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The PodDisruptor class can inject different types of faults into the pods that match a selection criteria.

To construct a PodDisruptor, use the PodDisruptor() constructor.


PodDisruptor.injectGrpcFaults()Inject gRPC faults in the target Pods
PodDisruptor.injectHTTPFaults()Inject HTTP faults in the target Pods
PodDisruptor.targets()Returns the list of target Pods of the PodDisruptor
PodDisruptor.terminatePods()executes a Pod Termination fault in the target Pods


This example:

  • Creates a selector that matches all pods in the default namespace with the run=nginx label
  • Injects a delay of 100ms and makes 10 percent of requests return an http response code 500.
import { PodDisruptor } from 'k6/x/disruptor';

const selector = {
  namespace: 'default',
  select: {
    labels: {
      run: 'nginx',

const fault = {
  averageDelay: '100ms',
  errorRate: 0.1,
  errorCode: 500,

export default function () {
  const disruptor = new PodDisruptor(selector);
  disruptor.injectHTTPFaults(fault, '30s');


You can test this script by first creating a pod running nginx with the command below, assuming you have kubectl installed in your environment:

$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

You can also use the xk6-kubernetes extension for creating these resources from your test script.