Plugins 〉Plotly




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Plotly Panel for Grafana

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Create advanced, interactive charts in Grafana using Plotly.js.

Key Features

  • Flexible chart creation with full Plotly.js capabilities
  • YAML/JSON support for easy configuration
  • Dark/light theme compatibility
  • Automatic and manual timezone adjustment
  • Cross-trace data application
  • Expandable code editors for customization
  • Grafana variable integration
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • High-resolution image export in multiple formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG, WebP)

For a complete list of recent updates, please refer to our changelog.

Getting Started

The Plotly Panel, developed by nLine, offers enhanced control over data visualization in Grafana. It uses a component-based approach, allowing you to modify chart elements independently without complex JavaScript interactions.

Panel Structure

The panel configuration consists of five main components:

  1. allData: Applied across all traces on the Plotly chart
  2. data: Defines the chart's data series (traces)
  3. layout: Controls the chart's appearance and axes
  4. config: Sets chart-wide options
  5. frames: (Optional) For animated charts

These components follow the Plotly.js schema. You can configure them using YAML or JSON in the panel options.

Data Transformation

You can transform your data before rendering using a custom script. The script has access to:

  • data: Raw data from your Grafana data source
  • variables: Grafana dashboard and system variables
  • options: Current panel configuration
  • utils: Helper functions (e.g., timezone conversion, dayjs for date manipulation)

Context Variables

The script has access to several context variables that provide useful information and functionality:


This object contains Grafana's dashboard variables and native Grafana variables. Native variables take precedence over dashboard variables with the same name.

Key native variables include:

  • __from and __to: Start and end timestamps of the current time range
  • __interval and __interval_ms: The interval in string format (e.g., "1h") and in milliseconds
  • __timezone: The current dashboard timezone
  • __timeFilter: A function to generate time range filter expressions
  • __dashboard: The current dashboard object

The utils object provides several utility functions and services to assist with data manipulation and panel interactions:

  • timeZone: The dashboard timezone
  • dayjs: A lightweight date manipulation library
  • matchTimezone: A convenience function to convert timeseries data to the user's timezone
  • locationService: Grafana's location service for URL manipulation
  • getTemplateSrv: Grafana's template service for variable substitution
  • replaceVariables: A function to substitute Grafana variables in strings

Processing Script

The script must return an object that defines the chart configuration. This object can include one or more of the following properties:

  • data: An array of trace objects defining the chart's data series
  • layout: An object controlling the chart's appearance and axes
  • config: An object setting chart-wide options
  • frames: An array of frame objects for animated charts

Note: The data and frames properties should be arrays of objects. The "Cross-trace Data" field can be an object, which will apply the parameters to all returned traces in the Script section. Objects are merged with script objects given priority (e.g., data from script > allData > data).

The script is defined in the "Processing Script" editor.

// Example: Basic timeseries plot
const { data, variables, options, utils } = arguments;
let series = data.series[0];
let x = series.fields[0];
let y = series.fields[1];

return { data: [ { x: x.values || x.values.buffer, y: y.values || y.values.buffer, type: ‘scatter’, mode: ’lines’, name:, }, ], layout: { xaxis: { title: }, yaxis: { title: }, }, };

On-click Event Handling

The panel supports click, select, and zoom events. You can define custom behavior for these events using the "On-event Trigger" editor.

// Event handling
const { type: eventType, data: eventData } = event;
const { timeZone, dayjs, locationService, getTemplateSrv } = utils;

switch (eventType) { case ‘click’: console.log(‘Click event:’, eventData.points); break; case ‘select’: console.log(‘Selection event:’, eventData.range); break; case ‘zoom’: console.log(‘Zoom event:’, eventData); break; }


For screenshots, please see the src/img folder.

Installing Plotly on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.8.1] - 2024-09-30


  • Added proper replaceVariables function to utils (works with scoped variables)


  • Bad empty dataframe detection

[1.8.0] - 2024-08-27


  • Add support for click, select, and zoom events
  • Implement dashboard time range synchronization with chart zoom
  • Expand script context with more Grafana variables and utilities
  • Update README with detailed usage instructions and examples
  • Improve error handling and code organization
  • Add migration script for compatibility with older versions


  • Titles substitute vars properly

[1.7.0] - 2024-08-07


  • Major refactor with multiple fixes and improvements
    • Image export reflects all config options
    • Light/dark theme that matches Grafana
    • Updated theme colors
    • Better error display
    • Clearer message when there's no data in source
    • Updated margins (default to 0 for all)
  • More memoziation to reduce rerendering
  • Fixed workflow and updated Node version
  • Updated with grafana/create-plugin
  • Updated license
  • Added a changelog


  • Bug fix for height/width resize
  • Fixed potential crashes with script validation

[1.6.7] - 2024-04-08


  • Small fix for 1.6.7

[1.6.6] - 2024-03-27


  • Moved image render function out of panel
  • Improved error handling
  • Updated to create-plugin

[1.6.5] - 2024-01-08


  • Updated
  • Fixed resizable issue

[1.6.4] - 2023-11-16


  • Fixed timezone matcher

[1.6.3] - 2023-11-16


  • Added ability to select column for time correction

[1.6.2] - 2023-10-26


  • Enhanced matchTimezone logic

[1.6.1] - 2023-10-06


  • Added image export format selector


  • Now passing the entire variable object

[1.6.0] - 2023-09-25


  • Fixed "browser" timezone issue


  • Removed forced defaults
  • Added matchTimezone function