Plugins using AngularJS

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Plugins using AngularJS

The use of AngularJS in Grafana has been deprecated in favor of React. Support for AngularJS will be turned off by default in Grafana 11.

This page explains how Grafana users might be impacted by the removal of Angular support based on plugins dependent on this legacy framework. You will also see if there is a migration option available for a given plugin.


We are greatly appreciative of the developers who have contributed plugins to the Grafana ecosystem. Guidance on migrating a plugin to React can be found in our migration guide.

What should I do with the list of AngularJS plugins?

Refer to the table below and take the appropriate action for you.

  • Consider the advice on whether to update, migrate to a listed alternative, or explore the Grafana plugins catalog to find the most suitable option for your use case.
  • Use our detect-angular-dashboards open source tooling to list dashboards which have a dependency on Angular plugins.
  • Check your Grafana instances for usage of these plugins. Refer to the documentation on browsing installed plugins.
  • Customers of Grafana Enterprise and users of Grafana Cloud can also leverage usage insights to prioritize any migration efforts.
  • Review the plugin source repositories to add your support to any migration issues or consider forking the repo.


If you want to add any specific migration guidance for your plugin here or update our assessment, please open a PR by clicking Suggest an edit at the bottom of this page.

Private plugins

Grafana OSS and Grafana Enterprise support the creation of private plugins for use on local instances. These plugins may have a dependency on AngularJS and require an update.

The detect-angular-dashboards tool listed above will include private plugins in its report if the Grafana version is v10.1.0 or later.

Additionally, warning icons and messages will be displayed when browsing the catalog via Administration > Plugins and Data > Plugins in your local instance.

Automatic migration of plugins

Certain legacy Grafana panel plugins automatically update to their React-based replacements when Angular support is disabled. This migration is usually available within the panel options, as shown in the screenshot below for World Map. Automatic migration can be triggered by setting the feature toggle autoMigrateOldPanels to true.

Automatic migration is supported for the plugins shown in the following table. Each of the target plugins are included in Grafana as Core plugins which don’t require installation.

PluginMigration target
Graph (old)Time Series
Stat (old)Stat
Table (old)Table

A dashboard must still be saved with the new plugin ID to persist the change.

AngularJS-based plugins

This table lists plugins which we have detected as having a dependency on AngularJS. For alternatives, consider included Visualizations and Data sources, as well as external plugins from the catalog.

