Plugins 〉Track Map


Alexandra Institute

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Track Map

  • Overview
  • Installation
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Trackmap Panel for Grafana

license standard-readme compliant

Map plugin to visualize timeseries data from geo:json or NGSIv2 sources as either a Ant-path, Hexbin, or Heatmap.



It's important for the plugin to work, that the Format as is set to Table.

To use the plugin the data needs to be formatted as a table which either contains simple lat and lon, or as location in NGSIv2 format. Here is a example of how the data from the query should look like using location:

    "columns": [
        "text": "location"
    "rows": [
          "type": "geo:json",
          "value": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [56.171884, 10.189101]
          "type": "geo:json",
          "value": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [56.18803, 10.16773]
    "type": "table"

A example of a query for location against a CrateDB/PostgreSQL:

SELECT time_index, location
FROM table_name
WHERE $__timeFilter(time_index)
ORDER BY time_index

And a example query for lat and lon against a CrateDB/PostgreSQL:

SELECT time_index, latitude as lat, longitude as lon
FROM table_name
WHERE $__timeFilter(time_index)
ORDER BY time_index

To only get specific entities from the database a query could look like this:

SELECT location, time_index
FROM table_name
WHERE $__timeFilter(time_index)
AND (entity_id = 'vehicle:WasteManagement:id1' OR entity_id = 'vehicle:WasteManagement:id2')
ORDER BY time_index


You can change the starting zoom and center of the map, as well as the maximum zoom under the map options:


There is a options to enable the use of the maps min and max coordinates. This adds $maxLat, $minLat, $maxLon and $minLon as variables in the dashboard, with the maps bounding box. Which can then be used in the query, as an example for CrateDB/PostgreSQL:

SELECT time_index, latitude as lat, longitude as lon
FROM table_name
WHERE $__timeFilter(time_index)
AND latitude >= $minLat
AND latitude <= $maxLat
AND longitude >= $minLon
AND longitude <= $maxLon
ORDER BY time_index

To use this with NGSIv2 data, is a bit more complex, an example for CrateDB/PostgreSQL:

SELECT coordinates[1] as lat, coordinates[2] as lon, time_index
  SELECT location['value']['coordinates'] as coordinates, time_index
  FROM table_name
  WHERE $__timeFilter(time_index)
) AS alias
WHERE coordinates[1] >= $minLat
AND coordinates[1] <= $maxLat
AND coordinates[2] >= $minLon
AND coordinates[2] <= $maxLon

An option for the map to update the data after moving/zooming, is available when using the maps min and max coordinates. Do note that enabling this might make it spam your database, and can queue op request to it.

There are three visualization options to choose from, Hexbin, Heatmap and Antpath.



The hexbin have 2 options.

  • Color range which lets you set the colors of the hexbin based on there value (number of datapoints with the hexbin), with the left color being the lowest count, and the right color being the highest count.
  • And Radius range with the first field being the initial size of the hexbin changing to the size of the second field.




There are no settings available for Heatmap



The antpath have the following options available:

  • Delay: The delay of the animation flux
  • Dash array: The size of the animated dashes
  • Weight: The weight of the path
  • Color: The color of the path
  • Pulse color: Adds a color to the dashed flux
  • Paused: Toggle stop/start of the animation
  • Reverse: Reverses the animation flow



To build the plugin, you need either yarn or npm.

First you need to install the dependencies by running:

npm install

After the dependencies are installed, you can build the plugin by running the following command:

npm run build

You can also run the code in development with the following command:

npm run dev


If you are running grafana locally, you can clone or download the repository directly into the plugin directory of grafana, and then reset the grafana-server, and the plugin should be automatically detected.

Or if you are using docker, a guide can be found here.

There are more ways to install plugins for grafana, which can be found on their website.


A guide on how to contribute can be found here


This plugin was developed as part of the the SynchroniCity Project by The Alexandra Institute. The SynchroniCity project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732240


MIT © Alexandra Institute.

Installing Track Map on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.

Installing on a local Grafana:

For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.

1. Install the Panel

Use the grafana-cli tool to install Track Map from the commandline:

grafana-cli plugins install 

The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.

2. Add the Panel to a Dashboard

Installed panels are available immediately in the Dashboards section in your Grafana main menu, and can be added like any other core panel in Grafana.

To see a list of installed panels, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core panels and installed panels will appear.