
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

State timeline

State timelines show discrete state changes over time. Each field or series is rendered as its unique horizontal band. State regions can either be rendered with or without values. This visualization works well with string or boolean states but can also be used with time series. When used with time series, the thresholds are used to turn the numerical values into discrete state regions.

state timeline with string states
state timeline with string states

State timeline options

Use these options to refine the visualization.

Merge equal consecutive values

Controls whether Grafana merges identical values if they are next to each other.

Show values

Controls whether values are rendered inside the state regions. Auto will render values if there is sufficient space.

Align values

Controls value alignment inside state regions.

Row height

Controls how much space between rows there are. 1 = no space = 0.5 = 50% space.

Line width

Controls line width of state regions.

Fill opacity

Controls the opacity of state regions.

Value mappings

To assign colors to boolean or string values, you can use Value mappings.

Value mappings side editor
Value mappings side editor

Time series data with thresholds

The visualization can be used with time series data as well. In this case, the thresholds are used to turn the time series into discrete colored state regions.

state timeline with time series
state timeline with time series

Legend options

When the legend option is enabled it can show either the value mappings or the threshold brackets. To show the value mappings in the legend, it’s important that the Color scheme as referenced in Color scheme is set to Single color or Classic palette. To see the threshold brackets in the legend set the Color scheme to From thresholds.

Legend mode

Use these settings to define how the legend appears in your visualization. For more information about the legend, refer to Configure a legend.

  • List - Displays the legend as a list. This is a default display mode of the legend.
  • Table - Displays the legend as a table.
  • Hidden - Hides the legend.

Legend placement

Choose where to display the legend.

  • Bottom - Below the graph.
  • Right - To the right of the graph.

Legend values

Choose which of the standard calculations to show in the legend. You can have more than one.