Plugins 〉Status Panel


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Status Panel

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Status Panel

Grafana Version Pipeline-Test-e2e Grafana-Plugin-Validator

A simple plugin to display the state of your resource.


Status Panel is a Grafana plugin designed to visualize the status of resources in a straightforward and customizable color card format.
The status is based on the resource's metrics or health checks queries, with severity thresholds that can be defined by the user.


  • Customizable Status Cards: Display resource status using color-coded cards that reflect severity levels based on user-defined thresholds.
  • Titles and Subtitles: Add titles and subtitles to each status card to clarify resource information.
  • Clickable Cards with URLs: Configure a URL to open when clicking on a status card, enabling quick navigation to additional details or resources.
  • Metric Display and Units: Optionally display metrics on the cards and define units for enhanced readability.
  • Multiple Cards per Panel: Add queries to display multiple cards in a single panel.
  • Individual Card Customization: Use override fields for advanced customization of each card independently.


Work for with all datasources as long as it returns a number field, like Prometheus, Loki, InfluxDB ...


This plugin supports autoscaling for best-fit sizing and font size of each cards to the panel size.

Card variant options

Multi cards in one panel


This panel provides some customization options and are searchable from the menu.


You can customize the panel with the following options:

  • Title: display the title of the card
  • Subtitle: display the subtitle of the card
  • URL: URL to open when clicking on the card
    • (if URL) Open URL in new tab: choose if the URL should be open in a new tab
  • Aggregate queries in a single card: Aggregate all queries in one card
  • Corner Radius: set the corner radius of the card (with css attribute)
  • Flip Card: set if card do a flip animation
    • (if not Flip Card) Stay on: select the side of the card to display
    • (if Flip Card) Flip interval: set the time in seconds to flip the card
  • Use 'Disable' color if no data: if no data is returned by the query, the card will be colored with the 'Disable' color

String variables

For text fields (Title, Subtitle, URL), you can use string formatted variables, to make the text more dynamic.

  • {{query_name}}: will be replaced by the query name (A, B, C, ... by default)
  • {{query_value}}: will be replaced by the value of the query (calculate with the selected aggregation)
  • {{quer_index}}: will be replaced by the index of the query (0, 1, 2, ... by default)
  • {{$__interval}}: will be replaced by the interval of the query
  • {{time}}: will be replaced by the sending query time. You can specify the format with {{time format}} (see EMACS - Date Time String Format)
    • {{time DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss}}: format the query time to DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss like 01-01-2022 00:00:00
    • {{time HH:mm:ss}}: format the query time to HH:mm:ss like 12:14:36
  • {{metric_name}}: (for Prometheus) will be replaced by the metric name
  • {{label:<label_name>}}: (for Prometheus) get the value of the label by his name. Must be present in the query expression

You can add multiple variables in the same field, like {{query_name}} - {{query_value}}

Display options

You can customize the apparence of the text with the following options:

  • Aggregation: Calculate method of the query value, used for threshold calculation
    • Last: (default) get the last value of the time range, returned by the query
    • First: get the first value of the time range, returned by the query
    • Max: get the maximum value of the time range, returned by the query
    • Min: get the minimum value of the time range, returned by the query
    • Sum: get the sum of the values of the time range, returned by the query
    • Avg: get the average of the values of the time range, returned by the query
    • Count: get the number of values of the time range, returned by the query
    • Delta: get the difference between the first and the last value of the time range, returned by the query
  • Display value metric: show the value of the query on the card
    • Metric font format: set the style of the metric text (bold, italic, underline, ...)
    • Metric Unit: set the unit of the metric value (like ms, B, Gbits/s, ...)


You can define thresholds to change the color and the severity depending on the query value by selected aggregation.

Thresholds are calculated if the query value is greater or equal to the threshold value.


query_value = 10
threshold_1 = 1
threshold_2 = 5
threshold_3 = 15
threshold_4 = 20
Oredered thresholds descending from the highest to the lowest
if query_value >= threshold_4:
select_threshold = threshold_4
elif query_value >= threhold_3:
select_threshold = threshold_3
elif query_value >= threshold_2:
select_threshold = threshold_2 # <= in this example, this is the selected threshold
elif query_value >= threshold_1:
select_threshold = threshold_1
select_threshold = default

threshold_3 > query_value >= threshold_2

Thresholds are defined by the following options:

  • color: set the color of the card, with the color picker
  • severity: text to display on the card, when the threshold is reached
  • value: value of the threshold (only number)

Overridden fields

If you want to customize the card individually, you can use the overridden fields.

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • URL
  • Open URL in new tab
  • Aggregation
  • Metric Unit
  • Thresholds

Installing Status Panel on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.

Installing on a local Grafana:

For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.

1. Install the Panel

Use the grafana-cli tool to install Status Panel from the commandline:

grafana-cli plugins install 

The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.

2. Add the Panel to a Dashboard

Installed panels are available immediately in the Dashboards section in your Grafana main menu, and can be added like any other core panel in Grafana.

To see a list of installed panels, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core panels and installed panels will appear.




  • Update LICENSE and NOTICE files to change code owner and mention the original code owner (Grafana Labs)
  • Upgrade package.json dependencies to use Grafana 10.4.0
  • Fix tests e2e according to the package upgrade


Breaking Changes

Make this plugin more simple and easy to use. The plugin now only supports the number type of data. The plugin will not work with other types of data.


  • Customizable thresholds (Severity color, Severity text, Value threshold). like the threshold editor of Grafana default option
  • Select metric unit to be displayed (like the unit selector of Grafana default option)
  • Panel subtitle (to display a metric category or whatever you want)
  • Panel title and subtitle can be formatted with formatted variables (like Query name {{query_name}}, Query value aggregate {{query_value}} ...)
  • Tests End-to-End
  • CI/CD pipelines


  • Fix the bug of non save panel flip state, by adding an option to save the flip state
  • Multi panes in one panel
    • Each pane corresponds to a Query
    • Each pane share the same thresholds, unit, and title and subtitle
    • Panes are in grid layout (flexbox).
    • Panes size (height and width, and font size) are responsive according to the panel size


  • Defined weird thresholds
  • Alert system
  • Auto scroll feature
  • Annotation display mode
  • Things that make this plugin not simple to use.

Fork from Grafana_Status_panel v2.0.0