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Blob is an interface that represents a blob, which is a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read as text or binary data, or converted into a ReadableStream.

It’s the type of the data received on WebSocket.onmessage when WebSocket.binaryType is set to "blob".

A Blob instance has the following methods/properties:

Blob.sizeThe number of bytes of data contained within the Blob.
Blob.typeA string containing the MIME type, or an empty string if the type could not be determined.
Blob.arrayBuffer()Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the blob as binary data contained in an ArrayBuffer.
Blob.bytes()Returns a Promise that resolves with a Uint8Array containing the contents of the blob as an array of bytes.
Blob.slice()Returns a new Blob object which contains data from a subset of the blob on which it’s called. a ReadableStream which upon reading returns the data contained within the Blob.
Blob.text()Returns a Promise that resolves with a string containing the contents of the blob, interpreted as UTF-8.