Contribute to Grafana

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Contribute to Grafana

This page lists resources for developers who want to contribute to the Grafana software ecosystem or build plugins for Grafana.

General resources These resources are useful for all developers.

  • Contributing to Grafana: Start here to learn how you can contribute your skills to make Grafana even better.

  • Developer guide: A guide to help you get started developing Grafana software, includes instructions for how to configure Grafana for development.

  • Contributing to documentation: A guide to help you contribute to Grafana documentation, includes links to beginner-friendly issues.

  • Architecture guides: These guides explain Grafana’s background architecture.

  • Create a pull request: A guide for new contributors about how to create your first Grafana pull request.

  • REST APIs allow you to interact programmatically with the Grafana backend.

Best practices and style

Our style guides outline Grafana style for frontend, backend, documentation, and more, including best practices. Please read through them before you start editing or coding!