Client.lset(key, index, element)
Open source

Client.lset(key, index, element)

Sets the list element at index to element.


keystringkey holding the list to set the element of.
indexnumberindex of the element to set.
elementstringvalue to set the element to.


TypeResolves withRejected when
Promise<string>On success, the promise resolves with OK.If the list does not exist, or the index is out of bounds, the promise is rejected with an error.


import redis from 'k6/experimental/redis';

// Instantiate a new redis client
const redisClient = new redis.Client('redis://localhost:6379');

export default async function () {
  await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'first');
  await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'second');
  await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'third');
  await redisClient.lset('mylist', 0, 1);
  await redisClient.lset('mylist', 1, 2);