Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
@grafana/data package
A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafana.
Class | Description |
AppendedVectors | This may be more trouble than it is worth. This trades some computation time for RAM – rather than allocate a new array the size of all previous arrays, this just points the correct index to their original array values |
AppPlugin | |
ArrayVector | |
BinaryOperationVector | |
CircularDataFrame | This dataframe can have values constantly added, and will never exceed the given capacity |
CircularVector | Circular vector uses a single buffer to capture a stream of values overwriting the oldest value on add.This supports adding to the ‘head’ or ’tail’ and will grow the buffer to match a configured capacity. |
ConstantVector | |
CSVReader | |
DataFrameView | (BETA) This abstraction will present the contents of a DataFrame as if it were a well typed javascript object Vector. |
DataSourceApi | The main data source abstraction interface, represents an instance of a data sourceAlthough this is a class, datasource implementations do not *yet* need to extend it. As such, we can not yet add functions with default implementations. |
DataSourcePlugin | |
FieldCache | |
FieldConfigEditorBuilder | Fluent API for declarative creation of field config option editors |
FieldConfigOptionsRegistry | |
FormattedVector | |
GrafanaPlugin | |
LanguageProvider | |
MutableDataFrame | |
PanelOptionsEditorBuilder | Fluent API for declarative creation of panel options |
PanelPlugin | |
Registry | |
SortedVector | Values are returned in the order defined by the input parameter |
Enumeration | Description |
BinaryOperationID | |
ColorScheme | |
CoreApp | |
CSVHeaderStyle | |
DataSourceStatus | |
DataTransformerID | |
ExploreMode | |
FieldColorMode | |
FieldConfigProperty | |
FieldMatcherID | |
FieldType | |
FrameMatcherID | Field name matchers |
GrafanaThemeType | |
InternalTimeZones | |
LoadingState | Represent panel data loading state. |
LogLevel | Mapping of log level abbreviation to canonical log level. Supported levels are reduce to limit color variation. |
LogsDedupDescription | |
LogsDedupStrategy | |
LogsMetaKind | |
MappingType | |
MatcherID | |
NullValueMode | |
OrgRole | |
PluginIncludeType | |
PluginSignatureStatus | |
PluginState | |
PluginType | |
ReducerID | |
ThresholdsMode | Display mode |
VariableOrigin | |
VariableSuggestionsScope | |
VizOrientation |
Interface | Description |
AbsoluteTimeRange | |
AnnotationEvent | |
AnnotationQueryRequest | Options passed to the datasource.annotationQuery method. See docs/plugins/developing/datasource.md |
AppEvent | |
ApplyFieldOverrideOptions | |
AppPluginMeta | |
AppRootProps | |
ArrowDataFrame | |
BuildInfo | Describes the build information that will be available via the Grafana configuration. |
ColorFieldConfigSettings | |
Column | |
ConfigOverrideRule | |
CreatePlotOverlay | |
CSVConfig | |
CSVOptions | |
CSVParseCallbacks | |
DataConfigSource | Describes and API for exposing panel specific data configurations. |
DataFrame | |
DataFrameDTO | Like a DataFrame, but fields may be a FieldDTO |
DataLink | Link configuration. The values may contain variables that need to be processed before showing the link to user.TODO: <T extends DataQuery> is not strictly true for internal links as we do not need refId for example but all data source defined queries extend this so this is more for documentation. |
DataLinkClickEvent | Callback info for DataLink click events |
DataLinksFieldConfigSettings | |
DataQuery | These are the common properties available to all queries in all datasources Specific implementations will extend this interface adding the required properties for the given context |
DataQueryError | |
DataQueryRequest | |
DataQueryResponse | |
DataQueryTimings | |
DataSourceConstructor | |
DataSourceInstanceSettings | Frontend settings model that is passed to Datasource constructor. This differs a bit from the model above as this data model is available to every user who has access to a data source (Viewers+). This is loaded in bootData (on page load), or from: /api/frontend/settings |
DataSourceJsonData | |
DataSourcePluginComponents | |
DataSourcePluginMeta | |
DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps | |
DataSourceSelectItem | |
DataSourceSettings | Data Source instance edit model. This is returned from: /api/datasources |
