Explore k6 extensions
Open source

Explore k6 extensions

With over 50 available extensions, the k6 extension ecosystem has many options to meet your requirements and help you incorporate new protocol access, embed a particular client, or improve your test performance. Extensions are developed both by the k6 developers and by the open-source developer community.

Extensions are composable; you can combine any extensions, or mix and match different test cases. You can use Go and xk6 or Docker to build your custom k6 binary:

xk6 build \
  --with github.com/grafana/xk6-sql@v0.0.1 \
  --with github.com/grafana/xk6-output-prometheus-remote

Use the table to explore the many extensions. Questions? Feel free to join the discussion about extensions in the k6 Community Forum.

Don’t see what you need? Learn how you can create a custom extension.