With this module, you can use the WebCrypto API in your k6 scripts. However, note that this API is not yet fully implemented and some algorithms and features might still be missing.
The Web Crypto API is a JavaScript API for performing cryptographic operations such as encryption, decryption, digital signature generation and verification, and key generation and management. It provides a standard interface to access cryptographic functionality, which can help ensure that cryptographic operations are performed correctly and securely.
The module is a top-level crypto object with the following properties and methods:
The SubtleCrypto interface provides access to common cryptographic primitives, such as hashing, signing, encryption, or decryption.
exportdefaultasyncfunction(){const plaintext =stringToArrayBuffer('Hello, World!');/**
* Generate a symmetric key using the AES-CBC algorithm.
*/const key =await crypto.subtle.generateKey({name:'AES-CBC',length:256,},true,['encrypt','decrypt']);/**
* Encrypt the plaintext using the AES-CBC key with
* have generated.
*/const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(newUint8Array(16));const ciphertext =await crypto.subtle.encrypt({name:'AES-CBC',iv: iv,},
* Decrypt the ciphertext using the same key to verify
* that the resulting plaintext is the same as the original.
*/const deciphered =await crypto.subtle.decrypt({name:'AES-CBC',iv: iv,},
console.log('deciphered text == original plaintext: ',arrayBufferToHex(deciphered)===arrayBufferToHex(plaintext));}functionarrayBufferToHex(buffer){return[...newUint8Array(buffer)].map((x)=> x.toString(16).padStart(2,'0')).join('');}functionstringToArrayBuffer(str){const buf =newArrayBuffer(str.length *2);// 2 bytes for each charconst bufView =newUint16Array(buf);for(let i =0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++){
bufView[i]= str.charCodeAt(i);}return buf;}