Plugins 〉SPC Chart
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SPC Chart
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SPC Chart
Welcome to the KensoBI SPC Chart panel for Grafana. This plugin enables you to easily create statistical process control (SPC) charts, including Xbar-R, XbarS, and XmR charts. It automatically calculates and displays control limits, with options to add your own custom limits. Additionally, you can group your samples into subgroups and aggregate them using methods such as moving range, range, mean, or standard deviation.
Available Options
Xbar-R, XbarS, and XmR Charts: Create various types of SPC charts with a single click.
Automatic Control Limits: LCL (Lower Control Limit), UCL (Upper Control Limit), and mean are automatically calculated and displayed.
Custom Limits: Add your own limits for more tailored analysis.
Subgrouping: Group your samples into subgroups for analysis.
Aggregation: Aggregate your data by moving range, range, mean, or standard deviation.
Please see the full panel documentation at KensoBI Docs.
NOTE: The plugin comes with sample provisioned dashboards. Build and start the plugin to see them.
Getting Help
If you have any questions or feedback, you can:
- Create an issue to report bugs, issues, and feature suggestions.
- Ask a question on the KensoBI Discord channel.
Your feedback is always welcome!
This software is distributed under the Apache License.
Copyright (c) 2024 Kenso Software
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Grafana Cloud Free
- Free tier: Limited to 3 users
- Paid plans: $55 / user / month above included usage
- Access to all Enterprise Plugins
- Fully managed service (not available to self-manage)
Self-hosted Grafana Enterprise
- Access to all Enterprise plugins
- All Grafana Enterprise features
- Self-manage on your own infrastructure
Installing SPC Chart on Grafana Cloud:
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
Installing plugins on a Grafana Cloud instance is a one-click install; same with updates. Cool, right?
Note that it could take up to 1 minute to see the plugin show up in your Grafana.
For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.
Installing on a local Grafana:
For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.
1. Install the Panel
Use the grafana-cli tool to install SPC Chart from the commandline:
grafana-cli plugins install
The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file for your architecture below and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
2. Add the Panel to a Dashboard
Installed panels are available immediately in the Dashboards section in your Grafana main menu, and can be added like any other core panel in Grafana.
To see a list of installed panels, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core panels and installed panels will appear.
Installing on a local Grafana:
For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.
1. Install the Panel
Use the grafana-cli tool to install SPC Chart from the commandline:
grafana-cli plugins install
The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file for your architecture below and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
Alternatively, you can manually download the .zip file and unpack it into your grafana plugins directory.
2. Add the Panel to a Dashboard
Installed panels are available immediately in the Dashboards section in your Grafana main menu, and can be added like any other core panel in Grafana.
To see a list of installed panels, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core panels and installed panels will appear.
New Features:
- Complete panel rewrite for improved performance and functionality.
- Added support for XmR chart creation.
- Added support for Custom Control Lines to pull dynamic values from Feature Series.
- Brand New SPC Editor: A completely redesigned editor for setting up and customizing SPC charts with an intuitive user interface.
- Threshold Colors: Ability to add color thresholds to every control line for better visualization.
- Multiple Series Support: Enhanced functionality to handle multiple data series.s
- Customization Options:
- Customization of legend, tooltip, axis, and graph styles.
- Introduced a subgroupSize dashboard variable to control subgroup size across multiple panels.
- Improved SPC calculations: Enhanced accuracy in statistical process control.
- License Update: Changed from Apache 2.0 to AGPL-3.0-only.
- Now supports Grafana 11.
1.0.3 (2024-04-16)
Bug fixes
- Compatibility issue with Grafana 10.4.x (undefined reading 'Area') has been resolved.
- Bug with displaying colors in constants has been fixed.
Features and enhancements
- Ability to enter custom Sample size value has been added.
- New chart display styles: lines, smooth line, points, bars.
- Example demonstrating how to build a SQL query and use constants on a chart. See documentation for more information.
1.0.2 (2024-01-20)
- Fix scaling of panel options.
- Fix deprecated values.
- Add backward compatibility to Grafana >=9.5.7.
- Add ability to enter additional constants columns taken from the database using SQL entered as Table. See documentation for more information.