When a test finishes, k6 prints a summary of the aggregated results to stdout. By default, k6 uses a “compact” summary mode that focuses on the most important metrics, but you can also use a “full” mode that shows all available information.
Summary modes
k6 provides three different ways to display test results through the --summary-mode option:
compact (default): Displays the most relevant test results in a concise format.
full: Includes everything from the compact format, plus additional k6 metrics and detailed results for each group and scenario.
legacy: Uses the pre-v1.0.0 summary format for backward compatibility.
Compact mode (default)
The compact mode provides a concise overview focusing on three key aspects:
Thresholds results
Checks results
Aggregated metrics results by category
✓ 'p(95)<1500' p(95)=148.21ms
✓ 'p(90)<2000' p(90)=146.88ms
✓ 'rate<0.01'rate=0.00%
checks_total.......................: 9013.122179/s
checks_succeeded...................: 100.00% 90 out of 90
checks_failed......................: 0.00% 0 out of 90
✓ test-api.k6.io is up
✓ status is 200
custom_waiting_time................: avg=152.355556min=120med=141max=684 p(90)=147.2 p(95)=148.8
http_req_duration..................: avg=140.36ms min=119.08ms med=140.96ms max=154.63ms p(90)=146.88ms p(95)=148.21ms
{ expected_response:true }.......: avg=140.36ms min=119.08ms med=140.96ms max=154.63ms p(90)=146.88ms p(95)=148.21ms
http_req_failed....................: 0.00% 0 out of 45
http_reqs..........................: 456.56109/s
iteration_duration.................: avg=152.38ms min=119.37ms med=141.27ms max=684.62ms p(90)=147.11ms p(95)=148.39ms
iterations.........................: 456.56109/s
vus................................: 1min=1max=1
vus_max............................: 1min=1max=1
data_received......................: 519 kB 76 kB/s
data_sent..........................: 4.9 kB 718 B/s
Full mode
The full mode provides comprehensive test results, including: