
This is documentation for the next version of Grafana. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source




StatusstringFiring or resolved{{ .Status }}
LabelsKVThe labels for this alert{{ .Labels }}
AnnotationsKVThe annotations for this alert{{ .Annotations }}
ValuesKVThe values of all expressions, including Classic Conditions{{ .Values }}
StartsAtTimeThe time the alert fired{{ .StartsAt }}
EndsAtTime{{ .EndsAt }}
GeneratorURLstringA link to Grafana, or the Alertmanager if using an external Alertmanager{{ .GeneratorURL }}
SilenceURLstringA link to silence the alert{{ .SilenceURL }}
DashboardURLstringA link to the Grafana Dashboard if the alert has a Dashboard UID annotation{{ .DashboardURL }}
PanelURLstringA link to the panel if the alert has a Panel ID annotation{{ .PanelURL }}
FingerprintstringA unique string that identifies the alert{{ .Fingerprint }}
ValueStringstringA string that contains the labels and value of each reduced expression in the alert.{{ .ValueString }}


ReceiverstringThe name of the contact point sending the notification{{ .Receiver }}
StatusstringThe status is firing if at least one alert is firing, otherwise resolved{{ .Status }}
Alerts[]AlertList of all firing and resolved alerts in this notificationThere are {{ len .Alerts }} alerts
Firing alerts[]AlertList of all firing alerts in this notificationThere are {{ len .Alerts.Firing }} firing alerts
Resolved alerts[]AlertList of all resolved alerts in this notificationThere are {{ len .Alerts.Resolved }} resolved alerts
GroupLabelsKVThe labels that group these alerts in this{{ .GroupLabels }}
CommonLabelsKVThe labels common to all alerts in this notification{{ .CommonLabels }}
CommonAnnotationsKVThe annotations common to all alerts in this notification{{ .CommonAnnotations }}
ExternalURLstringA link to Grafana, or the Alertmanager that sent this notification if using an external Alertmanager{{ .ExternalURL }}


KV is a set of key value pairs, where each key and value is a string. If a KV happens to contain numbers or bools then these are string representations of the numeric or boolean value.

Here is an example of a KV, the annotations of an alert:

summary: 'A summary of the alert'
description: 'A description of the alert'

In addition to iterating over each key value pair, you can sort the pairs, remove keys, and iterate over just the keys or the values.

SortedPairsSorts{{ .Annotations.SortedPairs }}
RemoveReturns a copy of the KV with the keys removed[]string{{ .Annotations.Remove "summary" }}
NamesA list of the names{{ .Names }}
ValuesA list of the values{{ .Values }}


Time is from the Go time package.

You can format a time in a number of different formats using the date function. For example, to print the time that an alert fired in the format 15:04:05 MST:

{{ .StartsAt | date "15:04:05 MST" }}

You can also use the tz function to change the timezone from UTC to a local time. For example:

{{ .StartsAt | tz "Europe/Paris" | date "15:04:05 MST" }}

You can find a reference for Go’s time format here.