Outgoing Webhooks


As of 2025-03-11, Grafana OnCall OSS has entered maintenance mode, and will be archived on 2026-03-24. No further feature development will occur; however, we will still provide fixes for critical bugs and for valid CVEs with a CVSS score of 7.0 or higher. For more information, refer to our blog post.

Open source

Outgoing Webhooks


⚠️ Webhooks that were created before version v1.3.11 are marked as (Legacy). Do not worry! They are still connected to their respective escalation chains and will continue to execute as they always have.

The (Legacy) webhook is no longer editable due to changes to the internal representation. If you need to edit it you must use the Make a copy action in the menu and make your changes there. This will create the webhook in the new format. Be sure to change your escalation chains to point to the new copy otherwise it will not be active. The (Legacy) webhook can then be deleted.

Outgoing webhooks are used by Grafana OnCall to send data to a URL in a flexible way. These webhooks can be triggered from a variety of event types and make use of Jinja2 to transform data into the format required at the destination URL. Each outgoing webhook receives contextual data when executed which can be processed by Jinja2 templates to customize the request being sent.

Creating an outgoing webhook

To create an outgoing webhook navigate to Outgoing Webhooks and click + Create. On this screen outgoing webhooks can be viewed, edited and deleted. To create the outgoing webhook click New Outgoing Webhook and then select a preset based on what you want to do. A simple webhook will POST alert group data as a selectable escalation step to the specified url. If you require more customization use the advanced webhook which provides all of the fields described below.

Outgoing webhook fields

The outgoing webhook is defined by the following fields. For more information about template usage see Outgoing webhook templates section.


This field is generated after an outgoing webhook has been created. It is used to reference the responses of other webhooks, see Advanced Usage - Using response data for more details.


Display name of the outgoing webhook.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value


Controls whether the outgoing webhook will trigger or is ignored.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Assign to Team

Sets which team owns the outgoing webhook for filtering and visibility. This setting does not restrict outgoing webhook execution to events from the selected team.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Trigger Type

The type of event that will cause this outgoing webhook to execute. The types of triggers are:

For more details about types of triggers see Event types

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

HTTP Method

The HTTP method used in the request made by the outgoing webhook. This should match what is required by the URL you are sending to.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value


Restricts the outgoing webhook to only trigger if the event came from a selected integration. If no integrations are selected the outgoing webhook will trigger for any integration.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Webhook URL

The destination URL the outgoing webhook will make a request to. This must be a FQDN.

⚠️ Note the destination server must respond back within 4 seconds or it will result in a timeout (this can be seen in the “Response Body” under the “Last Run” section)

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Webhook Headers

Headers to add to the outgoing webhook request.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value


Username to use when making the outgoing webhook request.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value


Password to use when making the outgoing webhook request.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Authorization Header

Authorization header to use when making the outgoing webhook request.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Trigger Template

A template used to dynamically determine whether the webhook should execute based on the content of the payload. If the template evaluates to Empty, True or 1 the webhook will execute.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value


The main body of the request to be sent by the outgoing webhook.

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Forward All

Toggle to send the entire webhook payload instead of using the values in the Data field

RequiredTemplate AcceptedDefault Value

Outgoing webhook templates

The fields that accept a Jinja2 template in outgoing webhooks are able to process data to customize the output. The following is an example of the data available to access from a template. Some data depending on the timing of the webhook and the triggering event may not always be available, see field descriptions specific details. The format you use to call the variables must match the structure of how the fields are nested in the data.

