Secret Source
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Secret source

Secret sources are a way for k6 to acquire secrets to be used with k6. Unlike just using values from the environment, read from files, etc - the values retrieved from secret sources will be redacted from the logs emitted by k6, before they are propagated through the system.

The secrets are made available through the k6/secrets JS API and will be redacted from any logs.

Configure secret sources

Currently the only way to configured secret sources is through the --secret-source cli flag. Multiple secret sources are configurable at the same time.

Secret sources

Current built-in secret sources are limited and are mostly meant for local testing:

  • file reads secrets from a key=value file.
  • mock reads secrets from the cli flag.

Secret source extensions

You can implement a secret source as an extension for k6.

Example script

import http from 'k6/http';
import secrets from 'k6/secrets';

export default async () => {
  const my_secret = await secrets.get('cool'); // get secret from a source with the provided identifier
  const response = await http.asyncRequest('GET', '', null, {
    headers: {
      'Custom-Authentication': `Bearer ${await secrets.get('else')}`,
if ran with the following file:


You will notice how the secrets are redacted while the script still can use them, for example in protocol requests.

$ k6 run --secret-source=file=file.secret secrets.test.js
INFO[0000] ***SECRET_REDACTED***                         source=console
INFO[0001] {
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Custom-Authentication": "Bearer ***SECRET_REDACTED***",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "k6/0.57.0 (",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-67dd638b-4243896a2fa1b1b45bc63eaa"
  "origin": "<my actual IP>",
  "url": ""
}  ***SECRET_REDACTED***=console