Plugins 〉Grafana Metrics Drilldown



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Grafana Metrics Drilldown

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  • Installation
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Grafana Metrics Drilldown

The Grafana Metrics Drilldown app provides a queryless experience for browsing Prometheus-compatible metrics. Quickly find related metrics without writing PromQL queries.


Requires Grafana 11.3.0 or newer.

Getting Started

See the docs for more info using Grafana Metrics Drilldown.



We love accepting contributions! If your change is minor, please feel free submit a pull request. If your change is larger, or adds a feature, please file an issue beforehand so that we can discuss the change. You're welcome to file an implementation pull request immediately as well, although we generally lean towards discussing the change and then reviewing the implementation separately.


If your issue is a bug, please open one here.


We do not have a formal proposal process for changes or feature requests. If you have a change you would like to see in Grafana Metrics Drilldown, please file an issue with the necessary details.

Installing Grafana Metrics Drilldown on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.

Installing on a local Grafana:

For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.

1. Install the Application

Use the grafana-cli tool to install Grafana Metrics Drilldown from the commandline:

grafana-cli plugins install 

The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.

2. Enable it

Next, log into your Grafana instance. Navigate to the Plugins section, found in your Grafana main menu.

Click the Apps tabs in the Plugins section and select the newly installed app.

To enable the app, click the Config tab. Follow the instructions provided with the application and click Enable. The app and any new UI pages are now accessible from within the main menu, as designed by the app creator.

If dashboards have been included with the application, they will attempt to be automatically installed. To view the dashboards, re-import or delete individual dashboards, click the Dashboards tab within the app page.