The importKey()
imports a key from an external, portable format, and gives you a CryptoKey object that can be used with the Web Crypto API.
importKey(format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages)
Name | Type | Description |
format | string | Defines the data format of the key to import. Depending on the algorithm and key type, the data format could vary. Currently supported formats are raw , jwk , spki , and pkcs8 . |
keyData | ArrayBuffer , TypedArray , DataView or JsonWebKey | the data to import the key from. |
algorithm | a string or object with a single name string property | The algorithm to use to import the key. |
extractable | boolean | Indicates whether it will be possible to export the key using exportKey. |
keyUsages | Array<string> | An array of strings describing what operations can be performed with the key. Currently supported usages include encrypt , decrypt , sign , and verify . |
Supported algorithms
✅ AesCbcParams | ✅ AesCtrParams | ✅ AesGcmParams | ❌ | ✅ EcdhKeyDeriveParams | ✅ EcdsaParams | ✅ HmacKeyGenParams | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
Supported formats
algorithms have support forpkcs8
algorithms have currently support forraw
Return Value
A Promise
that resolves with the imported key as a CryptoKey object.
Type | Description |
SyntaxError | Raised when the keyUsages parameter is empty but the key is of type secret or private . |
TypeError | Raised when trying to use an invalid format, or if the keyData is not suited for that format. |
Round-trip key export/import
import { crypto } from 'k6/experimental/webcrypto';
export default async function () {
* Generate a symmetric key using the AES-CBC algorithm.
const generatedKey = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: 'AES-CBC',
length: '256',
['encrypt', 'decrypt']
* Export the key in raw format.
const exportedKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', generatedKey);
* Reimport the key in raw format to verify its integrity.
const importedKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', exportedKey, 'AES-CBC', true, [
Import a static raw key and decrypt transmitted data
This example demonstrates how to import a static raw
key and decrypt some transmitted data in base64
. The transmitted data in this example represents an initialization vector and encoded data, and in a real-world scenario, it can be a response body or other data received from a request.
import { crypto } from 'k6/experimental/webcrypto';
import { b64decode } from 'k6/encoding';
export default async function () {
const transmittedData = base64Decode(
// keyData is the key used to decrypt the data, which is usually stored in a secure location
// for this example, we are using a static key
const keyData = new Uint8Array([
109, 151, 76, 33, 232, 253, 176, 90, 94, 40, 146, 227, 139, 208, 245, 139, 69, 215, 55, 197, 43,
122, 160, 178, 228, 104, 4, 115, 138, 159, 119, 49,
try {
const result = await decrypt(keyData, transmittedData);
// should output decrypted message
// INFO[0000] result: 'my secret message' source=console
console.log("result: '" + result + "'");
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
const decrypt = async (keyData, transmittedData) => {
const initializeVectorLength = 12;
// the first 12 bytes are the initialization vector
const iv = new Uint8Array(transmittedData.subarray(0, initializeVectorLength));
// the rest of the transmitted data is the encrypted data
const encryptedData = new Uint8Array(transmittedData.subarray(initializeVectorLength));
const importedKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: 'AES-GCM', length: '256' },
const plain = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(
{ name: 'AES-GCM', iv: iv },
return arrayBufferToString(plain);
const arrayBufferToString = (buffer) => {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer));
const base64Decode = (base64String) => {
return new Uint8Array(b64decode(base64String));
Import a static JWK key and decrypt transmitted data
This example is similar to the previous one. It demonstrates how to import a static jwk
key and decrypt some transmitted data (which contains the initialization vector and encoded data) in base64
import { crypto } from 'k6/experimental/webcrypto';
import { b64decode } from 'k6/encoding';
export default async function () {
// transmitted data is the base64 of the initialization vector + encrypted data
// that unusually transmitted over the network
const transmittedData = base64Decode(
// keyData is the key used to decrypt the data, which is usually stored in a secure location
// for this example, we are using a static key
const jwkKeyData = {
kty: 'oct',
ext: true,
key_ops: ['decrypt', 'encrypt'],
alg: 'A256GCM',
k: '9Id_8iG6FkGOWmc1S203vGVnTExtpDGxdQN7v7OV9Uc',
try {
const result = await decrypt(jwkKeyData, transmittedData);
// should output decrypted message
// INFO[0000] result: 'my secret message' source=console
console.log("result: '" + result + "'");
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
const decrypt = async (keyData, transmittedData) => {
const initializeVectorLength = 12;
// the first 12 bytes are the initialization vector
const iv = new Uint8Array(transmittedData.subarray(0, initializeVectorLength));
// the rest of the transmitted data is the encrypted data
const encryptedData = new Uint8Array(transmittedData.subarray(initializeVectorLength));
const importedKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 },
['encrypt', 'decrypt']
const plain = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(
{ name: 'AES-GCM', iv: iv },
return arrayBufferToString(plain);
const arrayBufferToString = (buffer) => {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer));
const base64Decode = (base64String) => {
return new Uint8Array(b64decode(base64String));