  "event": {
    "type": "resolve",
    "time": "2023-04-19T21:59:21.714058+00:00"
  "user": {
    "id": "UVMX6YI9VY9PV",
    "username": "admin",
    "email": "admin@localhost"
  "alert_group": {
    "id": "I6HNZGUFG4K11",
    "integration_id": "CZ7URAT4V3QF2",
    "route_id": "RKHXJKVZYYVST",
    "alerts_count": 1,
    "state": "resolved",
    "created_at": "2023-04-19T21:53:48.231148Z",
    "resolved_at": "2023-04-19T21:59:21.714058Z",
    "acknowledged_at": "2023-04-19T21:54:39.029347Z",
    "title": "Incident",
    "permalinks": {
      "slack": null,
      "telegram": null,
      "web": "https://**********.grafana.net/a/grafana-oncall-app/alert-groups/I6HNZGUFG4K11"
    "labels": {
      "urgency": "3"
  "alert_group_id": "I6HNZGUFG4K11",
  "alert_payload": {
    "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "labels": {
      "region": "eu-1",
      "alertname": "TestAlert"
    "status": "firing",
    "startsAt": "2018-12-25T15:47:47.377363608Z",
    "annotations": {
      "description": "This alert was sent by user for the demonstration purposes"
    "generatorURL": ""
  "integration": {
    "id": "CZ7URAT4V3QF2",
    "type": "webhook",
    "name": "Main Integration - Webhook",
    "team": "Webhooks Demo",
    "labels": {
      "urgency": "3"
  "alert_group_acknowledged_by": {
    "id": "UVMX6YI9VY9PV",
    "username": "admin",
    "email": "admin@localhost"
  "alert_group_resolved_by": {
    "id": "UVMX6YI9VY9PV",
    "username": "admin",
    "email": "admin@localhost"
  "notified_users": [],
  "users_to_be_notified": [],
  "responses": {
    "WHP936BM1GPVHQ": {
      "id": "7Qw7TbPmzppRnhLvK3AdkQ",
      "created_at": "15:53:50",
      "status": "new",
      "content": {
        "message": "Ticket created!",
        "region": "eu"
  "webhook": {
    "id": "WH9NSKXWPXSNY3",
    "name": "Demo Webhook",
    "labels": {}

Outgoing webhook data fields


Context information about the event that triggered the outgoing webhook.

  • {{ event.type }} - Lower case string matching type of event
  • {{ event.time }} - Time event was triggered
  • {{ event.user.* }} - Context data as provided by the user for Personal Notification webhooks


Information about the user if the source of the event was a user. If a user acknowledges an alert group after receiving a notification this field will have that user’s information. If an alert group was auto-resolved based on criteria in the integration this field will be empty.

  • {{ user.id }} - UID of the user within Grafana OnCall
  • {{ user.username }} - Username in Grafana
  • {{ user.email }} - Email associated with user’s Grafana account


Details about the alert group associated with this event.

  • {{ alert_group.id }} - UID of alert group
  • {{ alert_group.integration_id }} - UID of integration that alert came through
  • {{ alert_group.route_id }} - UID of route of integration that alert came through
  • {{ alert_group.alerts_count }} - Count of alerts in alert group
  • {{ alert_group.state }} - Current state of alert group
  • {{ alert_group.created_at }} - Timestamp alert group was created
  • {{ alert_group.resolved_at }} - Timestamp alert group was resolved (None if not resolved yet)
  • {{ alert_group.acknowledged_at }} - Timestamp alert group was acknowledged (None if not acknowledged yet)
  • {{ alert_group.title }} - Title of alert group
  • {{ alert_group.permalinks }} - Links to alert group in web and chat ops if available
  • {{ alert_group.labels }} - [Alert group labels]

{{ alert_group_id }}

UID of alert group, same as {{ alert_group.id }} (For convenience and compatibility with earler versions of Grafana OnCall)


Content of the first alert in the alert group. Content will depend on what the alert source has sent. Some commonly used fields are:

  • {{ alert_payload.labels.alertname }}
  • {{ alert_payload.annotations.description }}


Details about the integration that received this alert

  • {{ integration.id }} - UID of integration
  • {{ integration.type }} - Type of integration (grafana, alertmanager, webhook, etc.)
  • {{ integration.name }} - Name of integration
  • {{ integration.team }} - Team integration belongs to if integration is assigned to a team
  • {{ integration.labels }} - [Integration labels]


Array of users that have received notifications about the associated alert group. Each user element in the array consists of id,username,email. Depending on timing of events and notifications this might not be populated yet if notifications are still in progress. Access as {{ notified_users[0].username }} for example.


Array of users that could potentially be notified based on the configured escalation chain. Each user element in the array consists of id,username,email. Array elements are ordered based on the order users will be notified with the first element being the user that will be notified next. Like notified_users depending on timing of notifications a user in this array may have already been notified by the time this data is being processed. Access as {{ users_to_notify[0].username }} for example.


