Estimate cardinality from traces

This is documentation for the next version of Tempo. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source

Estimate cardinality from traces

Cardinality can pose a problem when you have lots of services. There isn’t a direct formula or solution to this issue. The following guide should help estimate the cardinality that the feature will generate.

For more information on cardinality, refer to the Cardinality documentation.

How to estimate the cardinality

The amount of edges depends on the number of nodes in the system and the direction of the requests between them. Let’s call this amount hops. Every hop will be a unique combination of client + server labels.

For example:

  • A system with 3 nodes (A, B, C) of which A only calls B and B only calls C will have 2 hops (A → B, B → C)
  • A system with 3 nodes (A, B, C) that call each other (i.e., all bidirectional link) will have 6 hops (A → B, B → A, B → C, C → B, A → C, C → A)

We can’t calculate the amount of hops automatically based upon the nodes, but it should be a value between #services - 1 and #services!.

If we know the amount of hops in a system, we can calculate the cardinality of the generated service graphs (assuming #hb is the number of histogram buckets):

  traces_service_graph_request_total: #hops
  traces_service_graph_request_failed_total: #hops
  traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds: #hb * #hops
  traces_service_graph_request_client_seconds: #hb * #hops
  traces_service_graph_unpaired_spans_total: #services (absolute worst case)
  traces_service_graph_dropped_spans_total: #services (absolute worst case)

Finally, we get the following cardinality estimation:

  Sum: [([2 * #hb] + 2) * #hops] + [2 * #services]


If enable_messaging_system_latency_histogram configuration is set to true, another histogram is produced:

  traces_service_graph_request_messaging_system_seconds: #hb * #hops

In that case, the estimation formula would be:

  Sum: [([3 * #hb] + 2) * #hops] + [2 * #services]


To estimate the number of metrics, refer to the Dry run metrics generator documentation.