
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Oracle data source for Grafana

The following instructions assume that you’re configuring the Oracle data source on-premises. To view a video on Cloud configuration, see visualizing Oracle with Grafana Cloud.


This plugin has the following requirements:

Known limitations

  • Oracle plugin is not supported in ARM64 architecture (e.g. M1/M2 Macbook).
  • TNSNames, Kerberos are not currently supported in Grafana Cloud.

Install the data source

To install the data source, refer to Installation.

Configure the data source

Set up an Oracle database user with only SELECT permissions on the databases and tables you want to query. Grafana does not validate that queries are safe. Queries can contain any SQL statement. For example, statements like DELETE FROM user; and DROP TABLE user; would be executed.

Follow these instructions to add a new Oracle data source, and choose from three datasource configuration options:

  • Host with TCP Port with basic authentication

    Enable TNSNamesdisable
    Hosthostname (or IP address) and port number
    Databasedatabase name
    Enable Kerberos Authenticationdisable
    UserOracle username
    PasswordOracle user’s password
  • TNSNames entry with basic authentication

    Enable TNSNamesenable
    TNSNAMEAny valid entry found in your tnsnames.ora
    Enable Kerberos Authenticationdisable
    UserOracle username
    PasswordOracle user’s password
  • TNSNames entry with Kerberos authentication

    To learn more about kerberos, refer to kerberos

    Enable TNSNamesenable
    TNSNAMEAny valid entry found in your tnsnames.ora
    Enable Kerberos Authenticationenable

Configure the data source with provisioning

Data sources can be configured with Grafana’s provisioning system. You can read more about how it works and all the settings you can set for data sources on the provisioning docs page

Here is a provisioning examples for this data source

TNSNames enabled with basic auth:

apiVersion: 1
  - name: Oracle (TNS-BASICAUTH)
    type: grafana-oracle-datasource
    access: proxy
    basicAuth: false
    editable: true
      timezone_name: UTC
      useKerberosAuthentication: false
      useTNSNamesBasedConnection: true
      user: USERNAME
      password: PASSWORD
    url: TNSNAME
    version: 1

TNSNames disabled with basic auth:

apiVersion: 1
  - name: Oracle (Integration)
    type: grafana-oracle-datasource
    access: proxy
    basicAuth: false
    editable: true
      database: DATABASE
      user: USERNAME
      password: PASSWORD
    url: HOST
    version: 1

Query the data source

The query editor allows you to query Oracle to return time series data or a table. Queries can contain macros which simplify syntax and allow for dynamic parts.

Query as time series

If you set Format as to Time series, for use in Graph panel for example, then the query must return a column named time that returns either a sql datetime or any numeric datatype representing unix epoch in seconds. Grafana interprets DATE and TIMESTAMP columns without explicit time zone as UTC. Any column except time and metric is treated as a value column. You may return a column named metric that is used as metric name for the value column.

Example with metric column

  $__timeGroup(time_date_time, '5m') AS time,
  'MIN' as metric
FROM test_data
WHERE $__timeFilter(time_date_time)
GROUP BY $__timeGroup(time_date_time, '5m')

Query as table

If the Format as query option is set to Table then you can basically do any type of SQL query. The table panel will automatically show the results of whatever columns & rows your query returns. You can control the name of the Table panel columns by using regular as SQL column selection syntax.


To simplify syntax and to allow for dynamic parts, like date range filters, the query can contain macros.

Macro exampleDescription
$__time(dateColumn)Will be replaced by an expression to rename the column to time. For example, dateColumn as time
$__timeEpoch(dateColumn)Will be replaced by an expression to rename the column to time and converting the value to unix timestamp (in milliseconds).
$__timeFilter(dateColumn)Will be replaced by a time range filter using the specified column name. For example, dateColumn BETWEEN TO_DATE('19700101','yyyymmdd') + (1/24/60/60/1000) * 1500376552001 AND TO_DATE('19700101','yyyymmdd') + (1/24/60/60/1000) * 1500376552002
$__timeFrom()Will be replaced by the start of the currently active time selection converted to DATE data type. For example, TO_DATE('19700101','yyyymmdd') + (1/24/60/60/1000) * 1500376552001
$__timeTo()Will be replaced by the end of the currently active time selection converted to DATE data type.
$__timeGroup(dateColumn,‘5m’)Will be replaced by an expression usable in GROUP BY clause.
$__timeGroup(dateColumn,‘5m’[, fillvalue])Will be replaced by an expression usable in GROUP BY clause. Providing a fillValue of NULL or floating value will automatically fill empty series in timerange with that value. For example, $__timeGroup{createdAt, ‘1m’, 0}.
$__timeGroup(dateColumn,‘5m’, 0)Same as above but with a fill parameter so missing points in that series will be added by grafana and 0 will be used as value.
$__timeGroup(dateColumn,‘5m’, NULL)Same as above but NULL will be used as value for missing points.
$__timeGroup(dateColumn,‘5m’, previous)Same as above but the previous value in that series will be used as fill value if no value has been seen yet NULL will be used.
$__unixEpochFilter(dateColumn)Will be replaced by a time range filter using the specified column name with times represented as unix timestamp (in milliseconds). For example, dateColumn >= 1500376552001 AND dateColumn <= 1500376552002
$__unixEpochFrom()Will be replaced by the start of the currently active time selection as unix timestamp. For example, 1500376552001
$__unixEpochTo()Will be replaced by the end of the currently active time selection as unix timestamp. For example, 1500376552002

The plugin also supports notation using braces {}. Use this notation when queries are needed inside parameters.

NOTE: Use one notation type per query, if the query needs braces, all macros in the query will need to use braces.

$__timeGroup{FROM_TZ(CAST(SDATE as timestamp), 'UTC'), '1h'}

The query editor has a link named Generated SQL that shows up after a query has been executed, while in panel edit mode. Click on it and it will expand and show the raw interpolated SQL string that was executed.

Templates and variables

To add a new Oracle query variable, refer to Add and manage variables. Use your Oracle data source as your data source

Oracle query can return things like measurement names, key names or key values that are shown as a dropdown select box.


  • you can have a variable that contains all values for the hostname column in the host table

    SELECT hostname FROM host
  • A query can return multiple columns and Grafana will automatically create a list from them. For example, the query below will return a list with values from hostname and hostname2.

    SELECT host.hostname, other_host.hostname2 FROM host JOIN other_host ON =
  • To use time range dependent macros like $__timeFilter(column) in your query the refresh mode of the template variable needs to be set to On Time Range Change.

    SELECT event_name FROM event_log WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)
  • Another option is a query that can create a key/value variable. The query should return two columns that are named __text and __value. The __text column value should be unique (if it is not unique then the first value is used). The options in the dropdown will have a text and value that allows you to have a friendly name as text and an id as the value. An example query with hostname as the text and id as the value:

    SELECT hostname AS __text, id AS __value FROM host
  • You can also create nested variables. For example if you had another variable named region. Then you could have the hosts variable only show hosts from the current selected region with a query like this (if region is a multi-value variable then use the IN comparison operator rather than = to match against multiple values):

    SELECT hostname FROM host WHERE region IN($region)

If the variable is a multi-value variable then use the IN comparison operator rather than = to match against multiple values.

After creating a variable it can be used in your Oracle queries by using this syntax.

For more information on variables refer this.

Environment Variables

Note: This feature is not currently supported in Grafana Cloud

GF_PLUGINS_ORACLE_DATASOURCE_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE can be set in your environment variable to change query response data size (default: 16, maximum: 512)


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