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TraceQL metrics queries


TraceQL metrics is an experimental feature. Engineering and on-call support is not available. Documentation is either limited or not provided outside of code comments. No SLA is provided. Enable the feature toggle in Grafana to use this feature. Contact Grafana Support to enable this feature in Grafana Cloud.

TraceQL metrics is an experimental feature in Grafana Tempo that creates metrics from traces.

Metric queries extend trace queries by applying a function to trace query results. This powerful feature allows for adhoc aggregation of any existing TraceQL query by any dimension available in your traces, much in the same way that LogQL metric queries create metrics from logs.

Traces are a unique observability signal that contain causal relationships between the components in your system. Do you want to know how many database calls across all systems are downstream of your application? What services beneath a given endpoint are currently failing? What services beneath an endpoint are currently slow? TraceQL metrics can answer all these questions by parsing your traces in aggregate.

Metrics visualization in Grafana

Enable and use TraceQL metrics

You can use the TraceQL metrics in Grafana with any existing or new Tempo data source. This capability is available in Grafana Cloud and Grafana (10.4 and newer).

To enable TraceQL metrics, refer to Configure TraceQL metrics for more information.


TraceQL supports include rate, count_over_time, quantile_over_time, and histogram_over_time functions. These functions can be added as an operator at the end of any TraceQL query.

calculates the number of matching spans per second
counts the number of matching spans per time interval (see the step API parameter)
the quantile of the values in the specified interval
evaluate frequency distribution over time. Example: histogram_over_time(duration) by (

The rate function

The following query shows the rate of errors by service and span name.

{ status = error } | rate() by (, name)

This example calculates the rate of the erroring spans coming from the service foo. Rate is a spans/sec quantity.

{ = "foo" && status = error } | rate()

Combined with the by() operator, this can be even more powerful.

{ = "foo" && status = error } | rate() by (span.http.route)

This example still rates the erroring spans in the service foo but the metrics have been broken down by HTTP route. This might let you determine that /api/sad had a higher rate of erroring spans than /api/happy, for example.

The quantile_over_time and histogram_over_time functions

The quantile_over_time() and histogram_over_time() functions let you aggregate numerical values, such as the all important span duration. Notice that you can specify multiple quantiles in the same query.

{ name = "GET /:endpoint" } | quantile_over_time(duration, .99, .9, .5)

You can group by any span or resource attribute.

{ name = "GET /:endpoint" } | quantile_over_time(duration, .99) by (

Quantiles aren’t limited to span duration. Any numerical attribute on the span is fair game. To demonstrate this flexibility, consider this nonsensical quantile on span.http.status_code:

{ name = "GET /:endpoint" } | quantile_over_time(span.http.status_code, .99, .9, .5)