Static mode APIs (Stable)


Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

This is documentation for the next version of Agent. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

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Static mode APIs (Stable)

The API for static mode is divided into several parts:

API endpoints are stable unless otherwise noted.

Config management API (Beta)

Grafana Agent exposes a configuration management REST API for managing instance configurations when it’s running in scraping service mode.


The scraping service mode is a requirement for the configuration management API, however this isn’t a prerequisite for the Agent API or Ready/Healthy API.

The following endpoints are exposed:


If you are running Grafana Agent in a Docker container and you want to expose the API outside the Docker container, you must change the default HTTP listen address from to a valid network interface address. You can change the HTTP listen address with the command-line flag: -server.http.address= For more information, refer to the Server command-line flag documentation.

You must also publish the port in Docker. Refer to Published ports in the Docker documentation for more information.

API response

All Config Management API endpoints will return responses in the following form, unless an internal service error prevents the server from responding properly:

  "status": "success" | "error",
  "data": {}

Status will be either success or error. All 2xx responses will be accompanied by a success value for the status field. 4xx and 5xx responses will provide a value of error. All requests may potentially return 500 on an internal error. Other non-500 responses will be documented per API.

The data field may or may not be present, depending on the endpoint. It provides extra information for the query. The documentation for each endpoint will describe the full response provided.

List configs

GET /agent/api/v1/configs

List configs returns a list of the named configurations currently known by the underlying KV store.

Status code: 200 on success. Response:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "configs": [
      // list of config names:
      // ...

Get config

GET /agent/api/v1/configs/{name}

Get config returns a single configuration by name. The configuration must exist or an error will be returned. URL-encoded names will be retrieved in decoded form. e.g., hello%2Fworld will represent the config named hello/world.

Status code: 200 on success, 400 on invalid config name. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "value": "/* YAML configuration */"

Update config

PUT /agent/api/v1/config/{name}
POST /agent/api/v1/config/{name}

Update config updates or adds a new configuration by name. If a configuration with the same name already exists, then it will be completely overwritten.

URL-encoded names are stored in decoded form. e.g., hello%2Fworld will represent the config named hello/world.

The request body passed to this endpoint must match the format of metrics_instance_config defined in the Configuration Reference. The name field of the configuration is ignored and the name in the URL takes precedence. The request body must be formatted as YAML.


By default, all instance configuration files that read credentials from a file on disk will be rejected. This prevents malicious users from reading the contents of arbitrary files as passwords and sending their contents to fake remote_write endpoints. To change the behavior, set dangerous_allow_reading_files to true in the scraping_service block.

Status code: 201 with a new config, 200 on updated config. Response on success:

  "status": "success"

Delete config

DELETE /agent/api/v1/config/{name}

Delete config attempts to delete a configuration by name. The named configuration must exist; deleting a nonexistent config will result in an error.

URL-encoded names will be interpreted in decoded form. e.g., hello%2Fworld will represent the config named hello/world.

Status code: 200 on success, 400 with invalid config name. Response on success:

  "status": "success"

Agent API

List current running instances of metrics subsystem

GET /agent/api/v1/metrics/instances


The deprecated alias is /agent/api/v1/instances

Status code: 200 on success. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
    <strings of instance names that are currently running>

List current scrape targets of metrics subsystem

GET /agent/api/v1/metrics/targets


The deprecated alias is /agent/api/v1/targets

This endpoint collects all metrics subsystem targets known to the Agent across all running instances. Only targets being scraped from the local Agent will be returned. If running in scraping service mode, this endpoint must be invoked in all Agents separately to get the combined set of targets across the whole Agent cluster.

The labels fields shows the labels that will be added to metrics from the target, while the discovered_labels field shows all labels found during service discovery.

Status code: 200 on success. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "instance": <string, instance config name>,
      "target_group": <string, scrape config group name>,
      "endpoint": <string, URL being scraped>
      "state": <string, one of up, down, unknown>,
      "discovered_labels": {
        "__address__": "<address>",
      "labels": {
        "label_a": "value_a",
      "last_scrape": <string, RFC 3339 timestamp of last scrape>,
      "scrape_duration_ms": <number, last scrape duration in milliseconds>,
      "scrape_error": <string, last error. empty if scrape succeeded>

Accept remote_write requests

POST /agent/api/v1/metrics/instance/{instance}/write

This endpoint accepts Prometheus-compatible remote_write POST requests, and appends their contents into an instance’s WAL.

Replace {instance} with the name of the metrics instance from your config file. For example, this block defines the “dev” and “prod” instances:

  - name: dev     # /agent/api/v1/metrics/instance/dev/write
  - name: prod    # /agent/api/v1/metrics/instance/prod/write

Status code: 204 on success, 400 for bad requests related to the provided instance or POST payload format and content, 500 for cases where appending to the WAL failed.

List current running instances of logs subsystem

GET /agent/api/v1/logs/instances

Status code: 200 on success. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
    <strings of instance names that are currently running>

List current scrape targets of logs subsystem

GET /agent/api/v1/logs/targets

This endpoint collects all logs subsystem targets known to the Agent across all running instances. Only targets being scraped from Promtail will be returned.

The labels fields shows the labels that will be added to metrics from the target, while the discovered_labels field shows all labels found during service discovery.

