Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Release notes for Grafana 7.3.0
7.3.0 Stable
Features and enhancements
- AzureMonitor: Support decimal (as float64) type in analytics/logs. #28480, @kylebrandt
- Plugins signing: UI information. #28469, @dprokop
- Short URL: Update last seen at when visiting a short URL. #28565, @marefr
Bug fixes
- Alerting: Log warnings for obsolete notifiers when extracting alerts and remove frequent error log messages. #28162, @papagian
- Auth: Fix SigV4 request verification step for Amazon Elasticsearch Service. #28481, @wbrowne
- Auth: Should redirect to login when anonymous enabled and URL with different org than anonymous specified. #28158, @marefr
- Elasticsearch: Fix handling of errors when testing data source. #28498, @marefr
- Graphite: Fix default version to be 1.1. #28471, @ivanahuckova
- StatPanel: Fixes BizChart error max: yyy should not be less than min zzz. #28587, @hugohaggmark
Features and enhancements
- Add monitoring mixing for Grafana. #28285, @bergquist
- CloudWatch: Missing Namespace AWS/EC2CapacityReservations. #28309, @nonamef
- Explore: Support wide data frames. #28393, @aocenas
- Instrumentation: Add counters and histograms for database queries. #28236, @bergquist
- Loki: Visually distinguish error logs for LogQL2. #28359, @ivanahuckova
Bug fixes
- API: Fix short URLs. #28300, @aknuds1
- BackendSrv: Fixes queue countdown when unsubscribe is before response. #28323, @hugohaggmark
- CloudWatch/Athena - valid metrics and dimensions.. #28436, @kwarunek
- Dashboard links: Places drop-down list so it’s always visible. #28330, @maknik
- Graph: Fix for graph size not taking up full height or width. #28314, @jackw
- Loki: Base maxDataPoints limits on query type. #28298, @aocenas
- Loki: Run instant query only when doing metric query. #28325, @aocenas
- Plugins: Don’t exit on duplicate plugin. #28390, @aknuds1
Breaking changes
- CloudWatch: The AWS CloudWatch data source’s authentication scheme has changed. See the [upgrade notes]../../installation/upgrading/#upgrading-to-v73) for details and how this may affect you.
Features and enhancements
- Alerting: Add labels to name when converting data frame to series. #28085, @kylebrandt
- Alerting: Ensuring LINE Notify notifications are sent for all alert states. #27639, @haraldkubota
- Auth: Add SigV4 auth option to data sources. #27552, @wbrowne
- AzureMonitor: Pass through null values instead of setting 0. #28126, @kylebrandt
- Cloud Monitoring: Out-of-the-box dashboards. #27864, @papagian
- CloudWatch: Add support for AWS DirectConnect virtual interface metrics and add missing dimensions. #28008, @jgulick48
- CloudWatch: Adding support for Amazon ElastiCache Redis metrics. #28040, @jgulick48
- CloudWatch: Adding support for additional Amazon CloudFront metrics. #28069, @darrylsepeda
- CloudWatch: Re-implement authentication. #25548, @aknuds1,@patstrom
- Dashboard: Allow shortlink generation. #27409, @MisterSquishy
- Docker: OpenShift compatibility. #27813, @xlson
- Elasticsearch: Support multiple pipeline aggregations for a query. #27945, @simianhacker
- Explore: Allow shortlink generation. #28222, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Remove collapsing of visualisations. #27026, @ivanahuckova
- FieldColor: Adds new standard color option for color. #28039, @torkelo
- Gauge: Improve text sizing and support non threshold color modes. #28256, @torkelo
- NamedColors: Named colors refactors. #28235, @torkelo
- Panel Inspect: Allow CSV download for Excel. #27284, @tomdaly
- Prometheus: Add time range parameters to labels API. #27548, @kakkoyun
- Snapshots: Store dashboard data encrypted in the database. #28129, @wbrowne
- Table: New cell hover behavior and image cell display mode. #27669, @torkelo
- Timezones: Include IANA timezone canonical name in TimeZoneInfo. #27591, @dprokop
- Tracing: Add Tempo data source. #28204, @aocenas
- Transformations: Add Concatenate fields transformer. #28237, @ryantxu
- Transformations: improve the reduce transformer. #27875, @ryantxu
- Users: Expire old user invites. #27361, @wbrowne
- Variables: Adds loading state and indicators. #27917, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Adds support for key/value mapping in Custom variable. #27829, @sartaj10
- grafana/toolkit: expose Jest maxWorkers arg for plugin test & build tasks. #27724, @domasx2
Bug fixes
- Azure Analytics: FormatAs Time series groups bool columns wrong. #27713
- Azure: Fixes cancellation of requests with different Azure sources. #28180, @hugohaggmark
- BackendSrv: Reloads page instead of redirect on Unauthorized Error. #28276, @hugohaggmark
- Dashboard: Do not allow users without edit permission to a folder to see new dashboard page. #28249, @torkelo
- Dashboard: Fixed issue accessing horizontal table scrollbar when placed at bottom of dashboard. #28250, @torkelo
- DataProxy: Add additional settings for dataproxy to help with network proxy timeouts. #27841, @kahinton
- Database: Adds new indices to alert_notification_state and alert_rule_tag tables. #28166, @KarineValenca
- Explore: Fix showing of Prometheus data in Query inspector. #28128, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: Show results of Prometheus instant queries in formatted table. #27767, @ivanahuckova
- Graph: Prevent legend from overflowing container. #28254, @jackw
- OAuth: Fix token refresh failure when custom SSL settings are configured for OAuth provider. #27523, @billoley
- Plugins: Let descendant plugins inherit their root’s signature. #27970, @aknuds1
- Runtime: Fix handling of short-lived background services. #28025, @ahlaw
- TemplateSrv: Fix interpolating strings with object variables. #28171, @torkelo
- Variables: Fixes so constants set from url get completed state. #28257, @hugohaggmark
- Variables: Prevent adhoc filters from crashing when they are not loaded properly. #28226, @mckn