Prometheus rules with mimirtool

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Prometheus rules with mimirtool

This page outlines the steps to use mimirtool and Prometheus-style rules with Grafana Cloud Alerting. You can load Prometheus alerting and recording rules that are evaluated entirely in Grafana Cloud. This allows for global rule evaluation over all of the metrics and logs stored in your Grafana Cloud stack.


mimirtool does not support Loki.

Prometheus-style alerting is driven by your Grafana Cloud Metrics, Grafana Cloud Logs, and Grafana Cloud Alerts instances. The Metrics and Logs instance holds the rules definition, while the Alerts instance is in charge of routing and managing the alerts that fire from the Metrics and Logs instance. These are separate systems that must be individually configured in order for alerting to work correctly.

The following sections cover all of these concepts:

  • How to upload alerting and recording rules definition to your Grafana Cloud Metrics instance
  • How to upload alerting rules definition to your Grafana Cloud Logs instance
  • How to configure an Alertmanager for your Grafana Cloud Alerts instance, giving you access to the Alertmanager UI.

Note: You need an API key with proper permissions. You can use the same API key for your Metric, Log, and Alerting instances.

Download and install mimirtool

mimirtool is a powerful command-line tool for interacting with Mimir, which powers Grafana Cloud Metrics and Alerts. You’ll use mimirtool to upload your metric and log rules definition and the Alertmanager configuration using YAML files.

For more information, including installation instructions, see Grafana Mimirtool.


For mimirtool to interact with Grafana Cloud, you must set the correct configuration variables. Set them using either environment variables or a command line flags.

Upload rules definition to your Grafana Cloud Metrics and Logs instance

First, you’ll need to upload your alerting and recording rules to your Metrics and Logs instance. You’ll need the instance ID and the URL. These should be part of /orgs/<yourOrgName>/.

Metrics instance

Your Metrics instance is likely to be in the us-central1 region. Its address would be in the form of

Logs instance

Your Logs instance is likely to be in the us-central1 region. Its address would be in the form of

Using mimirtool

With your instance ID, URL, and API key you’re now ready to upload your rules to your metrics instance. Use the following commands and files as a reference.

Below is an example alert and rule definition YAML file. Take note of the namespace key which replaces the concept of “files” in this context given each instance only supports 1 configuration file.

# first_rules.yml
namespace: 'first_rules'
  - name: 'shopping_service_rules_and_alerts'
      - alert: 'PromScrapeFailed'
          message: 'Prometheus failed to scrape a target {{ $labels.job }}  / {{ $labels.instance }}'
        expr: 'up != 1'
        for: '1m'
          'severity': 'critical'
      - record: 'job:up:sum'
        expr: 'sum by(job) (up)'

Although both recording and alerting rules are defined under the key rules the difference between a rule and and alert is generally (as there are others) whenever the key record or alert is defined.

With this file, you can run the following commands to upload your rules file in your Metrics or Logs instance. Keep in mind that these are example commands for your Metrics instance, and they use placeholders and command line flags. Follow a similar pattern for your Logs instances by switching the address to the correct one. The examples also assume that files are located in the same directory.

$ mimirtool rules load first_rules.yml \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

Next, confirm that the rules were uploaded correctly by running:

$ mimirtool rules list \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

Output is a list that shows you all the namespaces and rule groups for your instance ID:

Namespace   | Rule Group
first_rules | shopping_service_rules_and_alerts

You can also print the rules:

$ mimirtool rules print \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

Output from the print command should look like this:

  - name: shopping_service_rules_and_alerts
    interval: 0s
      - alert: PromScrapeFailed
        expr: up != 1
        for: 1m
          severity: critical
          message: Prometheus failed to scrape a target {{ $labels.job }}  / {{ $labels.instance }}
      - record: job:up:sum
        expr: sum by(job) (up)

Upload Alertmanager configuration to your Grafana Cloud Alerts instance

To receive alerts you’ll need to upload your Alertmanager configuration to your Grafana Cloud Alerts instance. Similar to the previous step, you’ll need the corresponding instance ID, URL and API key. These should be part of /orgs/​<yourOrgName>/.

Your Alerts instance is likely to be in the us-central1 region. Its address would be in the form of

Using mimirtool

With your instance ID, URL, and API key you’re now ready to upload your Alertmanager configuration to your Alerts instance. Use the following commands and files as a reference.

Ultimately, you’ll need to write your own or adapt an example config file for alerts to be delivered.

Below is an example Alertmanager configuration. Please take that this not a working configuration, your alerts won’t be delivered with the following configuration but your Alertmanager UI will be accessible.

# alertmanager.yml
  smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25'
  smtp_from: ''
  receiver: example-email
  - name: example-email
      - to: ''

With this file, you can run the following commands to upload your Alertmanager configuration in your Alerts instance.

$ mimirtool alertmanager load alertmanager.yml \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

Then, confirm that the rules were uploaded correctly by running:

$ mimirtool alertmanager get \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

You should see output similar to the following:

  smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25'
  smtp_from: ''
  receiver: example-email
 - name: example-email
    - to: ''

Finally, you can delete the configuration with:

$ mimirtool alertmanager delete \
--address= \
--id=<yourID> \

UI access

After you upload a working Alertmanager configuration file, you can access the Alertmanager UI at: