
This is documentation for the next version of Grafana. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Enterprise Open source

Configure basic authentication

Grafana provides a basic authentication system with password authentication enabled by default. This document details configuration options to manage and enhance basic authentication.

Disable basic authentication

To disable basic authentication, use the following configuration:

enabled = false

Password policy

By default, Grafana’s password policy requires a minimum of four characters for basic auth users. For a stronger password policy, enable the password_policy configuration option.

With the password_policy option enabled, new and updated passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 12 characters
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one lowercase letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character
password_policy = true


Existing passwords that do not comply with the new password policy will not be affected until the user updates their password.

Disable login form

To hide the Grafana login form, use the following configuration setting:

disable_login_form = true

This can be helpful in setups where authentication is handled entirely through external mechanisms or single sign-on (SSO).