Node exporter

Node exporter

Overview Installation Recording rules Dashboards Alerting rules Grafana Cloud Integration

Note: These dashboards depend on the recording rules in the previous tab. Be sure to import these before importing the dashboards.

Nodes Dashboard

Nodes Dashboard

This dashboard includes panels for the following metrics:

  • CPU Usage
  • Load Average
  • Memory Usage
  • Disk I/O
  • Disk Usage
  • Network Received
  • Network Transmitted

You can import the dashboard directly using the following dashboard ID: 13978

You can also download the dashboard JSON directly here.

USE Method / Node Dashboard

USE Method / Node Dashboard

This dashboard includes panels for the following metrics. To learn more about USE (Utilization, Saturation, and Errors) metrics, please see The USE Method:

  • CPU Utilization
  • CPU Saturation (Load per CPU)
  • Memory Utilisation
  • Memory Saturation (Major Page Faults)
  • Net Utilization (Bytes Receive/Transmit)
  • Net Saturation (Drops Receive/Transmit)
  • Disk I/O Utilization
  • Disk I/O Saturation

You can import the dashboard directly using the following dashboard ID: 13977

You can also download the dashboard JSON directly here.

USE Method / Cluster Dashboard

USE Method / Cluster Dashboard

This dashboard is similar to the USE Method / Node Dashboard but provides a cluster-level view of the same metrics. It includes panels for the following metrics:

  • CPU Utilization
  • CPU Saturation (Load per CPU)
  • Memory Utilisation
  • Memory Saturation (Major Page Faults)
  • Net Utilization (Bytes Receive/Transmit)
  • Net Saturation (Drops Receive/Transmit)
  • Disk I/O Utilization
  • Disk I/O Saturation

You can import the dashboard directly using the following dashboard ID: 13971

You can also download the dashboard JSON directly here.

These dashboards were generated using the Node Exporter mixin. They use the job=node label selector to query metrics by default. If you need to use a different selector, modify the selector in config.libsonnet and regenerate the dashboard following the instructions in the mixin repository.