Plugin IDNameAction
grafana-worldmap-panelWorldmap PanelMigrate - Geomap (core) replaced Worldmap - Note this should migrate when Angular is disabled.
natel-discrete-panelDiscreteMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
vonage-status-panelStatus PanelMigrate - Consider Stat (core) or Polystat as potential alternatives.
grafana-simple-json-datasourceSimpleJsonMigrate - Consider Infinity as a potential alternative.
natel-plotly-panelPlotlyMigrate - Consider alternative nline-plotlyjs-panel plugin.
agenty-flowcharting-panelFlowChartingMigrate - Consider Canvas (core) or Diagram as potential alternatives.
camptocamp-prometheus-alertmanager-datasourcePrometheus AlertManagerUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0.
briangann-gauge-panelD3 GaugeUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
yesoreyeram-boomtable-panelBoom TableMigrate - Consider Table (core) and transformations as appropriate.
briangann-datatable-panelDatatable PanelWait - New version with React migration is planned.
flant-statusmap-panelStatusmapMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
michaeldmoore-multistat-panelMultistatMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
pr0ps-trackmap-panelTrackMapMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
snuids-trafficlights-panelTraffic LightsMigrate - Consider Traffic Light as a potential alternative.
vertamedia-clickhouse-datasourceAltinity plugin for ClickHouseUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0.
petrslavotinek-carpetplot-panelCarpet plotMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
ryantxu-ajax-panelAJAXMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
michaeldmoore-annunciator-panelAnnunciatorMigrate - Consider Stat (core).
marcuscalidus-svg-panelSVGMigrate - Consider alternatives such as Canvas (core), Colored SVG, or others.
neocat-cal-heatmap-panelCal-HeatMapMigrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization.
blackmirror1-singlestat-math-panelSinglestat MathMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
scadavis-synoptic-panelSCADAvis Synoptic PanelUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.
farski-blendstat-panelBlendstatMigrate - Consider Stat (core) and transformations as appropriate.
savantly-heatmap-panelHeatmapMigrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization.
mtanda-histogram-panelHistogramMigrate - Consider included Histogram visualization.
snuids-radar-panelRadar GraphMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
fatcloud-windrose-panelWindRoseMigrate - Consider alternative Operator Windrose plugin.
bessler-pictureit-panelPictureItMigrate - Consider alternative ePict plugin.
digrich-bubblechart-panelBubble ChartUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.1. We recommend the latest.
corpglory-progresslist-panelProgress ListMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
aidanmountford-html-panelHTMLMigrate - Consider alternatives such as Text (core), HTML, or others.
fifemon-graphql-datasourceGraphQL Data SourceWait - Removal of AngularJS is planned. Consider Infinity plugin as alternative.
goshposh-metaqueries-datasourceMetaQueriesMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
mxswat-separator-panelSeparatorMigrate - Consider alternative Text panel (core) which can be empty and used as a separator.
natel-influx-admin-panelInflux AdminMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
doitintl-bigquery-datasourceGoogle BigQueryMigrate - Consider Grafana Big Query plugin.
satellogic-3d-globe-panel3D Globe PanelMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
foursquare-clouderamanager-datasourceCloudera ManagerMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
grafana-splunk-datasourceSplunkUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.1.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-singlestat-panelSinglestatMigrate - Consider Stat panel (core).
blackmirror1-statusbygroup-panelStatus By Group PanelMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
novalabs-annotations-panelAnnotation PanelMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
jasonlashua-prtg-datasourcePRTGMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
ryantxu-annolist-panelAnnotation ListMigrate - Consider annotations list (core).
cloudflare-appCloudflare Grafana AppMigrate - Consider using the Cloudflare Dashboard or DNS Analytics API.
smartmakers-trafficlight-panelTrafficLightMigrate - Consider Traffic Light as a potential alternative.
zuburqan-parity-report-panelParity ReportMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
citilogics-geoloop-panelGeoLoopMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
xginn8-pagerduty-datasourcePagerdutyWait - We are developing an Enterprise plugin for Pagerduty targeted for availability in Q1 2024. Note that all roadmap items are subject to change.
gretamosa-topology-panelTopology PanelMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
fzakaria-simple-annotations-datasourceSimple AnnotationsMigrate - Check for annotations support within your data sources to remove dependency on this plugin.
oci-metrics-datasourceOracle Cloud Infrastructure MetricsUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 5.0.0.
abhisant-druid-datasourceDruidMigrate - Migrate to replacement Druid plugin.
devopsprodigy-kubegraf-appDevOpsProdigy KubeGrafMigrate - Consider Grafana Kubernetes Monitoring (Grafana Cloud only).
mtanda-heatmap-epoch-panelHeatmapEpochMigrate - Consider Heatmap (core) visualization.
alexandra-trackmap-panelTrack MapMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
gnocchixyz-gnocchi-datasourceGnocchiMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
tencentcloud-monitor-appTencent Cloud MonitorMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
andig-darksky-datasourceDarkSkyRemove - Note that support for the DarkSky API was ended by Apple in March 2023.
mtanda-google-calendar-datasourceGoogleCalendarWait - Migration to React is planned.
ntop-ntopng-datasourcentopngMigrate - Consider InfluxDB (core), with additional guidance available here.
ayoungprogrammer-finance-datasourceFinanceMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
grafana-kairosdb-datasourceKairosDBMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
fastweb-openfalcon-datasourceOpen-FalconMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
praj-ams-datasourceAmbari MetricsMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
monasca-datasourceMonascaMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
grafana-strava-datasourceStravaUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.6.0. We recommend the latest.
gridprotectionalliance-osisoftpi-datasourceOSIsoft-PIUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0. We recommend the latest.
monitoringartist-monitoringart-datasourceMonitoring ArtMigrate - Browse included visualizations and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