Status code: 200 on success. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "instance": "default",
      "target_group": "varlogs",
      "type": "File",
      "labels": {
        "job": "varlogs"
      "discovered_labels": {
        "__address__": "localhost",
        "__path__": "/var/log/*log",
        "job": "varlogs"
      "ready": true,
      "details": {
        "/var/log/alternatives.log": 13386,
        "/var/log/apport.log": 0,
        "/var/log/auth.log": 37009,
        "/var/log/bootstrap.log": 107347,
        "/var/log/dpkg.log": 374420,
        "/var/log/faillog": 0,
        "/var/log/fontconfig.log": 11629,
        "/var/log/gpu-manager.log": 1541,
        "/var/log/kern.log": 782582,
        "/var/log/lastlog": 0,
        "/var/log/syslog": 788450

Reload configuration file (beta)

This endpoint is currently in beta and may have issues. Please open any issues you encounter.

GET /-/reload
POST /-/reload

This endpoint will re-read the configuration file from disk and refresh the entire state of the Agent to reflect the new file on disk:

  • HTTP Server
  • Prometheus metrics subsystem
  • Loki logs subsystem
  • Tempo traces subsystem
  • Integrations

Valid configurations will be applied to each of the subsystems listed above, and /-/reload will return with a status code of 200 once all subsystems have been updated. Malformed configuration files (invalid YAML, failed validation checks) will be immediately rejected with a status code of 400.

Well-formed configuration files can still be invalid for various reasons, such as not having permissions to read the WAL directory. Issues such as these will cause per-subsystem problems while reloading the configuration, and will leave that subsystem in an undefined state. Specific errors encountered during reload will be logged, and should be fixed before calling /-/reload again.

Status code: 200 on success, 400 otherwise.

Show configuration file

GET /-/config

This endpoint prints out the currently loaded configuration the Agent is using. The returned YAML has defaults applied, and only shows changes to the state that validated successfully, so the results will not identically match the configuration file on disk.

Status code: 200 on success.

Generate support bundle

GET /-/support?duration=N

This endpoint returns a ‘support bundle’, a zip file that contains information about a running agent, and can be used as a baseline of information when trying to debug an issue.

The duration parameter is optional, must be less than or equal to the configured HTTP server write timeout, and if not provided, defaults to it. The endpoint is only exposed to the agent’s HTTP server listen address, which defaults to localhost:12345.

The support bundle contains all information in plain text, so that it can be inspected before sharing, to verify that no sensitive information has leaked.

In addition, you can inspect the supportbundle package to verify the code that is being used to generate these bundles.

A support bundle contains the following data:

  • agent-config.yaml contains the current agent configuration (when the -config.enable-read-api flag is passed).
  • agent-logs.txt contains the agent logs during the bundle generation.
  • agent-metadata.yaml contains the agent’s build version, operating system, architecture, uptime, plus a string payload defining which extra agent features have been enabled via command-line flags.
  • agent-metrics-instances.json and agent-metrics-targets.json contain the active metric subsystem instances and the discovered scrape targets for each one.
  • agent-logs-instances.json and agent-logs-targets.json contains the active logs subsystem instances and the discovered log targets for each one.
  • agent-metrics.txt contains a snapshot of the agent’s internal metrics.
  • The pprof/ directory contains Go runtime profiling data (CPU, heap, goroutine, mutex, block profiles) as exported by the pprof package.

Integrations API (Experimental)

WARNING: This API is currently only available when the experimental integrations revamp is enabled. Both the revamp and this API are subject to change while they are still experimental.

Integrations SD API

GET /agent/api/v1/metrics/integrations/sd

This endpoint returns all running metrics-based integrations. It conforms to the Prometheus http_sd_config API. Targets include integrations regardless of autoscrape being enabled; this allows for manually configuring scrape jobs to collect metrics from an integration running on an external agent.

The following labels will be present on all returned targets:

  • instance: The unique instance ID of the running integration.
  • job: integrations/<__meta_agent_integration_name>
  • agent_hostname: hostname:port of the agent running the integration.
  • __meta_agent_integration_name: The name of the integration.
  • __meta_agent_integration_instance: The unique instance ID for the running integration.
  • __meta_agent_integration_autoscrape: 1 if autoscrape is enabled for this integration, 0 otherwise.

To reduce the load on the agent’s HTTP server, the following query parameters may also be provided to the URL:

  • integrations: Comma-delimited list of integrations to return. i.e., agent,node_exporter.
  • instance: Return all integrations matching a specific value for instance.

Status code: 200 if successful. Response on success:

    "targets": [ "<host>", ... ],
    "labels": {
      "<labelname>": "<labelvalue>", ...

Integrations autoscrape targets

GET /agent/api/v1/metrics/integrations/targets

This endpoint returns all integrations for which autoscrape is enabled. The response is identical to /agent/api/v1/metrics/targets.

Status code: 200 on success. Response on success:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "instance": <string, metrics instance where autoscraped metrics are sent>,
      "target_group": <string, scrape config group name>,
      "endpoint": <string, URL being scraped>
      "state": <string, one of up, down, unknown>,
      "discovered_labels": {
        "__address__": "<address>",
      "labels": {
        "label_a": "value_a",
      "last_scrape": <string, RFC 3339 timestamp of last scrape>,
      "scrape_duration_ms": <number, last scrape duration in milliseconds>,
      "scrape_error": <string, last error. empty if scrape succeeded>

Ready / health API

Readiness check

GET /-/ready

Status code: 200 if ready.


Agent is Ready.

Healthiness check

GET /-/healthy

Status code: 200 if healthy.


Agent is Healthy.