click(x, y[, options])

This is documentation for the next version of K6. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source

click(x, y[, options])

Mouse clicks on the x and y coordinates. It’s a shorthand for calling mouse.move(x, y) followed by mouse.down() and mouse.up(). This is useful for simulating a single mouse click.

xnumberThe x-coordinate to click on.
ynumberThe y-coordinate to click on.
options.buttonstringThe mouse button to click. Possible values are 'left', 'right', and 'middle'. Default is 'left'.
options.clickCountnumberThe number of times to click. Default is 1.
options.delaynumberThe delay in milliseconds between mousedown and mouseup events. Default is 0.


Promise<void>A Promise that fulfills when the mouse click action is complete.