Configure Beyla
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Configure Beyla

You can configure Beyla by setting export modes, global properties, and component options.

  • Export modes
    Configure Beyla to export data directly to an OTLP endpoint or through Alloy.
  • Global properties
    Configure global configuration properties that apply to Beyla core.
  • Export data
    Configure the Beyla components to export Prometheus and OpenTelemetry metrics and OpenTelemetry traces, including exporting to Grafana Cloud Prometheus and OTLP endpoints.
  • Service discovery
    Configure how the Beyla service discovery component searches for processes to instrument.
  • Metrics attributes
    Configure the metrics and traces attributes component that controls the attributes reported, including instance ID decoration and metadata of instrumented Kubernetes pods.
  • Filter data
    Configure Beyla to filter metrics and traces by attribute values.
  • Routes decorator
    Configure the routes decorator component before Beyla sends data to the next stage of the pipeline.
  • Metrics histograms
    Configure metrics histograms for Prometheus and OpenTelemetry, and whether to use native histograms and exponential histograms.
  • Sample traces
    Configure how to sample OpenTelemetry traces.
  • Internal metrics reporter
    Configure how the optional internal metrics reporter component reports metrics on the internal behavior of the auto-instrumentation tool in Prometheus format.
  • Tune performance
    Configure how the eBPF tracer component instruments HTTP and GRPC services of external processes and creates traces to forward to the next stage of the pipeline.
  • YAML example
    Example Beyla configuration YAML example.

For information on the metrics Beyla exports, refer to the exported metrics documentation.

Refer to the routes decorator documentation to configure the low cardinality routes decorator is very important for optimal results.