Information about the user who acknowledged the alert group

  • {{ user.id }} - UID of the user within Grafana OnCall
  • {{ user.username }} - Username in Grafana
  • {{ user.email }} - Email associated with user’s Grafana account


Information about the user who resolved the alert group

  • {{ user.id }} - UID of the user within Grafana OnCall
  • {{ user.username }} - Username in Grafana
  • {{ user.email }} - Email associated with user’s Grafana account


The responses field is used to access the response data of other webhooks that are associated with this alert group. The keys inside responses are the UID of other outgoing webhooks. The values inside each response is the latest response of the referenced webhook when it was executed on behalf of the current alert group. See Advanced Usage - Using response data for more details. Access as {{ responses["WHP936BM1GPVHQ"].content.message }} for example


Triggered webhook details

  • {{ webhook.id }} - UID of webhook
  • {{ webhook.name }} - Name of webhook
  • {{ webhook.labels }} - Webhook labels


Templates often use UIDs to make decisions about what actions to take if you need to find the UID of an object in the user interface to reference they can be found in the following places:

  • Outgoing Webhook - In the table there is an info icon, UID displayed on hover, click to copy to clipboard
  • Integration - In integrations beside the name is an info icon, UID displayed on hover, click to copy to clipboard
  • Routes - With an integration selected beside Send Demo Alert is an infor icon, UID displayed on hover, click to copy to clipboard
  • Alert group - When viewing an alert group UID is visible in the browser URL
  • User - When viewing a user’s profile UID is visible in the browser URL

UIDs are also visible in the browser URL when a specific object is selected for view or edit.

Template examples

The following is an example of an entry in the Data field that would return an alert name and description.

  "name": "{{ alert_payload.labels.alertname }}",
  "message": "{{ alert_payload.annotations.description }}"

Here is an example using the user’s email address as part of a URL:

https://someticketsystem.com/new-ticket?assign-user={{ user.email }}

Note about JSON

Take this template for example:

  "labels": "{{ alert_payload.labels }}"

It will result in the following (Invalid JSON due to single quotes):

  "labels": {'region': 'eu-1', 'alertname': 'TestAlert'}

To fix change the template to:

  "labels": {{ alert_payload.labels | tojson()}}

Now the result is correct:

  "labels": {
    "alertname": "TestAlert",
    "region": "eu-1"

Event types

Escalation Step

event.type escalation

This event will trigger when the outgoing webhook is included as a step in an escalation chain. Webhooks with this trigger type can also be manually triggered in the context of an alert group in the web UI.

Personal Notification

event.type personal notification

This event will trigger when the outgoing webhook is included as a step in a user’s personal notification rules.

Alert Group Created

event.type alert group created

This event will trigger when a new alert group is created.


event.type acknowledge

This event will trigger when a user acknowledges an alert group or an alert group is auto-acknowledged by the integration.


event.type resolve

This event will trigger when a user resolves an alert group or an alert group is auto-resolved by the integration.


event.type silence

This event will trigger when a user silences an alert group.


event.type unsilence

This event will trigger when a user unsilences an alert group or a silence expires.


event.type unresolve

This event will trigger when a user unresolves an alert group.


event.type unacknowledge

This event will trigger when a user unacknowledges an alert group.

Status Change

event.type status change

This event will trigger when any of the status change actions happen (acknowledge, resolve, silence, unacknowledge, unresolve, or unsilence). The event details included in the payload will match those of the original action triggering the event.

Viewing status of outgoing webhooks

In the outgoing webhooks table if a webhook is enabled Last Run will have the following information:

  • Timestamp outgoing webhook was triggered
  • HTTP response code

If more information is required you can click Status in the table. The status drawer shows the following:

  • Webhook Name
  • Webhook UID
  • Trigger Type
  • Last Run Time
  • URL
  • Response Code
  • Response Body
  • Trigger Template
  • Request Headers
  • Request Data

In the status drawer if a field makes use of a template it will display both the template and the result otherwise it will only display the value. Fields which are not used are not shown.

Advanced usage

Using trigger template field

The trigger template field can be used to provide control over whether a webhook will execute. This is useful in situations where many different kinds of alerts are going to the same integration but only some of them should call the webhook. To accomplish this the trigger template field can contain a template that will process data from the alert group and evaluate to empty, True or 1 if the webhook should execute, any other values will result in the webhook not executing.

Using response data

The responses section of the payload makes available the responses of other webhooks that have acted on the same alert group. To access them responses uses the id of the webhook as a key. The id can be found by hovering over the info icon, clicking will copy the id to the clipboard. The response data of the most recent execution of the webhook for this same alert group can be accessed this way.

The typical application of this is where a webhook will create a ticket in another system and OnCall needs to use the id of that ticket to keep its status synchronized with the state changes being made in OnCall.

Advanced examples

Integrate with third-party services: