent domain
  5. Click Checkbox next to IRM Alert Contact (created in the previous step)
  6. Click Create Monitor