Enterprise Open source

Choose a view

The available views in Explore Profiles correspond to how you move through your data: from broader to more specific. For example, you can start with All services and then move to Profile types or Labels for more specific views into your data.

This matches the hierarchy of the profiling data.

After you choose a view, you can Investigate trends and spikes.

Select a view

Select a view by choosing an Exploration type: All services, Profile types, Labels, or Flame graph.

Select an Exploration type to begin

You can refine any selected views by selecting a Profile type, Label, or Flame graph from one of the charts. Click and drag on an area of interest to see more detail.

Make a selection in a graph

Available views

Determining which view to use frames the rest of your investigation.

ViewWhat it showsUsed for
All servicesOverview of all services for any given profile metric
  • Reviewing all the services that are being profiled
  • Finding an anomalous service out of all services (or set of related services) by profile type
Profile typesOverview of all the profile metrics for a single service
  • Analyzing the performance of a single service across all profile types
  • Finding relations of profile metric spikes across profile types (or discovering an anomalous metric)
LabelsSingle service label exploration and filtering
  • Analyzing profiling metrics of a single service and profiling type across all label dimensions
  • Discovering anomalous profiling metrics by label
Flame graphsSingle service flame graph
  • Analyze the flame graph of a particular service, profile type, and label selection
  • Use tools like "Explain Flame Graph" or "GitHub Code View" (aka "Function Details") to get deeper insights into performance
FavoritesList of visualizations saved as favorites
  • Save frequently accessed panels for quick access

Exploration type examples

All services view

The All services view is the default view when you first open Explore Profiles.

All services

Profile types

The Profile types shows one chart for each profile available for the selected service.

Profile types


Labels view

Flame graphs

Flame graphs