DataTransformerConfig | |
DataTransformerInfo | |
DateTime | |
DateTimeBuiltinFormat | |
DateTimeDuration | |
DateTimeLocale | |
DateTimeOptions | The type describing date and time options. Used for all the helper functions available to parse or format date and time values. |
DateTimeOptionsWhenParsing | The type that describes options that can be passed when parsing a date and time value. |
DateTimeOptionsWithFormat | The type describing the options that can be passed to the dateTimeFormat helper function to control how the date and time value passed to the function is formatted. |
DecimalInfo | |
Dimension | |
DisplayValue | |
DisplayValueAlignmentFactors | These represents the display value with the longest title and text. Used to align widths and heights when displaying multiple DisplayValues |
DynamicConfigValue | |
ExploreQueryFieldProps | |
ExploreStartPageProps | |
FeatureToggles | Describes available feature toggles in Grafana. These can be configured via the conf/custom.ini to enable features under development or not yet available in stable version. |
Field | |
FieldCalcs | |
FieldColor | |
FieldConfig | Every property is optionalPlugins may extend this with additional properties. Something like series overrides |
FieldConfigEditorConfig | |
FieldConfigEditorProps | |
FieldConfigPropertyItem | |
FieldConfigSource | |
FieldDisplay | |
FieldDTO | Like a field, but properties are optional and values may be a simple array |
FieldMatcherInfo | |
FieldOverrideContext | |
FieldOverrideEditorProps | |
FieldReducerInfo | |
FieldState | |
FieldWithIndex | |
FlotDataPoint | |
FormattedValue | |
FrameMatcherInfo | |
GetFieldDisplayValuesOptions | |
GrafanaConfig | Describes all the different Grafana configuration values available for an instance. |
GrafanaTheme | |
GrafanaThemeCommons | |
GraphSeriesXY | View model projection of a series |
GroupedTimeZones | |
HistoryItem | |
IntervalValues | |
Labels | |
LicenseInfo | Describes the license information about the current running instance of Grafana. |
LinkModel | Processed Link Model. The values are ready to use |
LinkModelSupplier | Provides a way to produce links on demandTODO: ScopedVars in in GrafanaUI package! |
LogLabelStatsModel | |
LogRowModel | |
LogSearchMatch | |
LogsMetaItem | |
LogsModel | |
LogsParser | |
MatcherConfig | |
MetadataInspectorProps | |
MetricFindValue | |
MutableVector | Vector with standard manipulation functions |
NavModel | Interface used to describe different kinds of page titles and page navigation. Navmodels are usually generated in the backend and stored in Redux. |
NavModelBreadcrumb | |
NavModelItem | |
NumberFieldConfigSettings | |
PanelData | |
PanelEditorProps | |
PanelModel | |
PanelOptionsEditorConfig | |
PanelOptionsEditorItem | |
PanelOptionsEditorProps | |
PanelPluginMeta | |
PanelProps | |
PluginBuildInfo | |
PluginConfigPage | |
PluginConfigPageProps | |
PluginDependencies | |
PluginInclude | |
PluginMeta | |
PluginMetaInfo | |
QueryEditorProps | |
QueryFix | |
QueryFixAction | |
QueryHint | |
QueryResultBase | |
QueryResultMeta | |
QueryResultMetaNotice | QueryResultMetaNotice is a structure that provides user notices for query result data |
QueryResultMetaStat | |
RangeMap | |
RawTimeRange | |
ReadWriteVector | Apache arrow vectors are Read/Write |
ReduceDataOptions | Options for how to turn DataFrames into an array of display values |
RegexpOrNamesMatcherOptions | |
RegistryItem | |
RegistryItemWithOptions | |
ScaledValue | |
ScopedVar | |
ScopedVars | |
ScreenshotInfo | |
SelectableValue | Used in select elements |
SelectFieldConfigSettings | |
StandardEditorContext | |
StandardEditorProps | |
StandardEditorsRegistryItem | |
StringFieldConfigSettings | |
TableData | |
TextMatch | |
Threshold | |
ThresholdsConfig | Config that is passed to the ThresholdsEditor |
ThresholdsFieldConfigSettings | |
TimeOption | |
TimeOptions | |
TimeRange | |
TimeSeries | |
TimeZoneCountry | |
TimeZoneInfo | |
TransformerRegistyItem | |
TransformerUIProps | |
UnitFieldConfigSettings | |
UserOrgDTO | |
ValueFormat | |
ValueFormatCategory | |
ValueLinkConfig | |
ValueMap | |
ValueMappingFieldConfigSettings | |
VariableModel | |
VariableSuggestion | |
Vector | |
YAxis |
Namespace | Description |
AppEvents | |
dateMath | |
PanelEvents | |
rangeUtil |
Type Aliases
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