Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Strategies for upgrading your self-managed Grafana instance
At Grafana Labs, we believe in shipping features early and often, and in recent years we’ve increased our commitment to that philosophy.
We no longer wait for the yearly major release to give you access to the next big improvement. Instead, we regularly make new features, bug fixes, and security patches available to our self-managing users (Grafana OSS and Grafana Enterprise) throughout the year.
Having a dependable release process provides users like you with the best Grafana experience possible, and it provides the flexibility to upgrade in a manner that works best for you and your organization.
What to expect from each release type
We split Grafana OSS and Grafana Enterprise releases into three main categories:
- Minor release (every other month): These releases can include new features, deprecation notices, notices about upcoming breaking changes, previously announced breaking changes, bug fixes, and security vulnerability patches.
- Major release (once a year, in April/May): These are like a minor release, but accompanied by GrafanaCON and a comprehensive upgrade guide for users who like to upgrade only once a year.
- Patching release (every month): These include bug fixes for currently supported versions, as well as any security vulnerability patches.
You can choose your cadence: For frequent self-managed updates, you should follow the minor release (for example, upgrade 10.1 to 10.2), which also gives you access to the latest features. If you need a longer period to review our new releases, you should follow the major releases. Both strategies get patching releases with security fixes (high severity security fixes also result in ad-hoc patch releases). We’ll get into additional guidance on upgrade cadences later in this guide.
How to find the specifics for a release
We love sharing all our great features with you so you can leverage Grafana to its fullest. We also understand that great release documentation allows you to upgrade with confidence. Whether it’s knowing that a bug has been fixed, seeing that a security vulnerability is patched, or understanding how to mitigate the impact of breaking changes, proper documentation allows you to make informed decisions about when to upgrade your local Grafana instances.
We provide release documentation in multiple places to address different needs:
- What’s new outlines new features debuting in each major and minor release.
- Breaking changes notify you of updates included in major releases that could impact you and provide mitigation recommendations when needed.
- Upgrade guides instruct you on how to upgrade to a newer minor or major version.
- And finally, a changelog is generated for every release (major, minor, patching, security) and outlines all changes included in that release.
When to expect releases
Currently, Grafana is on a monthly release cycle. Here’s a look at scheduled releases for the first half of 2025:
Anticipated release date | Grafana versions | Release type |
Jan. 28, 2025 | 11.5 & Supported versions | Minor & patching |
Feb. 18, 2025 | Supported versions | Patching |
March 25, 2025 | 11.6 & Supported versions | Minor & patching |
April 15, 2025 | Supported versions | Patching |
May 5, 2025 | Grafana 12.0 & Supported versions | Major & patching |
A few important notes
- The schedule above outlines how we plan release dates. However, unforeseen events and circumstances may cause dates to change.
- High severity security and feature degradation incidents will result in ad-hoc releases that are not scheduled ahead of time.
- Patching releases are for the current (last released) minor version of Grafana. Additional older versions of Grafana may be included if there is a critical bug or security vulnerability that needs to be patched.
- Release freezes: Each year Grafana implements two release freezes to accommodate for the holiday season, these dates will be announced as the holiday season approaches. During these times, no scheduled releases will be executed. However, this does not apply to changes that may be required during the course of an operational or security incident.
Grafana security releases: improved version naming convention
We’ve enhanced our naming convention for security release versions to make it easier to clearly identify our security releases from our standard patching releases.
In the past, critical vulnerabilities triggered unscheduled releases that incremented the patch version (e.g., 10.3.0 to 10.3.1). However, we found that the naming convention for these releases didn’t clearly communicate the nature of the update. For example, if there was a version change from 11.3.0 to 11.3.1, there was no indication whether it was a security fix, a bug fix, or a minor feature update. This lack of clarity led to confusion about the urgency and nature of the update.
Docker does not allow the plus sign (+
) in image tag names. A plus sign (+
) will be a rendered as a dash (-
) in the docker tag.
Our new approach directly addresses this issue. Going forward, security releases will be appended with “+security” to indicate that the release is the indicated version PLUS the security fix.
For example: A release named “11.2.3+security-01” would consist of what was released in 11.2.3 PLUS the indicated security fix. Once released, the security fix will also then be automatically included in all future releases of the impacted version.
This naming convention should make it easier to identify security updates and the Grafana version they’re based on, allowing for a better understanding of the importance and urgency of each release.
What to know about version support
Self-managed Grafana users have control over when they upgrade to a new version of Grafana. To help you make an informed decision about whether it’s time to upgrade, it’s important that you understand the level of support provided for your current version.
For self-managed Grafana (both Enterprise and OSS), the support for versions is as follows:
- Support for each minor release extends to nine months after the release date.
- Support for the last minor release of a major version is extended an additional six months, for a total of 15 months of support after the release date.
Here is an overview of projected version support through 2024:
Version | Release date | Support end of life (EOL) |
10.3 | January 2024 | NO LONGER SUPPORTED as of October 2024 |
10.4 (Last minor of 10.0) | March 2024 | June 2025 (extended support) |
11.0 | May 2024 | February 2025 |
11.1 | June 2024 | March 2025 |
11.2 | August 2024 | May 2025 |
11.3 | October 2024 | July 2025 |
11.4 | December 2024 | September 2025 |
Grafana 9.5.x was the last supported minor for the 9.0 major release and is no longer supported as of July 2024.
How are these versions supported?
The level of support changes as new versions of Grafana are released. Here are a few details to keep in mind:
- The current (most recently released) version of Grafana gets the highest level of support. Releases for this version include all the new features along with all bug fixes.
- All supported versions receive security patches for vulnerabilities impacting that version.
- All supported versions receive patches for bugs that cause critical feature degradation incidents.
Keeping all this in mind, users that want to receive the most recent features and all bug fixes should be on the current (most recently released) version of Grafana.
What is a critical feature degradation?
A critical feature degradation usually meets one of the following criteria:
- Major functionality is universally unavailable (for example, cannot create dashboards, unable to authenticate).
- Major (critical) impact to a significant amount of customers.
- Major escalated incident for one or many customers.
Self-managing upgrade strategies
Based on your needs, you can choose your ideal upgrade strategy. Here’s what that might look like in practice:
Strategy/cadence | Advantages/disadvantages | Example upgrade procedure |
Minor / bi-monthly (11.1 to 11.2) | Our recommended strategy. It combines up-to-date, secure releases with access to latest features as soon as they’re released.
Major / yearly (10.0 to 11.0) | Yearly upgrade path that still gives access to up-to-date features presented at GrafanaCON.
Previous major / yearly (9.5 to 10.4) | Release with extended support timeline
For each strategy, you should stay informed about patch releases that fix security vulnerabilities (released monthly, plus ad-hoc releases). Follow the “minor” strategy for the most flexibility, as you can also occasionally lengthen the cadence to a full quarter and still rely on your currently deployed minor release being supported with security fixes.