hawkular-datasourceHawkularMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
ovh-warp10-datasourceWarp 10Migrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
natel-usgs-datasourceUSGS Water ServicesMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
radensolutions-netxms-datasourceNetXMSMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
ibm-apm-datasourceIBM APMMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
cognitedata-datasourceCognite Data FusionUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0. We recommend the latest.
linksmart-sensorthings-datasourceLinkSmart SensorThingsMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
pue-solr-datasourceSolrMigrate - Consider this guidance on using solr-exporter for prometheus.
paytm-kapacitor-datasourceKapacitorSimpleJsonMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
oci-logs-datasourceOracle Cloud Infrastructure LogsUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.0.
gridprotectionalliance-openhistorian-datasourceopenHistorianWait - Note that new version with React migration is planned.
devicehive-devicehive-datasourceDeviceHiveMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
rackerlabs-blueflood-datasourceBluefloodMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
udoprog-heroic-datasourceHeroicMigrate - Note that Heroic DB has been discontinued.
akumuli-datasourceAkumuliMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
bmchelix-ade-datasourceBMC HelixMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
sidewinder-datasourceSidewinderMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
linksmart-hds-datasourceLinkSmart HDS DatasourceMigrate - browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
skydive-datasourceSkydiveMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
quasardb-datasourceQuasarDBMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
spotify-heroic-datasourceHeroicMigrate - Note that Heroic DB has been discontinued.
grafana-es-open-distro-datasourceOpen Distro for ElasticsearchMigrate - Note that OpenSearch replaced Open Distro for Elasticseach.
humio-datasourceHumioMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
yeya24-chaosmesh-datasourceChaos MeshMigrate - Note that plugin was replaced by chaosmeshorg-datasource.
kentik-connect-appKentik Connect ProUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.7.0.
chaosmeshorg-datasourceChaos MeshUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0.
aquaqanalytics-kdbadaptor-datasourcekdb+Migrate - Note that kdb+ backend replaced kdb.+.
alexanderzobnin-zabbix-appZabbixUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.3.0. We recommend the latest. Recently brought under Grafana signature.
bosun-appBosunMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
belugacdn-appBelugaCDNMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
grafana-azure-data-explorer-datasourceAzure Data Explorer DatasourceUpdate - The minimum supported version is 3.5.1. We recommend the latest.
ddurieux-glpi-appglpiMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
fetzerch-sunandmoon-datasourceSun and MoonUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 0.3.0.
grafana-clock-panelClockUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.1.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-github-datasourceGitHubUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.3.3. We recommend the latest.
grafana-datadog-datasourceDatadogUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-gitlab-datasourceGitlabUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.1.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-iot-twinmaker-appAWS IoT TwinMaker AppUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.6.3. We recommend the latest.
grafana-newrelic-datasourceNew RelicUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-opensearch-datasourceOpensearchUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-oracle-datasourceOracleUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.6. We recommend the latest.
grafana-piechart-panelPie ChartMigrate - Note that Pie Chart (core) replaced Pie Chart.
grafana-polystat-panelPolystatUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
grafana-servicenow-datasourceServiceNowUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.2. We recommend the latest.
grafana-synthetic-monitoring-appSynthetic MonitoringUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 0.7.3. We recommend the latest.
grafana-wavefront-datasourceWavefrontUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
hadesarchitect-cassandra-datasourceApache CassandraUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.1.1. We recommend the latest.
instana-datasourceInstanaUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.0.0. We recommend the latest.
jdbranham-diagram-panelDiagramUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.7.1. We recommend the latest.
larona-epict-panelePictUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
moogsoft-aiops-appMoogsoft AIOpsUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 9.0.0.
opennms-helm-appOpenNMS HelmMigrate - Note that OpenNMS Plugin for Grafana replaced OpenNMS Helm.
percona-percona-appPerconaMigrate - Consider use of Percona dashboards.
novatec-sdg-panelService Dependency GraphUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 4.0.3.
pierosavi-imageit-panelImageItMigrate - Consider ePict or browse plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
redis-appRedis ApplicationUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.2.0. We recommend the latest.
sbueringer-consul-datasourceConsulMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
simpod-json-datasourceJSONUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 0.3.0. We recommend the latest.
singlestatSinglestatMigrate - Note that Stat (core) replaced Singlestat.
sni-pnp-datasourcePNPUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
sni-thruk-datasourceThrukUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
stagemonitor-elasticsearch-appstagemonitor ElasticsearchMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
tdengine-datasourceTDengine DatasourceUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 3.3.0. We recommend the latest.
vertica-grafana-datasourceVerticaUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 2.0.0. We recommend the latest.
voxter-appVoxter VoIP Platform MetricsMigrate - Browse included data sources and plugins catalog for potential alternatives.
graphGraph (old)Migrate - Note that this is replaced by Time Series (core) - This plugin should migrate when Angular is disabled. Also consider Bar Chart or Histogram if appropriate.
table-oldTable (old)Migrate - Note that this is replaced by Table (core) - This plugin should migrate when AngularJS is disabled.
shorelinesoftware-shoreline-datasourceShoreline Data SourceUpdate - Note the minimum version for React is 1.2.1. We recommend the latest.