Release notes for Grafana 8.3.0-beta2

This is documentation for the next version of Grafana. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

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Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Release notes for Grafana 8.3.0-beta2

Features and enhancements

  • Alerting: Create DatasourceError alert if evaluation returns error. #41869, @gerobinson
  • Alerting: Make Unified Alerting enabled by default for those who do not use legacy alerting. #42200, @armandgrillet
  • Alerting: Support mute timings configuration through the api for the embedded alert manager. #41533, @JohnnyQQQQ
  • CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/Events metrics. #42164, @n2N8Z
  • Docs: Add easier to find deprecation notices to certain data sources and to the changelog. #41938, @gabor
  • Plugins Catalog: Enable install controls based on the pluginAdminEnabled flag. #41686, @leventebalogh
  • Query caching: Increase max_value_mb default to 10. (Enterprise)
  • Table: Add space between values for the DefaultCell. #42246, @kirederik
  • Table: Add space between values on JSONViewCell. #42156, @kirederik
  • Tracing: Make query editors available in dashboard for Tempo and Zipkin. #41974, @ivanahuckova

Bug fixes

Breaking changes

Grafana 8 Alerting enabled by default for installations that do not use legacy alerting

Starting with Grafana v8.3.0, if you have not explicitly disabled unified alerting and do not have legacy alerts set up you are automatically “migrated” to Grafana 8 Alerting.

A migration from legacy to Grafana 8 Alerting will never incur a data loss, as the previous data is kept around for rollback purposes. However, going from Grafana 8 Alerting to legacy alerting will delete all the data created for Grafana 8 Alerting. It is recommended that you backup your database before attempting a migration between systems.

If unclear, please verify the table below:

[alerting][enabled][unified_alerting][enabled]With Existing Legacy AlertsResult
truefalseN/ALegacy Alerting
truenot setYesLegacy Alerting
truenot setNoGrafana 8 Alerting
not settrueN/AGrafana 8 Alerting
not setfalseN/ALegacy Alerting
not setnot setYesLegacy Alerting
not setnot setNoGrafana 8 Alerting
falsetrueN/AGrafana 8 Alerting
falsefalseN/AAlerting disabled
falsenot setN/AGrafana 8 Alerting

N/A in the “With Existing Legacy Alerts” column means that it does not matter if you have legacy alerts or not. Issue #42200

Keep Last State for “If execution error or timeout” when upgrading to Grafana 8 alerting

In Grafana 8.3.0-beta2 we changed how alert rules that use Keep Last State for If execution error or timeout are upgraded from Legacy Alerting to Grafana 8 alerting. In 8.3.0-beta1 and earlier, alert rules with Keep Last State for If execution error or timeout were changed to Alerting when upgrading from Legacy Alerting to Grafana 8 alerting. However, in 8.3.0-beta2 these alert rules are now upgraded to a new option called Error. With this option, on encountering an error evaluating an alert rule, Grafana creates a special alert called DatasourceError with the rule_uid and ref_id as labels and an annotation called Error with the error message. Issue #41869


The access mode “browser” is deprecated in the following data sources and will be removed in a later release:

  • Prometheus
  • InfluxDB
  • Elasticsearch Issue #41938

Plugin development fixes & changes