Annotations list

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Annotations list

The annotations list shows a list of available annotations you can use to view annotated data. Various options are available to filter the list based on tags and on the current dashboard.

Annotation query

The following options control the source query for the list of annotations.

Query Filter

Use the query filter to create a list of annotations from all dashboards in your organization or the current dashboard in which this panel is located. It has the following options:

  • All dashboards - List annotations from all dashboards in the current organization.
  • This dashboard - Limit the list to the annotations on the current dashboard.

Time Range

Use the time range option to specify whether the list should be limited to the current time range. It has the following options:

  • None - no time range limit for the annotations query.
  • This dashboard - Limit the list to the time range of the dashboard where the annotations list is available.


Use the tags option to filter the annotations by tags. You can add multiple tags in order to refine the list.

Note: Optionally, leave the tag list empty and filter on the fly by selecting tags that are listed as part of the results on the panel itself.


Use the limit option to limit the number of results returned.


These options control additional meta-data included in the annotations list display.

Show user

Use this option to show or hide which user created the annotation.

Show time

Use this option to show or hide the time the annotation creation time.

Show Tags

Use this option to show or hide the tags associated with an annotation. NB: You can use the tags to live-filter the annotations list on the visualization itself.

Use this option to chose how to view the annotated data. It has the following options.

  • Panel - This option will take you directly to a full-screen view of the panel with the corresponding annotation
  • Dashboard - This option will focus the annotation in the context of a complete dashboard

Time before

Use this option to set the time range before the annotation. Use duration string values like “1h” = 1 hour, “10m” = 10 minutes, etc.

Time after

Use this option to set the time range after the annotation.