
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Upgrade to Grafana v11.2

We recommend that you upgrade Grafana often to stay current with the latest fixes and enhancements. Because Grafana upgrades are backward compatible, the upgrade process is straightforward, and dashboards and graphs will not change.

In addition to common tasks you should complete for all versions of Grafana, there might be additional upgrade tasks to complete for a version.


There might be breaking changes in some releases. We outline these changes in the What’s New document for most releases or a separate Breaking changes document for releases with many breaking changes.

For versions of Grafana prior to v9.2, we published additional information in the Release Notes.

When available, we list all changes with links to pull requests or issues in the Changelog.


When possible, we recommend that you test the Grafana upgrade process in a test or development environment.

Back up Grafana

This topic explains how to back up a local Grafana deployment, including configuration, plugin data, and the Grafana database.

Back up the Grafana configuration file

Copy Grafana configuration files that you might have modified in your Grafana deployment to a backup directory.

The Grafana configuration files are located in the following directories:

  • Default configuration: $WORKING_DIR/defaults.ini (Don’t change this file)
  • Custom configuration: $WORKING_DIR/custom.ini

For more information on where to find configuration files, refer to Configuration file location.


If you installed Grafana using the deb or rpm packages, then your configuration file is located at /etc/grafana/grafana.ini. This path is specified in the Grafana init.d script using --config file parameter.

Back up plugin data

Installing plugins in Grafana creates a folder for each plugin with its associated files and data. Copy all files and folders recursively from this location to your backup repository.

The Grafana plugin files are located in the following directories:

  • Default location for plugins in a binary or source installation: $WORKING_DIR/data/plugins
  • Default location for plugins in a deb or rpm package: /var/lib/grafana/plugins. This path is specified in the Grafana init.d script using --config file parameter.

Back up the Grafana database

We recommend that you back up your Grafana database so that you can roll back to a previous version, if required.


The default Grafana database is SQLite, which stores its data in a single file on disk. To back up this file, copy it to your backup repository.


To ensure data integrity, shut down your Grafana service before backing up the SQLite database.

The SQLite database file is located in one of the following directories:

  • Default location for SQLite data in a binary or source installation: $WORKING_DIR/data/grafana.db
  • Default location for SQLite data in a deb or rpm package: /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db. This path is specified in the Grafana init.d script using --config file parameter.


To back up or restore a MySQL Grafana database, run the following commands:

> mysqldump -u root -p[root_password] [grafana] > grafana_backup.sql

> mysql -u root -p grafana < grafana_backup.sql


To back up or restore a Postgres Grafana database, run the following commands:

> pg_dump grafana > grafana_backup

> psql grafana < grafana_backup

Upgrade Grafana

The following sections provide instructions for how to upgrade Grafana based on your installation method. For more information on where to find configuration files, refer to Configuration file location.


To upgrade Grafana installed from a Debian package (.deb), complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to a file named <grafana_install_dir>/grafana.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Download the latest version of Grafana.

  3. Run the following dpkg -i command.

    wget <debian package url>
    sudo apt-get install -y adduser
    sudo dpkg -i grafana_<version>_amd64.deb

APT repository

To upgrade Grafana installed from the Grafana Labs APT repository, complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to a file named <grafana_install_dir>/grafana.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Run the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

Grafana automatically updates when you run apt-get upgrade.

Binary .tar file

To upgrade Grafana installed from the binary .tar.gz package, complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to the custom configuration file, custom.ini or grafana.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Download the binary .tar.gz package.

  3. Extract the downloaded package and overwrite the existing files.


To upgrade Grafana installed using RPM or YUM complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to a file named <grafana_install_dir>/grafana.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Perform one of the following steps based on your installation.


To upgrade Grafana running in a Docker container, complete the following steps:

  1. Use Grafana environment variables to save your custom configurations; this is the recommended method. Alternatively, you can view your configuration files manually by accessing the deployed container.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Run a commands similar to the following commands.


    This is an example. The parameters you enter depend on how you configured your Grafana container.

    docker pull grafana/grafana
    docker stop my-grafana-container
    docker rm my-grafana-container
    docker run -d --name=my-grafana-container --restart=always -v /var/lib/grafana:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana


To upgrade Grafana installed on Windows, complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to a file named <grafana_install_dir>/conf/custom.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Download the Windows binary package.

  3. Extract the contents of the package to the location in which you installed Grafana.

    You can overwrite existing files and folders, when prompted.


To upgrade Grafana installed on Mac, complete the following steps:

  1. In your current installation of Grafana, save your custom configuration changes to the custom configuration file, custom.ini.

    This enables you to upgrade Grafana without the risk of losing your configuration changes.

  2. Download the Mac binary package.

  3. Extract the contents of the package to the location in which you installed Grafana.

    You can overwrite existing files and folders, when prompted.

Update Grafana plugins

After you upgrade Grafana, we recommend that you update all plugins because a new version of Grafana can make older plugins stop working properly.

Run the following command to update plugins:

grafana cli plugins update-all

Technical notes

Grafana data source UID format enforcement

Ensure that your data source UIDs follow the correct standard

We’ve had a standard ways to define UIDs for Grafana objects for years (at least since Grafana v5). While all of our internal code complies to this format, we didn’t yet have strict enforcement of this format in REST APIs and provisioning paths that allow the creation and update of data sources.

In Grafana v11.1, we introduced a warning that is sent to Grafana server logs every time a data source instance is being created or updated using an invalid UID format.

In Grafana v11.2, we added a new feature flag called failWrongDSUID that is turned off by default. When enabled, the REST APIs and provisioning start rejecting any requests to create or update data source instances that have an incorrect UID.

In Grafana v11.5, we’re going to turn feature flag failWrongDSUID on by default, but there will still be an option to turn it off.

In Grafana v12, this will be the default behavior and will not be configurable.

Correct UID format

You can find the exact regex definition in the grafana repository.

A data source UID can only contain:

  • Latin characters (a-Z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Dash symbols (-)

How do I know if I’m affected?

  • You can fetch all your data sources using the /api/datasources API. Review the uid fields, comparing them to the correct format, as shown in the docs. Following is a script that can help, but note that it’s missing authentication that you have to add yourself:
curl http://localhost:3000/api/datasources | jq '.[] | select((.uid | test("^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+$") | not) or (.uid | length > 40)) | {id, uid, name, type}'
  • Alternatively, you can check the server logs for the Invalid datasource uid error.

What do I do if I’m affected?

You’ll need to create a new data source with the correct UID and update your dashboards and alert rules to use it.

How do I update my dashboards to use the new or updated data source?

  1. Go to the dashboard using the data source and update it by selecting the new or updated data source from the picker below your panel.

  2. Update the dashboard’s JSON model directly using search and replace.

    Navigate to dashboard json model and carefully replace all the instances of old uid with the newly created uid.

    Updating JSON Model of a Dashboard

How do I update my alert rules to use the new or updated data source?

Open the alert rule you want to adjust and search for the data source that is being used for the query/alert condition. From there, select the new data source from the drop-down list and save the alert rule.