grafana-worldmap-panel | Worldmap Panel | Migrate - Geomap (core) replaced Worldmap - Note this should migrate when Angular is disabled. |
natel-discrete-panel | Discrete | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
vonage-status-panel | Status Panel | Migrate - Consider Stat (core) or Polystat as potential alternatives. |
grafana-simple-json-datasource | SimpleJson | Migrate - Consider Infinity as a potential alternative. |
natel-plotly-panel | Plotly | Migrate - Consider alternative nline-plotlyjs-panel plugin. |
agenty-flowcharting-panel | FlowCharting | Migrate - Consider Canvas (core) or Diagram as potential alternatives. |
camptocamp-prometheus-alertmanager-datasource | Prometheus AlertManager | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. |
briangann-gauge-panel | D3 Gauge | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel | Boom Table | Migrate - Consider Table (core) and transformations as appropriate. |
briangann-datatable-panel | Datatable Panel | Wait - New version with React migration is planned. |
flant-statusmap-panel | Statusmap | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
michaeldmoore-multistat-panel | Multistat | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
pr0ps-trackmap-panel | TrackMap | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
snuids-trafficlights-panel | Traffic Lights | Migrate - Consider Traffic Light as a potential alternative. |
vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource | Altinity plugin for ClickHouse | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. |
petrslavotinek-carpetplot-panel | Carpet plot | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
ryantxu-ajax-panel | AJAX | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
michaeldmoore-annunciator-panel | Annunciator | Migrate - Consider Stat (core). |
marcuscalidus-svg-panel | SVG | Migrate - Consider alternatives such as Canvas (core), Colored SVG, or others. |
neocat-cal-heatmap-panel | Cal-HeatMap | Migrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization. |
blackmirror1-singlestat-math-panel | Singlestat Math | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
scadavis-synoptic-panel | SCADAvis Synoptic Panel | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0. |
farski-blendstat-panel | Blendstat | Migrate - Consider Stat (core) and transformations as appropriate. |
savantly-heatmap-panel | Heatmap | Migrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization. |
mtanda-histogram-panel | Histogram | Migrate - Consider included Histogram visualization. |
snuids-radar-panel | Radar Graph | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
fatcloud-windrose-panel | WindRose | Migrate - Consider alternative Operator Windrose plugin. |
bessler-pictureit-panel | PictureIt | Migrate - Consider alternative ePict plugin. |
digrich-bubblechart-panel | Bubble Chart | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.1. We recommend the latest. |
corpglory-progresslist-panel | Progress List | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
aidanmountford-html-panel | HTML | Migrate - Consider alternatives such as Text (core), HTML, or others. |
fifemon-graphql-datasource | GraphQL Data Source | Wait - Removal of AngularJS is planned. Consider Infinity plugin as alternative. |
goshposh-metaqueries-datasource | MetaQueries | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
mxswat-separator-panel | Separator | Migrate - Consider alternative Text panel (core) which can be empty and used as a separator. |
natel-influx-admin-panel | Influx Admin | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
doitintl-bigquery-datasource | Google BigQuery | Migrate - Consider Grafana Big Query plugin. |
satellogic-3d-globe-panel | 3D Globe Panel | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource | Cloudera Manager | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
grafana-splunk-datasource | Splunk | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.1.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-singlestat-panel | Singlestat | Migrate - Consider Stat panel (core). |
blackmirror1-statusbygroup-panel | Status By Group Panel | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
novalabs-annotations-panel | Annotation Panel | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
jasonlashua-prtg-datasource | PRTG | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
ryantxu-annolist-panel | Annotation List | Migrate - Consider annotations list (core). |
cloudflare-app | Cloudflare Grafana App | Migrate - Consider using the Cloudflare Dashboard or DNS Analytics API. |
smartmakers-trafficlight-panel | TrafficLight | Migrate - Consider Traffic Light as a potential alternative. |
zuburqan-parity-report-panel | Parity Report | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
citilogics-geoloop-panel | GeoLoop | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
xginn8-pagerduty-datasource | Pagerduty | Wait - We are developing an Enterprise plugin for Pagerduty targeted for availability in Q1 2024. Note that all roadmap items are subject to change. |
gretamosa-topology-panel | Topology Panel | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
fzakaria-simple-annotations-datasource | Simple Annotations | Migrate - Check for annotations support within your data sources to remove dependency on this plugin. |
oci-metrics-datasource | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Metrics | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 5.0.0. |
abhisant-druid-datasource | Druid | Migrate - Migrate to replacement Druid plugin. |
devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app | DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf | Migrate - Consider Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring (Grafana Cloud only). |
mtanda-heatmap-epoch-panel | HeatmapEpoch | Migrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization. |
alexandra-trackmap-panel | Track Map | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
gnocchixyz-gnocchi-datasource | Gnocchi | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
tencentcloud-monitor-app | Tencent Cloud Monitor | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
andig-darksky-datasource | DarkSky | Remove - Note that support for the DarkSky API was ended by Apple in March 2023. |
mtanda-google-calendar-datasource | GoogleCalendar | Wait - Migration to React is planned. |
ntop-ntopng-datasource | ntopng | Migrate - Consider InfluxDB (core), with additional guidance available here. |
ayoungprogrammer-finance-datasource | Finance | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
grafana-kairosdb-datasource | KairosDB | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
fastweb-openfalcon-datasource | Open-Falcon | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
praj-ams-datasource | Ambari Metrics | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
monasca-datasource | Monasca | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
grafana-strava-datasource | Strava | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.6.0. We recommend the latest. |
gridprotectionalliance-osisoftpi-datasource | OSIsoft-PI | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
monitoringartist-monitoringart-datasource | Monitoring Art | Migrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
hawkular-datasource | Hawkular | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
ovh-warp10-datasource | Warp 10 | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
natel-usgs-datasource | USGS Water Services | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
radensolutions-netxms-datasource | NetXMS | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
ibm-apm-datasource | IBM APM | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
cognitedata-datasource | Cognite Data Fusion | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
linksmart-sensorthings-datasource | LinkSmart SensorThings | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
pue-solr-datasource | Solr | Migrate - Consider this guidance on using solr-exporter for prometheus. |
paytm-kapacitor-datasource | KapacitorSimpleJson | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
oci-logs-datasource | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logs | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0. |
gridprotectionalliance-openhistorian-datasource | openHistorian | Wait - Note that new version with React migration is planned. |
devicehive-devicehive-datasource | DeviceHive | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
rackerlabs-blueflood-datasource | Blueflood | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
udoprog-heroic-datasource | Heroic | Migrate - Note that Heroic DB has been discontinued. |
akumuli-datasource | Akumuli | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
bmchelix-ade-datasource | BMC Helix | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
sidewinder-datasource | Sidewinder | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
linksmart-hds-datasource | LinkSmart HDS Datasource | Migrate - browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
skydive-datasource | Skydive | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
quasardb-datasource | QuasarDB | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
spotify-heroic-datasource | Heroic | Migrate - Note that Heroic DB has been discontinued. |
grafana-es-open-distro-datasource | Open Distro for Elasticsearch | Migrate - Note that OpenSearch replaced Open Distro for Elasticseach. |
humio-datasource | Humio | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
yeya24-chaosmesh-datasource | Chaos Mesh | Migrate - Note that plugin was replaced by chaosmeshorg-datasource. |
kentik-connect-app | Kentik Connect Pro | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.7.0. |
chaosmeshorg-datasource | Chaos Mesh | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. |
aquaqanalytics-kdbadaptor-datasource | kdb+ | Migrate - Note that kdb+ backend replaced kdb.+. |
alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app | Zabbix | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.3.0. We recommend the latest. Recently brought under Grafana signature. |
bosun-app | Bosun | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
belugacdn-app | BelugaCDN | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
grafana-azure-data-explorer-datasource | Azure Data Explorer Datasource | Update - The minimum supported version is 3.5.1. We recommend the latest. |
ddurieux-glpi-app | glpi | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
fetzerch-sunandmoon-datasource | Sun and Moon | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 0.3.0. |
grafana-clock-panel | Clock | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.1.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-github-datasource | GitHub | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.3.3. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-datadog-datasource | Datadog | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-gitlab-datasource | Gitlab | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.1.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-iot-twinmaker-app | AWS IoT TwinMaker App | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.6.3. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-newrelic-datasource | New Relic | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-opensearch-datasource | Opensearch | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-oracle-datasource | Oracle | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.6. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-piechart-panel | Pie Chart | Migrate - Note that Pie Chart (core) replaced Pie Chart. |
grafana-polystat-panel | Polystat | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-servicenow-datasource | ServiceNow | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.2. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-synthetic-monitoring-app | Synthetic Monitoring | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 0.7.3. We recommend the latest. |
grafana-wavefront-datasource | Wavefront | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
hadesarchitect-cassandra-datasource | Apache Cassandra | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.1.1. We recommend the latest. |
instana-datasource | Instana | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
jdbranham-diagram-panel | Diagram | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.7.1. We recommend the latest. |
larona-epict-panel | ePict | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
moogsoft-aiops-app | Moogsoft AIOps | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 9.0.0. |
opennms-helm-app | OpenNMS Helm | Migrate - Note that OpenNMS Plugin for Grafana replaced OpenNMS Helm. |
percona-percona-app | Percona | Migrate - Consider use of Percona dashboards. |
novatec-sdg-panel | Service Dependency Graph | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.3. |
pierosavi-imageit-panel | ImageIt | Migrate - Consider ePict or browse plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
redis-app | Redis Application | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.2.0. We recommend the latest. |
sbueringer-consul-datasource | Consul | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
simpod-json-datasource | JSON | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 0.3.0. We recommend the latest. |
singlestat | Singlestat | Migrate - Note that Stat (core) replaced Singlestat. |
sni-pnp-datasource | PNP | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
sni-thruk-datasource | Thruk | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
stagemonitor-elasticsearch-app | stagemonitor Elasticsearch | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
tdengine-datasource | TDengine Datasource | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 3.3.0. We recommend the latest. |
vertica-grafana-datasource | Vertica | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest. |
vonage-status-panel | Status Panel | Wait - Updated version may become available, or browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
voxter-app | Voxter VoIP Platform Metrics | Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives. |
graph | Graph (old) | Migrate - Note that this is replaced by Time Series (core) - This plugin should migrate when Angular is disabled. Also consider Bar Chart or Histogram if appropriate. |
table-old | Table (old) | Migrate - Note that this is replaced by Table (core) - This plugin should migrate when AngularJS is disabled. |
shorelinesoftware-shoreline-datasource | Shoreline Data Source | Update - Note the minimum version for React is 1.2.1. We recommend the latest. |